Recently a friend suggested I try an Indie Game on Xbox Live (somewhere I normally dare not tread) It is called "Chuluthu Saves the World" and it's a wacky RPG that very much reminds me of earthbound.
I haven't beaten it yet but since I've downloaded it I haven't stopped playing beyond checking e-mail, eating,etc. and that doesnt happen very often anymore I usually only play video games for 2-3 hours at a time than go paint or something (Note: Elder Scrolls game are one of the exception to this rule as well)
Now I ask you what gems have you recently discovered whether its a newish game that's not so known on the DS, PSP, PC, Wiiware, Xbox Live,etc. or even some older stuff that you recently picked up at a flea market or something. This includes Fan Games/Remakes, RPG Maker Stuff etc.