i HAVE read, and re-read the posts. i really think you're off base.
i don't see anything much worse than i was raised with, and i wasn't raised in a cult. my parents were VERY strict. i would have been in trouble if i had decided to not go to church, or go to a different church than my parents.Originally Posted by wikipedia
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One must ask why does it make you uncomfortable. One must also ponder why they feel the need to apostatize.
Could it be that your beliefs and theirs do not coincide? Could they truly feel concern for the fate of what they understand to be your immortal soul?
Belief, in this case, is attempting to explain what is not currently known. Abandoning belief and accepting the unknown is the only path to knowledge. But that thought is really frightening to most people.
Oh I got the point. If her church tells her she can't read the bible herself then she is in a cult. But I hazard that that isn't really the case and my thinking was that as actual action she can take, reading the bible is one of the few she could do without raising the ire of her mother. That she is doing it while thinking critically doesn't have to be apparent to anyone.
gotta to kick at the darkness til it bleeds daylight - B. Cockburn
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I have left all of what you are calling "Belief" behind me, and I am trying to find out ,for myself, just what is going on.
I was only saying that when the other people started talking about their beliefs, I did not "let" them, and I have to do the same with you just to be fair.
Haven't read past the first page, not gonna
If she is a commited Christian, then you - a stated non-Christian - are hardly likely to be able to help her. Either she - or both of you if she feels comfortable - need to go speak to a reasonably moderate cleric of the appropriate denomination. Her mother is not the ultimate source of the morale guidance regarding the faith in question, the New Testament is. And like all religious texts it can be a bit tricksy, especially once you get past the Gospels. A pastor/vicar/priest is really who she needs to be speaking to about her faith, not you, and not her mother.
You could say almost the same thing about any belief system, doctrine or indeed scientific theory - at least when it comes to decisions about morality and how to live your life. I do not consider this post to be about religion, but about psychological wellbeing.
I hope this helps.
"would" is presumptuous - could go wrong yes. But there is also a distinct possibility that it will be perfectly fine.
Also I never said read it with someone else. My suggestion was merely to get her to take a first step in releasing herself from the described 'fears'. If she really has a problem she has to take a lead role in fixing it. Having someone else preach to her is no solution and thus I didn't propose that.
gotta to kick at the darkness til it bleeds daylight - B. Cockburn
Guild Leader - Order of the Silver Dragons
Mains Darlao Completionist Toogor Sorc TR7 Also Listarn Shadar Kai Rogue 20/8 - WhiskyTango CL28 TR4 - Toongor Bd28 TR2 - Sooey Dwarf ConBarb28 TR2 Pusshy -WizMo 18/ 2/8+9 More
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