Title says it all.
Interested aswell? PM me and well have a talk
Title says it all.
Interested aswell? PM me and well have a talk
A rule of thumb I use is to price it at the number of dragonshard fragments it consists of.
Sold one for 1.5 milion plat bout a month ago.
No clue why anyone would pay that amount, but hey, he/she did
Yes, it seems that your are all correct.
Anyhoo, if your are to be interested in this precious stone, send me an PM. I'm not intending to put my prices up in the millions..
whilest we are on the subject, can anyone enlighten me why this here stone is so precious? in 2.5 years of play i haven't found any use for it myself
Thelanis/Anndii 18 FvS Evoker - Ferrocious 20 Sorcerer
Sarlona/Pherrocious TR Artificer in progress - Heborric 20 Rogue -Aparal 20 FvS
aaaahhh. that's why...
Good thing i usually figure my char out weeks before i start it