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  1. #1
    Community Member seobanio's Avatar
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    Dec 2009

    Default PSA: Pug shrouds on Cannith should be better

    Hmmm wish I could change title. getting over the PSAs. Oh, well.

    Decided to edit what I think based on feedback. I'm sure no one cares, but I'm at work so... of course this is best use of my time.

    This is a thread about things I think should be done in PUG shrouds to speed up completion times, show respect for your group-mates, and to have a good time. The previous iteration of this post was more annoyed-xexa wishing that PUGS were not only better but more like guild raids. This iteration is less ranty and more thoughtful about things every group could do to make Pugging shroud a better experience for all.

    In general Cannith is a great server and has fun people to group with. But I think sometimes people lack respect for others time. I'm not complaining about lack of beaters, hp, fort, skill, or whatever. I think the majority of shroud flagged people on the server are fine, do good enough dps, etc.

    A laundry list of things to consider:

    1. Completion time. The thing to understand about completion time is that if you care about the game you will probably do shroud A LOT. Whereas you start out with those 20 completions in mind, you will soon get to the point where your shroud completions can be measured by the hundreds, instead of by 20 at a time. So while the game is a great social experience, and shroud is a great place to meet like-minded new friends, a little bit of understanding that many just want to get in and get out of shroud is nice. At the same time understanding that there are new players, who may not be as geared or as knowledgeable but are probably willing to learn is good on the part of shroud veterans.

    2. Buffs. Bring your own. Even if people are going to pass them out, it is just common courtesy to carry poison pots and resist fire 20 pots. I think part of this is knowing the capability of your toon. If no one hands out gh, but your toon has evasion and low hp or will have trouble hitting, asking for one is a good idea. But if you aren't squishy, and aren't going to have trouble hitting, why ask for it? You can (and should) get a gh clickie. The amrath neckie is easy to come by if you have the pack and there is also the planar gird that is ML:9 from xorian cypher which is F2P. Also, another note that Braegan reminded me of: people with sp they have but don't really use should be the ones to do buffing, e.g. rangers and paladins.

    2.5 Barkskin. Barkskin is not a useful spell in shroud (or anywhere really, but thats a rant thread for another day.) It does however make everyone's toon ugly, which is why i especially hate this buff. LOL I can see much barkskin coming my way in future.

    3. Going through the portal. Really, this one should be called not going through the portal. With the caveat that you should know shroud well enough to know whats going on before doing this: You too CAN hit the altar, and be the first one through portal. It is okay, just be aware of what is going on around you. One problem I see is everything is done and people just stand around for awhile.

    3.5 Shards. Shards take a very long time in a lot of PUGS. An approach I have seen often is this, say in chat/mic w/e: Shard roll d100. Wait 30 seconds. Either pass or loot unless people are asking you to wait or you have some indication that you should be waiting longer. Mainly because people who want shards are usually paying attention at chest time, and if they aren't then your chat has already reminded them, so if they don't roll or say something, just loot and move on.

    4 Puzzles. I don't think it matters if you don't know how to solve the puzzles, just use solver. My strategy on the circle puzzle for example is to run around on it for awhile till it is solved. Then, if it isn't solved, I pull up the solver. Even a 5x5 you can do, there are plenty of puzzle guides on forums and ppl are always happy to link them if you ask in your next shroud pug. Doing a little research on how to do the most run raid in the game is a good thing. If your computer can't handle shroud and solver, you need to learn how to do it by hand.

    5. Not completing. If you don't want to complete, recall out when harry at 5% (unless you are sole healer) or /death when he dies. DO NOT CAST A DD. People might accidentally take it and be screwed out of chest.

    6. Not Completing, part Two. Just Complete. I get that on your new toon it is really hard to get the ingredients for your first greensteel. But it is a better use of your time to complete, always get a large, and do other things to improve your character (such as lvl'ing up in crafting) than to not complete shroud. You could also spend the time leveling another shroud farmer. Roll a cleric or fvs, you won't need much gear to do shroud and you will always be welcome. Or, if you don't want to complete, only do so when you are definitely going to do shroud again within the next three days, and always complete once you are on ransack (unless farming for Shard I guess.) I have seen so many times people in chat say "i got no ingredients." group: are you on ransack. Person: yes. Us: ok well time to complete. Person @ end of part 5: dd plz.

    7. Leading. Do not be afraid to post your own shroud and lead even if you don't know everything there is to know about shroud. (actually, that goes for everything in the game imo.) There are plenty of how to do shroud guides, I would probably check out one of those first. But you do not need to be the encyclopedia of everything that is shroud to lead a fun successful run, so if you don't like the offerings available, go ahead and post one. Just be ready to learn from your group-mates. Most people know shroud so well it doesn't matter if the leader is a first timer anyway.
    Last edited by seobanio; 06-21-2011 at 02:24 PM.
    Zaxza Sorc, Xexa FvS, Zaxa12/6/2 Fight/Rog, Xexasaurus Monk
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