carry your own remove curse pots, I've do this once I hit lvl 5. no excuse.
carry your own remove curse pots, I've do this once I hit lvl 5. no excuse.
It's pretty difficult for a non-AC fleshy to decurse themself with potions without losing aggro, unless other DPSers throttle their DPS.
Drinking a potion interrupts your attacks for a full second, and you get cursed once per 15 of Suulo's attacks (curse is on a confirmed crit by either claw, but not on the bite, 19-20, includes crits blocked by fortification).
That's ~1 curse per 15 seconds (Suulo swings around once a second), and most tanks lose aggro when they lose 7% of their DPS. If the tank has top-notch threat, they can deal with their own curses instead.
In runs with a 0 AC fleshy tank, my personal preference is to have an arcane or the tank's primary healer decurse the tank using the non-guild potions. In addition, if possible divines should have the ability to throw a quickened Remove Curse followed by a quickened Heal in an emergency.
Still, any number of approaches can work. The only constant is that DPSers are solely responsible for their own decursing.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
I use curse pots while tanking, but seeing as they have a cooldown, they're not going to save you if you get double or triple cursed. That's why healers should watch for the tanks curses too.
On my soul I may get your curse, but that is in doubt in VOD as I can't see you often. For 5 years now I have been getting my own curses.
in short take care of yourself a tank in vod that gets cursed should be able to handle that.
I have more than enough Hotkeys for my Spell casters you should be able to hotkey a pot
The cooldown is 6 seconds - if you are at half HP and cursed, and you drink a pot to clear it, and Suulo curses you again before you get a heal, you will die in that six seconds if noone else helps you. And it will not be your fault at all.
That doesn't even factor in the various bugs with drinking a potion while starting to move (potion doesn't take, but the cooldown is started).
One tip though - if you are 0AC tanking and you are in charge of your own curses, and you find yourself cursed and under 250hp, call out 'Stop attacking' in voice, actively block, and drink a potion while blocking. Suulo can't recurse you while you are actively blocking (even if you don't use a shield to block).
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
It's the cleric's (or someone else assigned to do so in the raid) primary responsibility to remove the curse(*), you can help out if you can, but you do so at the risk of loosing aggro to the other high DPS tanks. If clerics or other party members don't realize this, well, they will the second they spend 10x the resources when you keep loosing aggro. (Of course, then they'll blame you for loosing aggro ...)
A stack of regular remove curse pots (I carry these on my arcanes and any cleric could carry them) can be used to cheaply remove a curse on someone else just before you press the full heal button.
However, at the end, the really useful advice is: Get this sorted out before the raid. Explain that you loose a lot of DPS removing curses, and that even then the heals are not guaranteed to land (I drink a pot, I'm on pot cooldown for 6 seconds and I get re-cursed, vs someone removing the curse the same second they're casting heal). If they insist on you getting your own curses on a non AC tank, politely decline to tank unless you have a very good will save.
(*) Main tank only. Everyone else, get your own !(#& curses.
Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.
This. Occasionally I'll look up and notice, "Oh. Hey. SoandSo has a curse. Let me get rid of that."
More often though, i'm rarely paying attention to the screen in fights, i'm looking at those red bars, but the -ding- of a party chat will cause me to look down and say, "Oh...SoandSo needs a remove curse."
who's responsibility is it to remove a curse? whoever notices it who can do something about it who isn't doing something ABSOLUTELY VITAL right that second.
i carry pots and/or wands and/or the spell itself as appropriate on my every character. if my sorcerer isn't supposed to be nuking because the tank is getting agro, and i notice someone has a curse, you're darn right i'm gonna whip that remove curse wand. i'd rather they drink a pot (or have someone else hit them with an uncurse) and make me blow a charge on my wand double-uncursing them, than have them not get a rem curse at all and jeopardize the raid.
i tend to wait a few seconds to see if the curse has been noticed (sometimes, chaos of the fight, ya don't immediately realize it... especially with 12 bodies in one little pack... makes it tough to sort out WHO exactly is cursed) before i cast/wand...
everyone should have pots, ergo the main tank should have pots, but as others said, there's a cooldown, and there's a chance of losing agro... in a situation like that main healer for the main tank should be keeping an eye on it as a "just-in-case"
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You are responsible for your own curses, diseases, poisons, blindness, and other boo-boo's.
