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  1. #1
    Community Member rkazman's Avatar
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    Default Curse removal; whose responsibility?

    I was tanking a hard vod the other night on my human "samurai" build 12f/6p/2m and I was getting my own curses when I noticed, or when the cleric yelled at me But sometimes I was getting cursed right after another and I went down, and the raid kinda went down on a slow death. Now i know one of the advantages going wf is arcane healing (repairing) so curses aren't a big deal, but i kind of like my guy not like a big robot If i was just doing dps I would totally get my own curses. I guess I am wondering other people's opinion: if a fleshie is tanking, whose responsibility is it for getting curses?

  2. 06-19-2011, 02:11 AM

    off-topic/personal attacks

  3. #2
    Community Member bendover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rkazman View Post
    I was tanking a hard vod the other night on my human "samurai" build 12f/6p/2m and I was getting my own curses when I noticed, or when the cleric yelled at me But sometimes I was getting cursed right after another and I went down, and the raid kinda went down on a slow death. Now i know one of the advantages going wf is arcane healing (repairing) so curses aren't a big deal, but i kind of like my guy not like a big robot If i was just doing dps I would totally get my own curses. I guess I am wondering other people's opinion: if a fleshie is tanking, whose responsibility is it for getting curses?
    Primarily yours, secondary his.

  4. 06-19-2011, 02:25 AM

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  5. #3
    The Hatchery SisAmethyst's Avatar
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    Well, not from Sarlona but I would say if you notice your curse, try to get your own curse removed. In the second the Cleric need to remove your curse he can't throw in the same second a heal towards you. Both eat on the SP of the Cleric and that resource is limited. I think every Cleric will as well throw a 'remove curse' if necessary but I guess general notion I got till now was that you are main responsible to get rid of the curses no matter if you are tank or fighter.
    * We have collectable bags, mind you, even hireling folders, but can I have that 6-pack for my potions please?
    * Having already a past life on the dieng EU servers, I rerolled here and started from scratch as I like the game and the community, so lets see what awaits me here

  6. #4
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    Curses? Well, since Turbine, in it's 'infinite' wisdom, decided to put them on a timer I generally ignore them. In most cases they are nothing more than a minor annoyance anyway.
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  7. #5
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DMCain View Post
    Curses? Well, since Turbine, in it's 'infinite' wisdom, decided to put them on a timer I generally ignore them. In most cases they are nothing more than a minor annoyance anyway.
    Healing Curses, like the one in VoD, the raid the OP is talking about, have no timer.

  8. #6
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    As a tank it is your prime responsibility to keep the boss hitting you. As such all you should be worrying about is keeping agro. The healers should cure your curses.

    As a dps it is your own responsibility to cure your curses. If you own madstone boots or are going to be raging then buy the House K guild pots.

  9. #7
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDearLeader View Post
    Healing Curses, like the one in VoD, the raid the OP is talking about, have no timer.
    it's not like they'd need one. i don't think i've seen a ton of people who would survive 2 minutes of VoD with absolutely no incoming healing whatsoever.

    anyways, if you're tanking sully on a fleshy, imo you need to be able to last long enough that getting cursed twice in a row isn't a death sentence. whether you do that with hit points, AC, DR, or some other method (i hear the cloak of curses casts remove curse on you as a guard effect?) if you can't survive long enough to get through even a double cursing easily, do you really think you're going to have a successful raid with you as the tank?

    don't get me wrong, i've seen fleshy types tank sully, and do a great job of it. but they were prepared for it. from the sound of things, i'm going to guess that you weren't...

  10. #8
    Jedi Master Praya20's Avatar
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    Your responsibility and yours alone, its a VoD everyone SHOULD have pots.

    Although seeing as your fleshie is STILL your responsibility to ASK the healers to reove your curse IF they can (Some will NOT carry the spell for it coz its a drag on sp not needed?. But of course you still try to get your own on top of that.
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  11. 06-19-2011, 03:04 AM

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  12. #9
    Community Member whitehawk74's Avatar
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    As a cleric player, I will say that during a raid it can be very difficult to see when someone is cursed. Have a few pots to take care of it if the cleric doesn't respond. Do the same for Restoration.
    I dont know who is afflicted with what unless I focus on them and press Z. It takes too long most of the time so I tell people to type (not speak) whenever they need a special 'cure' of anything.
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  13. #10
    Jedi Master Praya20's Avatar
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    I answered a question on advice needed, playing on a differant server hardly makes the game any differant.
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  14. #11
    Community Member shadow_419's Avatar
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    Because healing curses are Sarlona specific...oh wait.

  15. #12
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Praya20 View Post
    I answered a question on advice needed, playing on a differant server hardly makes the game any differant.

    I hear some servers still heal through Abbot's Inferno, and call Velah's fire breath "snout", and go to Fire Base in EV6 first, and all sorts of other things that are unheard of on Sarlona.

    Curse removal is a rather simple tactic. Of course, the simplest things have the most ways of being done. Kinda like Koreans having a dozen different words for rice.

    Quote Originally Posted by shadow_419 View Post
    Because healing curses are Sarlona specific...oh wait.
    Refer to the above.

