For all that is holy, sacred, flying spaghetti monster meatballed, what in the world are those crazy ass "moms" thinking??
I just saw a highlights reel and was absolutely horrified.
I'm not even sure where to begin.
For all that is holy, sacred, flying spaghetti monster meatballed, what in the world are those crazy ass "moms" thinking??
I just saw a highlights reel and was absolutely horrified.
I'm not even sure where to begin.
TR'd: Mty | Mtp | Mts | Mtc | Mtn | Mtz
Others: Mtf | Mtx | Mtb | Mtd | Mth | Mtk
Proud officer of Elite Raiders
They are the physical 'avatar' of what being on "Khyber" means. ... Or it is what I would say but they have WAYYY too much drama that can't be contained here.
Kids menu discount on botox and collagen injections for everyone under 7!
yeah... some people are wacked...
I just wonder how many of those kids grow up to have serious problems later on....
(Say): Haywire says, '"Hey, I don't come into yer home and play with things."'
Toddlers and Tiaras
The place where child molesters are born.
Khyber: Verochka, Stasya, Nasryn, Samaoa, Valadhel; Founding member of Cookie Party
Cannith: Fairrow
Thelanis: Valadhel
I can't stand that show. The moms are insane, the kids look like dolls and the attitudes of both are very spoiled and they act like the world owes them everything. It's sickening that the pageants exist, and even more sickening that the moms put their children through them to live out their own dreams. Creeps me the hell out.
Duvessah-23TR Sr/Sr, Zephyyrus-26TR Cl/3xWz/Cl, Hasbigcrits-21 Ftr, Sneekin-22 Rogue
Quina-17TR Expl/Wiz-Rog, Demeres-25TR Clg/Clg, Kissin-23TR Cl/Arti, Ziggee-4TR Bard,
Eyshe-22 Favored Soul, Menddin-22 FVS, Zodagh-25 Barbarian, Teagon-11 Druid
Groemph-17 shortbus build, Karevia-9 Wiz, Yysooomany-17 Pali >> Officer-The Ashen
I've seen the sequel to Toddlers and's called "My Sweet 16".
Nothing but rich princesses, with serious daddy issues, crying about how horrible their lives are because their $60000 birthday party only had 3 Major Bands, 32 rare Unicorns and a 15 course meal, while their friend Muffy's party, had 4 Major Bands, 32 Rare Unicorns ridden by Leprechauns and a 15 coure meal served exclusivley by Oompha Loomphas singing "Gold Digger'.
<FOOT STOMP> "Daddy, it's not fair!! I HATE YOU!!!". <DRAMATIC SOB INTO THE CAMERA> lost a little there. Morale of the story: Putting your daughters into Pageants = The Spawning of All That is Evil.
The USA is judged by shows like this, and Jersey Shore (yeah, we have that **** here now too, thanks so much for that, please open the suspicious looking package thats on your doorstep, creators and watchers of that show)
Whats next 'Pimp My Daughter' ?
My demands are simple. Ducks, penguins and tortoises as pets. I'll buy hats and bow-ties for them all.
I didn't know what this was about until I googled it.....oh my word...
Whitehawk? why judge all the USA because of those two mind numbingly dumb shows? You have to know those people arent the norm..thats why they show'em.
I wish anybody who believes THAT is the USA would spend time here..not on the Jersey shore but out here in "Fly over country" you might find some down to earth folks..some may even be likable.
That was a great movie!
Child beauty pageants, on the other hand, not so much.
Next thing you know, people will be teaching their toddlers pole-dancing.
Oh, wait, they already are.
"And you ate an apple, and I ate a pear,
From a dozen of each we had bought somewhere;
And the sky went wan, and the wind came cold,
And the sun rose dripping, a bucketful of gold. " - Millay
Saw a picture on a magazine advertising that show when i was at a walgreens yesterday, vomited a little in my mouth too.
Necalli (spellsinger), Boofy (warchanter), Bowlcrusher (retired enchanter), Krunchface (barb), Tlilectic (Arti) - ITS HUGE SON (R.I.P.) - Cannith Server,
sounds like it's time for another Mr. Khyber event, and yes... I'll be on time this time!
Khyber - Nuic (TR), Zapn (TR), Alixer, Nuiq