The heals were too slow. The mana pool was too shallow. The pots were too few.
Time to level up a melee for a change.
The heals were too slow. The mana pool was too shallow. The pots were too few.
Time to level up a melee for a change.
That's just brilliant -I lol'd
On the other hand, it's totally true. I've probably gotten Barkskin and Camo on more Shrouds than not, and I've even gotten the lovely Merfolk's Blessing and/or Waterbreathing before
Mass Invisibility is another useful one, don't forget it
Personally, I run all my Shrouds as PUGs (though often with a guildie or two or three or four) and generally expect a completion time of 40-45 minutes. That said, I almost always welcome newcomers and have a level range of 16-20, and allow even the most peculiar or crippled builds in (no jerks though. I've also found that Shroud PUGs set on Elite generally go much faster than typical runs; usually 30 minutes-ish, mostly because only people who know what they are doing try to run Elite (or perhaps group leaders are more selective about who they let in? Although I've been let into them and I'm not exactly geared).
All in all, though, the unpredictability of a PUG can sometimes make Shroud slightly more interesting, but I do wish that all the people who have ran it before would try to keep things moving along. Getting stuck in a 60 minute Shroud can be pretty demoralizing.
I just reread my little essay about life stages of The Shroud on MyDDO. I think it's still accurate.
LOL. Yay I'm an adult. except for the whats the big deal part about taking harry down. I run shroud now for ingredients to use as trade more than anything, and I just want it to be FAST every time hehe. There needs to be a stage where you have done it so many times you can literally feel the seconds of your life ticking away when some infant - > adolescent starts wasting your time.
Zaxza Sorc, Xexa FvS, Zaxa12/6/2 Fight/Rog, Xexasaurus Monk
A Tribe Called Zerg
put up your own group, take first 11 that hit the lfm.
make sure to include "SHROUD ZERG, keep up" in lfm.
do not wait for buffs, as soon as you fill throw haste clicky or drink a pot and hit talk to the lady: announce over voice and/or party that the portal is open, and you have 3 minutes to get in (plenty of time)
2 healers is twice as many for any shroud group; grab one healer and one random, hell even a good bard can solo heal a shroud. you dont need uber dps to one round harry.
no need for any class to shrine until just before part 4: maybe one of your casters who clear trash, but other than that, why shrine? part 1 you're mindlessly beating portals, part 2 you're doing stuff, part 3 no need for spellpoints or haste boosts whatsoever. MAYBE the healer shrines and hangs out by the fountain.
biggest time-cutter in shroud? bring yer own **** buffs. dont wait for them, dont give them out unless someone explicitly asks for them. just rush into the next part and expect people to follow you and know what to do.
part 5, throw a ddoor when harry's at about 20%, tell people leaving to "leave now, because not waiting to hit shrine". they'll leave. 20% gives them enough time to hit a ddoor or at least state that they're leaving.
i dont play in cannith, but i experienced slow shroud pugs in ghallanda, found out that people generally know what they're doing when put into a situation where they're FORCED to zerg, and a 'first 11 to hit the lfm' shroud pug can complete with one healer in under 25 minutes.
i have yet to spend 30 minutes in a shroud since i stopped hitting lfm's and started posting my own (even if there's one already up).
as teh party leader, YOU create the climate in your group. show confidence and be aggressive, and your party will follow. you'd be surprised.(it's called a 'raid', nothing says 'raid' like crawling through and being overly safe.)
the more inexperienced players will stray away from the 'ZERG, keep up' message in the lfm and wait for the next.
Just sayin last shroud i ran had 2 fvs and a cleric 17/ something mix and im the rude one when i ask why the heck are we saving someone going into part 5 so they can dance in the puddles to top off their mana bars just made me sick when i would solo heal i refused to go near a puddle and would still on average have over 1-1.2ish k mana left I totally agree with Xexa please have some consideration and stop wasting our time.