Make offer and send info to mail in the game.
Make offer and send info to mail in the game.
Last edited by Zigfrit; 06-22-2011 at 07:34 PM. Reason: SOLD
A guildy Pm'd you in game and you told them that the current offer was 6FRDS + 6LDS +2mil plat.
What i would like to know is are you for real?
If that is really the current offer i would like to see the player making the bid post it so i know if i am wasting my time or if you are wasting my time.
Sorry about being blunt and i know the scroll is valuable but i and most players i have talked to agree it is not that valuable.
my offer is still up to date and it is : 6FRDS + 6LDS +2mil plat
OK! This confuses me! Don't know which it is tho! The fact you didn't jump on an insane offer like that, that some would really offer that, or the fact that you think someone might top it...
Maybe this is a new mystera in town! Watch out myst, looks like you have some new competition.
Scarletdalia Windwalker-Air Savant, Syngh Nswing-Ultimate DPS Bard, Kaehlan Amnell-TWF DPS Completionist-in-the-making , Bloodraynne-Human DPS Fvs, Stiel Kaege-WF THF DPS/Tank.
Leader-Obsidian Dragons, Cannith.
8 Frds + 5 Lds
Cannith: Stinko Asuraan Compiled Passing Nhines Peterfile Bhardaficer Sacrifices Splooosh~LiT
Sorry i wouldn't bid on this at all now and i mean even if the guy posted that it was a joke and wanted a sane price for it. I agree it is hard to believe that if the first offer was real that he didn't accept it as fast as he could because thats just an insane first bid.
eSoS is not THAT good. Would rather make 2 greensteel Lit2 Khopeshes for what that ONE SCROLL is going for AND do MORE damage to boot.
/// Sold ///
Thx for deal Clam
ps. Why i dont sell at 1st offer ?
That was my 1st offer on forum, and i dont know values of SOS Scroll.
See u next time when i find SOS Scroll![]()
Thing changed much since last time i was the "SoS Scroll seller" around here... i used to sell it at 5 FRDS but now things seems to be a bit much out of control. Will this become a new trend like the one of the Marilith Chain scroll? I hope not.
Guild Leader of "GODS - Guardians Of the Dragon Sanctuary" on Cannith --- My Characters: Zavarthak (20 Barbarian Frenzied/Ravager DPS - MAIN), Ryumajin (Warlock,), Leohands (Evocation FVS firstlife), Galvano (Paladin TWF). - If you like or find useful my posts, consider adding reputation.
He didn't get that much for it he just had to get out of this farce and i know this because my guildy told me that the amount he was told was actually 6FRDS 5LDSand 2mil plat so the clown with one post verified an incorrect amount because i got it wrong by one LDS.
Any bets that in the next few days a forum account with one post or a join date of this month advertises a scroll of the SoS for sale or trade?