Alright, before I say anything about the actual topic I have to warn every christian person that in this topic, I will have to say a few things that are "Bad" according to your "God." So, unless you can keep an open mind, please close this window.
My girlfriend and I have one argument over and over all the time. Belief.
She was raised as a christian and is scared about everything because of it. She gets into tears every time she even kisses me due to her Fear of the christian god.
I am not an atheist, but I do not believe in any "God" at the moment. I am just trying to find out what really is happening and what will.
She (My gf) only believes in Christianity because she is afraid of what will happen to her if she doesn't. She becomes very sick at the though of said fear, and is even crying in bed as I type this.
I need some help. She only thinks like this because her mom drilled it into her head so much that she can even think to figure out what she needs in life other then this so called "God." She will not think for herself.
I need help teaching her how and why to think freely away from this type of belief. I hate that she is so scared of everything that is simply basic Humanity.
Please, I have no problem with any type of religion, belief, ect., but this has got to stop... she has just cried herself to sleep while "Praying"... Help me.