The bags are one issue , just keep autocollect on for an ingredient bag and try rapidly buying 100 stacks of crafting dissolver .
Then when that finally catches up disable autocollect and do the same with the items going to inventory and note he huge time difference to complete.

CrAfting post hotfix has a new delay on recipes coming up as well when on first uses a machine.

Seems like server delays handling the actions.

I'd also like to note we seem to be talking at cross purposes.

There's client lags based on fps drops or spikiness. These seem tied to certain graphical effects, especially in activity concentrated encounters like raids.

Then there's server decides to forget to send you any traffic or responses leading to hard pauses or connection to chat server lost. This type may or may not be picked up by the games connection indicator claiming traffic going out but none coming back from server, though ingame browser and forums/ myddo/ store still work, you can't move or jump till the server catches up.

Third type is when the second is happening in a spike burst fashion.
You can run, but the server may send traffic disagreeing a fraction of a second later. Ie rubberbanding.
Or you may cast, the client will handle the sp loss, graphics and cooldown, but the server won't acknowledge the action. Then the clients locked you out of recasting til the cooldown is up.
May do this repeatedly, though it won't chew up your framerate, and won't give any clear indication of a problem aside from you knowing you are missing the result from your action.

Fourth type is server mob handling traffic lag.
Velah dead 30 seconds pass and everyone falls down Dead from a fire breath. The traffic indicating something happened either finally got to the clients or the server handled events out of order.
Things like multiple abbot inferno's at once, or a case of arraetrikos standing like a statue while people wail away, then everyone falling over dead from 20+ seconds of damage coming in at once.
Or dead mobs hitting you . Or wandering for five minutes through a quest with a trap by the entry like the graverobber In house j, only to fall down dead due to a force trap and have it come up in the log as killed by "something".

A further instance I'm not sure where to classify involves parties zoning into a quest and getting stuck as a group on the load screen, fully able to voice chat about the problem for 5-15 minutes while stuck.