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Hmmm wish I could change title. getting over the PSAs. Oh, well.
This is a rant thread. If you don't want to read a rant about annoying things people do in shroud, then you should move on.
I recently decided to level some people to get a few more shroud farmers. This has had the unfortunate consequence that I have been pugging a lot of shrouds and things have not been great. So I decided to make a thread about what things could be done better.
In general Cannith is a great server and has fun people to group with. But I know some of my complaints will be interpreted as me having no desire to help my fellow cannithite, and that I am being mean, or selfish because I don't need to not complete but other people do. I don't think that is the case. I'm more than willing to help out the people around me, I just expect respect for my time in return. I've noticed that a lot of people seem to think mutual respect means mutual abillity to waste everyones time. I do not agree. I think my complaints really address lack of respect for the group on other peoples part, not my own.
A laundry list of complaints:
1. Completion time. If shroud takes more than 30/35 minutes (in a bad dps group) something is wrong. People think that since shroud has 5 parts btwn each part it is like break time or socialize time. I feel like I am dragging groups through shroud because everyone wants to spend five minutes between each part. All my other complaints really go back to this main one, hurry up people.
2. Buffs. Bring your own. No one should be passing poison, or fire resist, or sonic or whatever. Don't tell me that your inventory is full, clean it out. My melees reserve a page of inventory for pots, so can yours. The only buffs worth throwing are FOM, mass death ward, rage, and haste. MAYBE GH, maybe, and that is only to ungeared toons who might have problems hitting. I know people run out of things, or roll new toons and forget to get some things. Its okay not to always have everything, but realizing that you should try for everything is good.
2.5 Barkskin. Barkskin is not a useful spell in shroud (or anywhere really, but thats a rant thread for another day.) It does however make everyone's toon ugly. Even if someone is one of the very few that has high enough AC to matter, who cares? They'll get mass healed whether they need it or no.
3. Going through the portal. Really, this one should be called not going through the portal. Before part 1: rage/haste go. Before part 2: deathward rage haste go. Before part 3 DO NOT SHRINE (why would you shrine for puzzles?) maybe a haste and go. (no everyone does not need jump.) Before part 4 drink a poison pot, a fire resist pot, maybe get fom, go. Part 5: drink a poison pot, a fire resist pot, maybe get fom, KILL ALL 5. The only time you don't kill all 5 is when you have like a multiclassed noncapped cleric and a poor dps group.
4 Puzzles. I don't care if you don't know how to solve the puzzles, just use solver. Yes, even if it is a 5x5. Doing a little research on how to do the most run raid in the game is a good thing. If your computer can't handle shroud and puzzle, you need to learn how to do it by hand.
5. Not completing. If you don't want to complete, recall out when harry at 5% (unless you are sole healer) or /death when he dies. DO NOT CAST A DD. People might accidentally take it and be screwed out of chest.
6. Not Completing, part Two. Just Complete! I get that on your new toon it is really hard to get the ingredients for your first greensteel. But it is a better use of your time to complete, always get a large, and do other things to improve your character (such as lvl'ing up in crafting) than to not complete shroud. You could also spend the time leveling another shroud farmer. Roll a cleric or fvs, you won't need much gear to do shroud and you will always be welcome.
6. Shroud "Experts." Just because you have completed shroud 10 times does not mean you know everything there is to know, and should give a play by play over mic when the party leader has everything firmly in hand. When you are doing this just know that the people in the group not saying anything that have done it more than a hundred times are just rolling their eyes at you. Just stop talking and do your job, we will all get loot, things can be happy, etc.
/rant over