Last night, 12 intrepid FvS entered the Shroud on Elite... and 11 came out Victorious!
(one had to leave after part 3 for dinner lol)
It was a great group, everything ran really smoothly.
Round 1 lasted no more than most pug runs on normal. Not one keeper appeared.
Round 2 there was a slight hiccup with the devil dying before everything was fully prepped. The second time around, though, Harry's Lieutenants graciously agreed to die all at the same time so we could move the raid forward.
Round 3 - meh, puzzles. Nothing exciting.
Round 4 - Harry dropped to about 95% in round one, and the Gnolls were quickly dispatched at the beginning fo round 2, and the last 5% dropped rather quickly.
ROund 5 - smooth as silk. Buffed, dropped the kobold and Harry was sent packing back to Shavarath!
The star bearer was Zealotry, who was calm, cool and collected in letting everybody know exactly what needed to be done. So thanks to all the Cannith FvS who joined in the party, and for letting me be part of such a fun run! Kudos to you all!
I only have a few screen shots of the experience report. While i think I could have gotten more, I didnt want to press my luck be be "that person" who screwed up. Maybe next time I will be able to grap a few more screen shots of the action.