Currently taking order of any unbound shard at the current cap, include but not limited to:
Blood Rage(min lv 5, PP3, prefix)
Detect Secret Door (perma effect, min lv 3, PP2, suffix)
Lesser Vampirism(min lv 5, PP3, suffix)
Superior Brilliance V(min level 9, PP5, prefix )
Life Shield(min lv 5, PP3, prefix)
Battle Skill (+2 attack roll on competence bonus, same as spectral glove, min level 5, PP3, suffix)
Feather Fall (perma effect, min level 1, PP1, prefix)
Thorn Guard (min level 3, PP2, prefix)
Good Luck+2 (min level 9, PP5, suffix)
Greater Necromancy / Evocation Focus / Conj / Enchantment (min level 11, PP6, prefix, or whatever spell school you prefer)
Efficient Empower Healing II (min level 3, PP2, prefix, -2 SP when doing Empower Healing)
Greater Healing Lore (min level 7, PP4, suffix )
+5 enhancement bonus (min level 9, PP5, nuff said)
+3 Natural Armor Bonus (min level 5, PP3, prefix, can applied on various item slot, such as ring, trinket, armor, bracer)
Protection +4 (min level 7, PP4, suffix)
Efficient Extend II (min level 3, PP2, prefix, -2 SP when doing Extend)
Improved False Life (min level 7, PP4, suffix)
Anarchic/Axiomatic Burst (min level 7, PP4)
Greater Parrying (min level 7, PP4, suffix, Add +2 Insight AC and +2 Insight Bonus on Saving Throw)
Superior Stability (min level 5, PP3, suffix, ~= +6 protection/resistance for true neutral character)
Ranged Alacrity 10% (min level 3, PP2, suffix)
Melee Alacrity 10% (min level 3, PP2, suffix)
Resistance +4 (min level 7, PP4, suffix)
Superior Combustion IV (min level 3, PP2, prefix)
Superior Devotion IV (min level 3, PP2, prefix)
+13 Skill Mod (intimidate/concentration/perform/balance...) (min level 11, PP6, suffix)
+6 INT/STR/DEX/WIS/INT/CHA (min level 11, PP6, prefix)
Regeneration (min level 5, PP3, suffix)
Sneak Attack +5 (min level 9, PP5, suffix)
Efficient Maximize II (min level 5, PP3, prefix, -4 SP when casting with Maximize)
Shard of Potential up to+15 (current cap)
*PP indicate Potential Power of each single shard. If you plan on using more than one shards on your item, the min level would be ( sum of potential power * 2 ) - 1 *
Beside individual shard crafting, I could also take order of crafted item customization.
Weapon could be
+4 / +5 (enhancement bonus),
Holy / Anarchic Burst / Axiomatic Burst / Bodyfeeder / Life Shield (prefix)
Evil Outsider Bane / Lawful Outsider Bane / Chaotic Outsider Bane / Greater Parrying / Lesser Vamprism (suffix).
Armor could be (and may applied to shield for many shard list below)
+4 / +5 (enhancement bonus, if not robe/outfit),
Twilight / Greater Twilight / Life Shield / Blood Rage / various Guard / +3 Natural Armor (prefix)
Superior Stability / Protection +4 / Reflex Save +5 / Resistance vs Enhancement +6 (suffix).
Trinket, it could be
Greater Necromancy (or Evocation, or any other spell shcool) Focus / +3 Natural Armor / Efficient Empower Healing II / Efficient Extend II / Efficient Maximize II (Prefix)
Good Luck +2 trinket (suffix)
** Note about trinket: I could make all those shards (+6/7/8/9/10/11 and Good Luck +2, Greater Spell Focus of your choice) but you need to prepare your own craftable trinket (either from chest, or from Risia Ice Game turn in, or from DDO Store which is Bound to Account version). This is due to the lack of tradeable-and-craftable trinket in DDO (at the current stage).
Normally I could accepts plat or enough amount of greater essence, or mix of them, unless something I really can't ignore :-) If you are interesting, please PM me, reply here, or send tell in game. ( I could be on Nonfaithness or Unlikelysong, plus my original characters)