  16. #13
    Community Member shadow_419's Avatar
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    It's a forum, he gave his opinion. If the op doesn't want to give as much to weight to his opinion as someone from his own server, that's his prerogative. It doesn't however exclude him from posting because it's not his home server.

  17. #14
    Jedi Master Praya20's Avatar
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    So Sarlona don't use Curse pots huh?

    .../Removecurse isn't a valid action as of yet i afraid!

    Maybe the OP is on the wrong server so, but then again leaving Sarlona means he only gets to call it rice

    The advice was intended for the person who looked for it, if he decides to ignore it that is his choice, what you are doing sir is ruining his thread by trying to cause a pointless debate when you could easily start you own thread and discuss.

    To the OP, again, it is up to you to make sure you have support whether it comes from you or not.
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  18. 06-19-2011, 03:22 AM

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  19. #15
    Community Member altrocks's Avatar
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    It depends on the situation. I've seen Pally intimitanks shield block pre-U9 and almost never need to use a curse pot at all. Doubt that works anymore since the intimidate changes, though.

    What I like to do is, since the casters in the group aren't going to be econning a WF tank, they can grab Curse Removal pots or wands and do the curse removal for the tank, healers can keep healing and tank can keep DPS up. It's not a lot to ask to throw a remove curse pot on the tank in between stacking DoTs or putting up some CC, especially when there's no WF to recon.

    I dunno, maybe people do things differently on Sarlona, but on Khyber we like to work out who's doing what BEFORE we start the raid, not after we fail it.
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    Khyber: Alelric - Wiz 5 (Hero), Arayaleth - Ranger 20 AA (Champion), Altrocks - Cleric 20 Radiant Servant (Champion), Zinnix - Rogue 20 Assassin (Champion)

  20. #16
    Community Member barryman5000's Avatar
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    Just want to point out a bit of information that is often overlooked . . . .

    You can use normal curse removal pots, not the house k pots, to remove curses on party members when they are targeted. This makes it very easy for the healers to remove curse on anybody if they have a curse. I personally think that everyone should have a stack of 100 but sometimes you run low and if everyone bought their pots from marketplace instead of house K then we would have less problems with curses. You can trade these pots and use them on other people.

    Strangely house k pots can't be used on others. Anyhow, my healers keep extra of the marketplace pots and use those instead of wasting his sp and spell slots.

  21. #17
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by barryman5000 View Post
    Just want to point out a bit of information that is often overlooked . . . .

    You can use normal curse removal pots, not the house k pots, to remove curses on party members when they are targeted. This makes it very easy for the healers to remove curse on anybody if they have a curse. I personally think that everyone should have a stack of 100 but sometimes you run low and if everyone bought their pots from marketplace instead of house K then we would have less problems with curses. You can trade these pots and use them on other people.

    Strangely house k pots can't be used on others. Anyhow, my healers keep extra of the marketplace pots and use those instead of wasting his sp and spell slots.
    Such is true. And it's nice, because the normal pots can't be interrupted, such as a Cleric/Bard needing to make a concentration check on SP- or Scroll- based curse removal.

    Although I must say, it's kind of nice how the House K Pots work : like a real potion. You yourself drink it, rather than emulation a spellcasting. Hence, they can be used while Madstoned. Very nice. Bought myself a stack on my melees the day we hit guild level 20.

  22. #18
    Ninja Spy phillymiket's Avatar
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    I take care of my own curses when on a tank but on a healer watch out for curses on the tank as well. Non-tank curses i ignore on a healer. Not my job.
    I have had healers remove my curse when tanking before I can drink the pot so I suspect many healers do the same.
    Redundancy for curse removal seems to make a lot of sense for the tanks curse removal.

    What I do ask when I'm tanking is that people tell me when I'm cursed.

    I find, at least on Ghallanda, that it's hard for me in the corner with my back against a wall to always see that I'm cursed. Sarlona may be different.
    Yes, you can see it in the buff bar but I'm not always looking there.
    BONGO FURY - Ghallanda - Thingfish - Wizard, Diuni - Ninja, Gheale - Angel, Dullknife - Tank, Noodlefish - Gimp, Jaquaby - Treacherous and other gimps.

  23. #19
    Community Member JasonJi72's Avatar
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    As a healer, I never carry the spell, but I always carry wands. I will get to you if I have the time. If you are healing cursed, remove it immediately, because I will probably waste 3 heals on you before I realize you are cursed. If you are the main tank, you will probably die unless I have nothing to do but keep an eye on ya.

    As any other character, I would be embarrassed to ask for such a thing, since it would be a clear sign that I did not know how to play the game. Food for thought.

    EDIT: About the server thing... I play on every server. Does that count? I would consider Sarlona my secondary server.
    Last edited by JasonJi72; 06-19-2011 at 05:13 AM.
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  24. #20
    Community Member insaneuou's Avatar
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    As difficulty increases tank looses hp lil quickly, so sometimes tank doesnt have time to remove his own curse, healer or any other who sees it should step in. I still think on any difficulty tank shud remove his curse if he cud not in time other shud step in.

    Sainikudu lvl20 monk(2nd life) Drsainikudu lvl2 fvs (3rd life) Mittu lvl12/2 wiz/rogue (2nd life) sainz lvl14 AA Shakthi lvl11/1/1 rgr/mnk/rog soccerer lvl5 sorc.

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