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  1. #1
    Community Member Noopleh's Avatar
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    Default Need help with GRing a paladin!

    Hello all!

    My very first toon, Xcaltar, is a paladin! He is a fail at the time I didn't know what to do, i still dont ><, which leaves me with a broken, level 16, 28pts, Failadin!
    I have been thinking of GRing him into a 32pts and make him raid worthy!
    Now what I need help with is to how I should buy him and how?
    I would love to make him into a THF Khopesh paladin, main role being DPS, if needs be I can sacrifice my capstone to splash 4 levels of any other class for more survivability!
    So, a big help would be appreciated, telling me what starting base stats, feats, enhencements ect.

    - noop
    The Fight Club - Orien.
    Xcaltar: WF Barbarian 25

  2. #2
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    THF Khopesh... does not compute... does not compute...

    I'm no expert, but my understanding is that TWF pallies are one of the trickiest builds out there. On a first lifer, you might want to go with a more straightforward THF build so you can save a feat and not be so MAD. (16/8/16/10/8/16)

  3. #3
    Community Member Rubiconn's Avatar
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    First thing I suggest to anyone who will attempt a 28 pt pally is, build a fighter get 1750 favor and build a 32 pt. Use the fighter to learn to play with clickies and see which you prefer THF or TWF.
    Make sure you read the awesome guide below:

    Note sure how to make the linky work.

    I built a 28pt twf pally and it was very squishy, ground out a lot of stuff in shroud, beefed it up some and then the gods blessed me with the ability to TR. I couldnt wait, it was painful for everyone I ran with to carry me around the epics to grind the tokens. Lucky I had a capped wizzy who could hold his own in epics and got most of the tokens for heart.

    We rebuilt the pally, made it stronger, faster with greater technology and better knowledge of what I was doing. Its still not right and I will need the extra 2 build pts from TR'ing again but I may go a different class first to take advantage of pl feats.

    Make sure you read Junts guide it will help immensly.
    Enjoy yourself your time on earth is very short.

    All Kyber toons - Xirthax (Paladin) : Xirth (Wizard) : Xirthtrix (Fighter) : Xorthtrox(Monk)

  4. #4
    Founder & Build Synthesis Battlehawke's Avatar
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    Take a look at Junts guide. You will find what you want there. I can help you, but I need to know what race you want. Also, do you have a bunch of Khops already? 2HF would be better for point distribution. If you go 2HF as a Pally, you could go with the following Feats; Toughness, Improved Crit, Slashing, THF, ITHF, GTHF, Power Attack, Extend. If you go TWF you go: Toughness, Khopesh, TWF, IC Slashing, PA, ITWF, GTWF. You will nerd a +2 Dex tome and need 15 Dex, 14 con, and divide the rest between str and charisma.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Noopleh's Avatar
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    Sorry If I didn't make it clear.
    I want to turn my paladin a 28 pts into a 32 pts build! I already earned enough favor on him (2000 LOL!) and got most unlocked.

    And yep, I got a nice bunch of Khopesh already, some pure good, axiomatic, 2x The one from Lordsmarch end reward. The named one from sands too!

    Edit: D'oh! Sorry, i am a human, the race.
    Last edited by Noopleh; 06-21-2011 at 09:44 AM.
    The Fight Club - Orien.
    Xcaltar: WF Barbarian 25

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by battlehawk
    If you go TWF you go: Toughness, Khopesh, TWF, IC Slashing, PA, ITWF, GTWF. You will nerd a +2 Dex tome and need 15 Dex, 14 con, and divide the rest between str and charisma.

    Get that +2 Dex tome before you do it. Going 17 Dexterity is a serious stat investment for Pallies. If you munch a tome you'll be much better off. If nobody has mentioned it already leave wisdom at 8. Read Junts guide.
    Thorgred, Cavitycreep, Creeploaf, Creepingdoom of Thelanis. Member of C-L-A-W

  7. #7
    Community Member Claymorep's Avatar
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    About feats above nothing more to say more than Battlehawk expressed, only You have 1 more feat for humans as those indicated so suggestions are: extend (for a more easier to play pally), quicken (better if 2 handed), and maximize (good healing capability, but not exactly selfhealing as you need both quicken and maximize for this).

