Episode 221 is here! Here's a LINK to the episode - just left-click to play, right-click and 'save as' to download as an mp3. You can find DDOcast on iTunes, the Zune Marketplace and Cyberears.com.
This week Sig and Anne go over the usual DDO Game News, Community News, Update 10, Crunchy Bits Live, and DDOCast Mail Bag! Its a Segment-tastic Episode!! OCD Gamer, Premium Perspective, Top 10, Epic Education, DDO Poetry Corner, and an interview with Lifting the Vail's Host, LittleWind. (PS: We're still working on the Speed Shroud Segment)
Today’s intro music was "Tribute to Gary Gygax" by Uncle Monsterface off their “This Is an Adventure!” 2008 album. Uncle Monsterface is a Sock Puppet Rock Band and Multimedia Extravaganza-thon-a-rama. You can find this song and many others on iTunes and on their website at www.unclemonsterface.com
PAX Prime 2011 (Seattle, WA) Roll Call!
Are you going to PAX Prime in Seattle this year? Let us know! We'd love to meet up with other DDO players! Email us at ddocast@gmail.com.
DDOcast Episode 221 (06-18-11)
0:49 Intro 2:12 DDO News & U10 Notes
05:43 Sponsor Break
07:35 Round Table: Druid Forms
09:50 Epic Education with Shamgar
23:59 Top 10 with Rheebus the Rogue
28:34 OCD Gamer with Ryz
35:37 DDO Poetry Corner with Skaggy the Poet
39:46 Premium Perspective with Ecgric
48:00 DDO Community News
52:47 Interview with LittleWind
1:12:14 What's New in DDO with Us
1:13:52 Crunchy Bits Live Q&A
1:23:15 General Gaming News
1:31:33 DDOcast Mail Bag
1:34:42 Closing
TOTAL TIME: 1:37:50
LINK for Release Notes Update 10 Official
LINK for DDO Store News
LINK for Druid Forms
LINK for BigBig5 Fan made DDO Wallpapers
LINK for DDO Compendium now has a crafter’s cookbook
LINK for “Crafting with Courtney” at MyDDO
LINK for Massively.Com is looking for guild screenshots
LINK for Eberron Chronicle
LINK for FourdyTwo is working on a Fighter101
LINK for DDO Cocktail Hour: Episode 53, Guild Drama
LINK for Turbine Announces “Rise of Isengard” for LotRO at E3
LINK for FREE RPG Day! June 18th Saturday all day!
LINK for Pottermore
LINK for "Harry Potter fans flock to JK Rowling's mysterious new website, Pottermore"
You can find DDOcast on Twitter, Facebook, iTunes, DDOcast RSS Feed, and UStream.
Hotline for Voicemail and Live Calls: (650)DDO-LICH or (650)336-5424
Email: ddocast@gmail.com
Website: http://www.ddocast.com
DDO Forum Names: Theris and Sigtrent
Sig and Anne