However, there are a few instances, like VoD/ToD, where the tank is positioned in such a way where noticing your curse is very difficult without some help. This is where that rare word, teamwork, comes into play. Many do not understand the difficulty in actually seeing the curse in those positions.
Take the high road OP. Carry pots and use them but also inform those healing you the difficulty in noticing the curse from where you are positioned.
I usually get my own when on an ac fleshy tank. When on a non ac tank the helaer usually needs to throw a curse removal then a heal to ensure im not cursed. Sometimes Ill remove my own if I notice the healer just removed one and im cursed again right away. On a wfd, I usually only remove my own when im getting mass healed ac or not.
BTW:sarlona subforum or no, the curse/removal works the same. It certainly wouldnt be the first time another server had a better technique then we do for doing something. I welcome other servers input![]()
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QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
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You are your own best healer and curse remover. The healers have a ton to do and a ton to watch. During a VoD raid, say if 5 toons get cursed at the same time, who should the healers get first?
I have been in there while seeing multiple players running around with curses, it was hard to notice when I got one myself.
You primary, healer secondary.
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You need me to remove your curse, scream at me. I am nowhere near observant enough to notice that you have a curse when I'm trying to stop 11 other people from dying, as well as attempting to avoid doing something really stupid myself. I have the spell, I have marketplace pots, I have a wand... what I don't have is twelve eyes. I'm willing to do it (for the tank only) but I might not notice that you need it done, is all I'm saying.
There was one occasion where a pug VoD I was in had a fleshy non-AC tank, and the party leader asked me (at the raid entrance) to be on curse removal duty with my assassin rogue. Clearly he thought that once I had disarmed the traps, I would be of no further use to the party. Unfortunately for him, the only curse pots I had were guild ones, and either I was doing it wrong or you can't use those on other people.
Maelyrra on Argonessen: Old-school MonkSoul (Elf Mnk2/FvS18/Epic 3)
Returning veteran ~ Casual player ~ Part-timer ~ Soloer
always get your own curses. whether you're tanking or not
yes it is nice if they throw a curse remove spell before hitting you with a heal if they notice you're cursed. but you should never expect it.
sadly the double and triple curses happen. . .and its even worse w hen it happens and its lagging
Community Member
It depends...
If you end up tanking because you drew the short straw or just happened to be best available option at the time, then the healers need to take care of you.
If your build is an actual tank; planned, built and geared to tank. Then you should take care of your own curses.
.: Reaper :.
Kongo - TR | Brolik - Warforged Ranger | Bonemender - Clerimonk | Torqata - Warforged Sorcerer | Fresco - Tempest III UMD | Ognok - Intimi Guard Tank
With the plethora of UMD melee toons around (not to mention the ability for most anyone to use a curse pot on someone else) is it really that hard to get someone/anyone to back off dps for a second to remove curse on the tank? Or does the testosterone level get too high for people to give up even a tiny portion of their oh-so-oober-dps in order to help the group? What's more important? that I as a secondary melee toon continue to put out max dps, while the main tank goes down, or I give up a few seconds of my dps to keep the raid going? Heck, even the casters who aren't on healing duty got no excuse.
It all starts with communication.
Last edited by krud; 06-19-2011 at 11:38 AM.
Ghallanda: Neatoelf15wiz/1rgr, Neetoelf17wiz, NeatoManhuman13rog/6pal/1mnk, NeatoHombrehuman12ftr/6pal/2rog, Kneetoedwarf17clr, Kneedoughdrow18clr/2mnk
Minimize expectations and you'll never be disappointed
Never assume somebody is going to get your curse for you, it is primarily your responsibility. If you are going to lose aggro in the time it takes you to drink a curse potion, then what do you think is going to happen if you get chained? You should not be hate tanking if you have such a small margin over the rest of the DPS.
That being said, those responsible for healing the tank should keep a stack of standard curse potions on their hotbar that they can use on others. If they see the tank get cursed when they are below 1/2 health, or right after another curse, they should throw a remove curse immediately followed by a heal. It is their responsibility to take care of the tank when they can't get their own curse, but not on a regular basis.
~ Cheara : Raizertron : Pozitron : Higgz Bowtron : Illudium : Staphe Infection : Abraa Capocus ~
Nooby McNoobsalot
Ghallanda Rerolled
It is a nice option to remove your own curses. It is a useful tactic to remove your own curses. But it is no one persons responsability to remove their own or other players curses. Unless some arrangement is made to do so.
Complaining without planning or making an arrangement is a waste of time.
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