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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default 2nd life archmage necro/conj

    Here is another attempt at 2nd life necro/conj archmage

    Notes on this build:

    This is the "leveling" build because I wanted to get the web SLA as soon as I could. At 20 I'm going to swap enhancements to take necro as my primary mastery and conj as 2ndary mastery. This will increase the DC on the instakills by 1. Also unless I get some epic wands to play with I would be swapping the 2nd and 3rd tier wand and scroll mastery points into cold potency enhancements.

    The build has no toughness but at level 20 with 20 starting con I would get 300 hp with my 45 greensteel, greater false life, and +6 con item. If I feel like I need toughness there is room to swap the enhancement focus and hypnotism SLA for the feat and hp enhancement.

    Archmage feats are tight but I think this build plays to the strengths of the PrC. The toon would throw heightened, quickened web and stinking cloud everywhere while popping off max DC instakills whenever the cooldowns were available. Against non-threatening targets there are plenty of SLAs to do relatively mana free damage and against boss mobs there are options in both the fire and acid line with the damage lines giving synergies to meteor swarm and burning blood and overlapping acid rain/firewall. I'm slightly worried about not having enough ap to put into efficiency enhancements for the metas. I'm hoping that since I'm mostly relying on SLAs that will leave points for the occasional maximized firewall or acid rain when they are needed.

    I don't have a wizard but I do have the sorc I'm planning to TR so this is all theorycraft. Please let me know if I overlooked anything.

    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.9.1
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Level 20 True Neutral Warforged Male
    (20 Wizard) 
    Hit Points: 200
    Spell Points: 1601 
    BAB: 10\10\15\20
    Fortitude: 11
    Reflex: 5
    Will: 10
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
    (34 Point)       (Level 1)             (Level 20)
    Strength             10                    10
    Dexterity             8                     8
    Constitution         20                    20
    Intelligence         18                    28
    Wisdom                6                     6
    Charisma              6                     6
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Skills         Modified Skills
    Skills           (Level 1)            (Level 20)
    Balance              -1                    -1
    Bluff                -2                    -2
    Concentration         5                     8
    Diplomacy            -2                    -2
    Disable Device        n/a                   n/a
    Haggle               -2                    -2
    Heal                 -2                    -2
    Hide                 -1                    -1
    Intimidate           -2                    -2
    Jump                  0                     0
    Listen               -2                    -2
    Move Silently        -1                    -1
    Open Lock            n/a                   n/a
    Perform              n/a                   n/a
    Repair                4                     9
    Search                4                     9
    Spot                 -2                    -2
    Swim                  0                     0
    Tumble               n/a                   n/a
    Use Magic Device     n/a                   n/a
    Level 1 (Wizard)
    Feat: (Selected) Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration
    Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Sorcerer
    Feat: (Wizard Bonus) Spell Focus: Conjuration
    Level 2 (Wizard)
    Level 3 (Wizard)
    Feat: (Selected) Past Life: Arcane Prodigy
    Level 4 (Wizard)
    Level 5 (Wizard)
    Feat: (Wizard Bonus) Mental Toughness
    Level 6 (Wizard)
    Feat: (Selected) Spell Focus: Evocation
    Enhancement: Improved Concentration I
    Enhancement: Improved Concentration II
    Enhancement: Acid Manipulation I
    Enhancement: Frost Manipulation I
    Enhancement: Storm Manipulation I
    Enhancement: Flame Manipulation I
    Enhancement: Force Manipulation I
    Enhancement: Wizard Energy of the Scholar I
    Enhancement: Wizard Energy of the Scholar II
    Enhancement: Wizard Intelligence I
    Enhancement: Wizard Wand and Scroll Mastery I
    Enhancement: Warforged Healer's Friend I
    Enhancement: Warforged Inscribed Armor I
    Enhancement: Wizard Archmage I
    Enhancement: Conjuration I - Grease
    Enhancement: Evocation I - Magic Missle
    Level 7 (Wizard)
    Level 8 (Wizard)
    Level 9 (Wizard)
    Feat: (Selected) Heighten Spell
    Enhancement: Wizard Intelligence II
    Enhancement: Wizard Wand and Scroll Mastery II
    Enhancement: Wizard Wand and Scroll Mastery III
    Enhancement: Arcane Bolt
    Enhancement: Wizard Archmage II
    Enhancement: Archmage Spell Mastery I: Conjuration
    Enhancement: Conjuration II - Web
    Level 10 (Wizard)
    Feat: (Wizard Bonus) Quicken Spell
    Level 11 (Wizard)
    Level 12 (Wizard)
    Feat: (Selected) Maximize Spell
    Enhancement: Improved Concentration III
    Enhancement: Wizard Energy of the Scholar III
    Enhancement: Wizard Intelligence III
    Enhancement: Wizard Archmage III
    Enhancement: Conjuration III - Stinking Cloud
    Level 13 (Wizard)
    Level 14 (Wizard)
    Level 15 (Wizard)
    Feat: (Selected) Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy
    Feat: (Wizard Bonus) Spell Focus: Necromancy
    Enhancement: Kinetic Spellcasting I
    Enhancement: Deadly Kinetics I
    Enhancement: Force Manipulation II
    Enhancement: Force Manipulation III
    Enhancement: Force Manipulation IV
    Enhancement: Force Manipulation V
    Enhancement: Force Manipulation VI
    Enhancement: Force Manipulation VII
    Enhancement: Arcane Blast
    Enhancement: Wizard Archmage IV
    Enhancement: Archmage Secondary Spell Mastery I: Necromancy
    Enhancement: Archmage Spell Mastery II: Conjuration
    Enhancement: Necromancy I - Chill Touch
    Level 16 (Wizard)
    Level 17 (Wizard)
    Level 18 (Wizard)
    Feat: (Selected) Spell Penetration
    Enhancement: Kinetic Spellcasting II
    Enhancement: Kinetic Spellcasting III
    Level 19 (Wizard)
    Level 20 (Wizard)
    Feat: (Wizard Bonus) Spell Focus: Enchantment
    Enhancement: Wizard Master of Magic
    Enhancement: Kinetic Spellcasting IV
    Enhancement: Kinetic Spellcasting V
    Enhancement: Acid Manipulation II
    Enhancement: Acid Manipulation III
    Enhancement: Acid Manipulation IV
    Enhancement: Acid Manipulation V
    Enhancement: Acid Manipulation VI
    Enhancement: Flame Manipulation II
    Enhancement: Flame Manipulation III
    Enhancement: Flame Manipulation IV
    Enhancement: Flame Manipulation V
    Enhancement: Flame Manipulation VI
    Enhancement: Flame Manipulation VII
    Enhancement: Wizard Spell Penetration I
    Enhancement: Enchantment I - Hypnotism

