Mithral Breastplate of Invulnerability
(AC= 5) (Max Dex Bonus = 5)
(Invulnerability = Damage reduction of 5/Magic)
(Mithral = Lowers Arcane Spell Failure, and Armor Check Penalties)
(Medium Guild Augment Slot)
(MLVL to Equip = 1)
Just got through making it. Serious offers please. Be a nifty little armor to solo most of the harbor
and marketplace area's without taking damage (or very little damage). I'm always on the lookout
for Flawless Reds, Large Devil Scales, and the like. Will consider other offer's as well. You can PST
me in game tonight, or here on the forums. Thanks
In-Game names :
Carfula ///// Fannypack