Ahhh... the source of more wars and deaths than anything else man has started.
Personally I hope and pray (odd word I know) that there's nothing whatsoever after I pop my clogs (die). An eternity of
anything must get boring at some point. I think the closest we've got is the part during an operation between "Count to 10...." and ".....Welcome back, how do you feel?".
Having a gf who's also into questionable religious practices (avoiding a name on forum rule grounds, nothing dodgy

) I always try to point out the massive inconsistencies in every religion in existence (again being intentionally vague and none-specific) but to her belief is more important than fact so I kinda gave up long ago.
The only being in existence I/we can prove is ourselves so the most likely situation is that only I exist in all "creation" and you lot are all being dreamt up by me. With some people I know that's a hell of a scary thought but it takes all sorts, ya know!?
Now as far as the gf in the OP is concerned from vast personal experience I'd recommend what others have said and not try to force anything. From the sounds of it you're looking to maintain the relationship and making her choose between you and religion would probably come out badly for you. Therefore my suggestion if you're at the point that you're looking at choosing to split if nothing changes, try simply pointing out things that conflict with her beliefs without drawing any conclusions yourself. Allow her to do so if she's going to at all. As has been said if she's completely beyond any kind of logical questioning to allow this then I'd have to say you might be wasting your time. If there's enough of an issue for you, you may just want to think of calling it a day before things get more complicated.
Hope any/some of that helps, as has been said religion is a complicated setup and not all these various beliefs can be right, you can only show proof that argues with them and go from there.
Good luck either way!
Well in that case you need to pick between your happiness and hers, if you think you can cope with a gf who's in tears as often as you say then all power to you, I honestly don't think I could. You're likely to end up growing old alone as any body can only take so much of that kind of stress. There's something to say for thinking of your own needs and wants as well as others'.
P.S. If I may ask, (and feel free to decline to answer) but how old (approximately) are you both?