  2. #2
    Community Member Fattiest's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Bump, Im looking to do the same so some input on the Necro/Conj would be nice.
    Archangels - RIP Xoriat
    Fattiest - Lardarss - XiiGage - WarDrumm - Mongler - Constabull - Chalus - Lootbank

  3. #3
    Community Member MeatSheild's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    I'm not sure what you plan on doing with this build, but if your plan is to just tr real fast you might want to pick up a rogue lv or two (+15% xp is yummy). As I understand it, you took the evoction focus feat to help while lving. Is a feat swap part of the plan (or a lesser to get rid of the rogue lv/s too)? If so might I suggest Insightful reflexes it helps alot. Personaly, I would drop one of the conj focus, and the evo focus then pick up toughness and Insightful reflexes, and run as undead, but I have an epic docent of the diabolist (+3 conj focus item ftw). I love playing my necrowiz 500+hp and now that the blasts dont destroy the web soloing epics and trying see how much sp I can keep to the end (cheap CC and almost free dps with insta-kills just a button away) is just a blast. Overall though I'd say your build looks good. I have been tossing around the idea of tr'ing my wiz as well was thinking about the dwarf. Same con as the WF but not stuck with docents (shroud of the abbot) the down side is the self healing bit or lack there of.

  4. #4
    Community Member Doxmaster's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by MeatSheild View Post
    I'm not sure what you plan on doing with this build, but...
    I'm not exactly sure what's going on here, so I'll just keep walking.
    Anyway, if you could provide an initial and final feat list so we know what you are taking as you level and what you plan for the final build to be, that would be lovely.

    If memory serves, Sinking cloud causes ALL beings in it to suffer a miss chance, so you'll have the enemies CC'd, but your allies wont be able to hit them without True Seeing. I'll check on this the next time I'm online.

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