    About weapon nothing better (unless occasional weapons) than "holy sword" kopeshes till you have access to 2x lit2 (and good for hard elite raids anyway as I explain about levels below) unless You have some better casual generated or crafted (but don't think)

    You are 16 pally and want to go 2weapons, in this case I suggest 18 pally 2 ?, depends of what do you want:
    2 fighter for a tank and feats (in this case I suggest DOS so a different feat in build)
    2 monk for evasion and feats
    2 rogue for evasion, umd and a bit more damage

    clearly You lose pally capstone 3d6 on hit (and on gb if 2handed) and weapons of good (great advantage in endgame)

    Hope this can help

  8. #8
    Community Member Rogann's Avatar
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    I'd just tr into a diff class like barb or fighter, it can be hard to make a good paladin

  9. #9
    Founder & Build Synthesis Battlehawke's Avatar
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    It's not that hard Rogann. We pretty much told him the best route. He's read Junts tech. All he's got to do is make it happen. I have rwo lecel 20 Pallies and I love Playing both....
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  10. #10
    Community Member Rogann's Avatar
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    Pallys are gimp without esauce though..

  11. #11
    Community Member Claymorep's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rogann View Post
    Pallys are gimp without esauce though..
    Near of the same opinion but...
    as I love playing pallies (6 year that all my mains are pallies except a little conversion to dex rangy with wounding punturing along GH release) I can say that a well equipped and builded pally have no rivals in near anything. Just a little life of my pally:

    Did in solo (when I mean solo I mean without hireling) 4 shavarath quests elite (not in the sneaky way but killing all devils I encuntered, this is how I love to play a fiendslayer like my kotc pally). I'm preparing the 5th...
    Did in solo 2 epic quests (without cheats or bugs)

    What I can do (All ):
    Dps (near same of top dps builds vs externals: sometimes a bit more, sometimes a bit less depends on situations)
    Tank (tanked anything)
    Intimitank (a secondary role as I can hit only 69 intimi selfdone)
    Selfhealing (230-260 with a quickened csw) and sustained a 3 minutes crash of healer in epic devil assault with 3 barbarians
    Great survival capabilities (I don't fail a saving except with 1...) and near no need of evasion as firestorm are my primary item and fire shields casted when needed (I continue to dps and can sustain a epic fire dragon breath)
    Best solo capabilities for a DPS clearly (as I wrote up)

    Clearly I'm speaking from endgamer perspective, but a pally with top gear, well builded and well played is so wonderfull I can't play anymore normal nanny-need dps...

    A pally without "esauce" can be very effective anyway with a different build than mine (like p18/m2 2wf).

    I see a lot of wrongbuilded pally or not so effective builds, that's why all those that want to play a pally need to read carefully good Junt guide. A pally is a very hard way to start, but at the end a lot of satisfactions awaits

  12. #12
    Community Member Noopleh's Avatar
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    Thank you for all the help.

    I shall listen to Battlehawke advice. As soon as I get enough gold for a +2 DEX and as soon as I get my heart I will GR him.

    @Clay you need to understand I am not the kind of uber elite player, the time it will take me to achieve gear like you Clay will take me more then few month, so the input is not appreciated. Helpful would be something I can achieve and not something I can dream to achieve in few month.

    @Rogann if by esauce you mean Epic Sword of Shadows, read above.

    Battlehawke, when I GR the tomes come back and I already consumed some +2 Tomes, Can't remember which.
    The Fight Club - Orien.
    Xcaltar: WF Barbarian 25

  13. #13
    Founder & Build Synthesis Battlehawke's Avatar
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    Noopleh, yes, when you GR any tomes that you have used will remain. You Do Not lose them.
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