in PVP, anything is legal. That's just the way it is.
The only thing I would agree with would be your listing of appropriate level ranges to attack (in a tavern brawl).
in PVP, anything is legal. That's just the way it is.
The only thing I would agree with would be your listing of appropriate level ranges to attack (in a tavern brawl).
Proud member of Renowned, Thelanis server.
Lmao stop wasting your time bud, there are no rules not to mention its just a caster **** fest
Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
Proud Member of Ascent
Arko Highstar
Arckos Highstar
Dude, you're totally awesome because you run Epics that you even own the content for.
Oh, and nice necro.
lol, i did this once. was changing enchancements and wanted to see what the differences were. had a melee that was willing to let me cast certain spells on him to see what the damage results were before and after the enhancement changes. another player came down and kept killing me even after i explained that i was testing stuff. he would not stop and stated since i was in the pvp i was fair game. so i changed toons and came back on my higher caster and flesh to stone him. then set there and watched him whine about being stoned. did this to him six times in a row since he killed me six times in a row.
Bard songs:
Of course, I mean, what else do bards really have?
Manyshot and Slaying Arrows:
Slaying Arrows: Yes
Manyshot: No
So bards can be bard but rangers can be rangers. how funny. sounds like you die a few times with manyshot
You just hit what people could and couldn't use. So I'll hit what he didn't hit
ok so your standing outside the pvp arena watching. then somebody sends you a tell: "I challenge you in the tavern"
you say ok. Heres when you guys Bow to eachother in respect then say good luck(if you don't want to be an ass). then you guys head on into the tavern(alerting everyone in the tavern you two are dueling and no one should attack, and that it is suggested they step out and watch). you guys start at opposite side(but not to where your hugging a wall), then if someone wants to(whos not dueling), they can say: 3, 2, 1, FIGHT. or just between you two say: go.
you guys fight. you lose/win. then have some overpowered spell caster will 1 hit kill the winner so if you guys re-duel, you both have to heal at the same time. then you guys heal up. and everybody in the tavern can go back to PVP
btw my guild is recruiting and we love to PVP against other guilds. :P
Epic fail
There are no rules in PvP. Don't attempt to force your views upon others because you can't live/survive in PvP.
Note that these "rules of pvp" threads have been done numerous times before and been shot down every single time. Searching would have found most of them. Therefore I can only assume you are trolling and award you with a -1 rep.
Have a good day.
Didn't they nerf that in pvp? I haven't been affected by casters using it in a long time.
The challenger must be within 4 levels of his opponent, only challenges with people of levels under that can be made with someone more then 4 levels under you who have challenged you, you may not challenge them.
I tend to challenge people level 17+, with me being a whee little level 13. Nine times out of ten I win. Am I breaking da rulez?
Oh, so that level 13 paladin and 14 wizard shouldn't have double-teamed my wizard when he was level 10? No worries, then, because they're dead now. What about those two level 20's that kept coming after me when I was 13? No worries because, again, they're dead now.Double Teaming:
Double teaming is genrally not accepted unless the two challengers added up level is within the level range of the opponent (see Level) such as level 9 + level 8 can attack a level 13,14,15,16,17,18,19, or 20.
I think they should fix it so that casters can use charm and dominate spells. FoD (with deathblock items being as low as min level 6) will be the least of your worries.Spells:
Please casters, dont use these,
Power Word Stun
Finger Of Death
Ottos Irresistable Dance
Wizard Past Life Ability
Eladers Electric Surge
Niacs Biting Cold
But it's so much fun to melf a ledge-hopper and watch them die after they've left combat.Ledge Hopping:
ummmmmm... no
I accept trip for that reason, but if you stun me, I will power word you back. How else am I going to get those crazy melee?Trip and Stun:
These are perfectly legal, how else will people get those hoppy casters?
Nothing, really. A bard managed to keep my paladin fascinated for about twenty minutes, but he couldn't do anything else. Once I broke free I killed him about five times while he was singing and left.Bard songs:
Of course, I mean, what else do bards really have?
You know, I personally find the sorcerers' Icy Prison and such more frightening. Manyshot? Drop down out of sight for twenty seconds. Whoopee.Manyshot and Slaying Arrows:
Slaying Arrows: Yes
Manyshot: No
Personally, I like pvp for the fact that it actually combines build strength with skill. As a caster, I suck versus capped rangers shooting slaying arrows four at a time. I don't tell them to not use it. In fact, I wait for their cooldown on manyshot before fighting them again. Why? Because it's a challenge.
Overcoming your weaknesses in order to defeat your opponent. I know, an old-fashioned concept, but hey, I find more satisfaction killing capped rangers, sorcerers, and wizards on my level 13 than I do challenging casters to a melee fight on my own melee.
PvP rules? Make your own for your own private battles. Leave the rest of us out of your own nerfed version of a nerfed PvP arena. I don't care to remove skill from the list of PvP necessities.
The brawling pit isn't real PvP anyways its a no rules free for all (except the casters dont even get to use all there spells pfft) , there are other areas that can accomodate actual PvP but those dont seem to get used much meh.
Rule 1: Never bring a knife to a gun fight.
Rule 2: There are no rules.
Now Diving in Lava, with the Lava Divers.
AKA, Cb,Cg,Cj,Cl,Co,Cp,Cq,Cr,Cs,Ct,Cw,Cx,Cz and...Edvard. All the other C's were taken.
Something tells me that somone aint too good at this
Short story- I was in the lobster on my cleric when he was 19, I was hitting this fvs- and he was hitting me- with melee weapons. (I was, to be honest, holding scrolls of heal) when my Corrosive Salt and Disintegration Guard both went off in succession- dude died. He rez'd and a couple of rapid deaths later i was fleeing the tavern.
On a serious note (if anything in pvp is serious), if we want some organization to the lobster, rules wont work.
An honor code might.
We ought'a keep a reign on the FoD'ing the lesser lvls! We ought'a see the wrongness in Heat Death (what wrongness? lol ok, but only once in a while)! We ought'a realize it is wrong to Command the lvl 3s! *Bows head in shame* Lastly, we ought'a keep a reign on the Flesh to Stone'ing of the melees! (At least hold it in until they manage to get off a kill, then ya can make his life hell)
Threalm (Clonk) | Thrawler (Dark Monk) | Mersi (Arcane Archer) | Duhsty (KotC)
"And the Cats in the Cradle and the Silver Spoon,
Little Boy Blue and the Man on the Moon"
Zunez 40 WF Wiz ~Archmage~Alkirie 40 WF FVS ~Angel of Vengeance~Zoonez 40 Human FVS ~Evoker AoV~
rule number 1 "never talk about fightclub"
i find myself and others saying "glad im not paying for this ****" vip from ftp beta till 10.9.2012 fix it...fix it Now!
Bradt: 19bard/1fighter| thedungeons: 17clr/2sorc/1wiz
recifitraa: 20 artificer | nasuadax 12 pal/6monk/2rog