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  1. #1
    Pirate Cursed
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Arrow The Citadel (18 Ftr/2 Mnk SD) Complete Build Out: Stats, AC/HP, Gear, Feats, Enh...

    The purpose...
    This character originally started out as a Big Rock Candy Mountain style build ( and then TR'd into a barbarian life in preparation for his final life. The goal was simple: solid DPS, survivability, and to make the hardest raids feel smooth from elite ToD to epic Chrono. This build has a good leveling up mode as a kensai, then switches to a powerful stalwart defender to raid tank. It has a very easy to obtain set of gear to get a tank started and also has a very desirable set to let the tank reach the next level. The beauty is that it does not require the highest end gear or +3 tomes to get started, but is capable of running higher level difficulties in order to farm its own gear and tomes. It has high AC, high hitpoints, high healing amp and high hate generation. It can evade Xy'zzy's Bees of Xoriat, the Conjoined Abishai Devastator's Dragon Form, and Horoth's meanest spells all on a 2. It has the hitpoints to soak up hits to the face, to survive rolling a 1 versus Disintegrate, and to generally be pummeled. It has 25% damage reduction and 6 DR. It can be taken from zero to full with a single heal. All of this while still bringing the pain.

    The flavor...

    The Citadel is the last bastion of defense. It is the strongest part of the structure where the people fall back to in order to remain safe. People rely on the Citadel for protection. If while under the siege, the Citadel falls... the battle is lost. Yet as long as the Citadel remains standing, there is hope for victory.

    The Citadel
    Level 20 Lawful Neutral Human Male (18 Fighter/2 Monkc)

    Hit Points: 702 HP
    = 180 Fighter lvls + 16 Monk lvls + 5 Tortoise + 260 Con + 10 Argonessen + 106 Toughness + 30 PL: Barb + 20 Toughness item + 45 Shroud HP + 30 Greater False Life
    Healing Amp = 172% = 10% Airship + 20% Improved Recovery + 30% Gloves (1.717=1.1*1.2*1.3)

    Hate = 100% Shield Intimidate + 50% Stalwart Defender + 15% ToD + 20% Claw + possible 20% Fang (Don't think item and Claw set bonus stack) (It is not yet known if they stack by adding or multiplying, meaning 185% or 414%)

    Guards: Air Guard, Sonic Guard, Greater Poison Guard, Disintegration Guard, Corrosive Salt Guard

    Fortitude: 51 = 15 base + 13con + 5 resist + 4 Superior Parrying + 4 Stalwart + 10 Buffs
    Reflex: 43= 9 base + 11 dex + 5 resist + 4 Superior Parrying + 4 Stalwart + 10 Buffs
    Will: 33 = 9 base + 1 wis + 5 resist + 4 Superior Parrying + 4 Stalwart + 10 Buffs

    *Buffs 10 = 4 Greater Heroism + 4 Holy Aura + 2 Recitation


    Intimidate 80 = 23 ranks + 6 GS + 6 Stalwart + 7 Cha + 15 item + 2 past life fighter + 2 past life barbarian + 5 gloves + 2 Coin Lords + 4 GH + 2 skill song + 6 enh + 1 airship
    Jump 30 = 4 ranks + 15 Str + 4 GH + 6 GS + 1 airship
    Balance 53 = 22 ranks + 11 Dex + 15 item + 4 GH + 1 airship
    Tumble 17= 1 rank + 11 Dex + 4 GH + 1 airship
    Haggle 44 = 5 ranks + 6 Cha + 6 GS + 15 item + 4 GH + 6 airship
    UMD 32 = 11 ranks + 6 GS + 7 Cha + 3 item + 4 GH + 1 airship

    36 point Build Statistics (2nd TR from Fighter and Barbarian)
    Strength 42 = 16 base + 5 levels + 3 tome + 6 item + 1 exceptional + 1 enh+ 4 stalwart + 3 abishai + 2 airship
    Dexterity 32 = 16 base + 3 tome + 6 item + 3 exceptional + 1 enh + 1 1itany + 2 airship
    Constitution 36 = 16 base + 3 tome + 7 item + 3 exceptional + 4 stalwart + 1 litany + 2 airship
    Intelligence 16 = 11 base + 2 tome + 1 litany + 2 airship
    Wisdom 13= 8 base + 2 tome + 1 litany + 2 airship
    Charisma 24 = 11 base + 3 tome + 7 item + 1 litany + 2 airship

    If I was a 34 point build, I'd drop to 15 Str. If I was a 32 point build, I'd drop to 14 Str. If I was a 28 point build, I'd run up the levels as the kensai version then immediately TR into a 34 point Citadel.

    Stalwart Enhancements at Endgame
    Enhancement: Fighter Armor Class Boost III
    Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost II
    Enhancement: Fighter Stalwart Defender III
    Enhancement: Fighter Tower Shield Mastery III
    Enhancement: Fighter Bastard Sword Specialization I
    Enhancement: Human Adaptability Strength I
    Enhancement: Human Greater Adaptability Dexterity I
    Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery II
    Enhancement: Deneith Intimidation III
    Enhancement: Human Versatility IV
    Enhancement: Fighter Item Defense II
    Enhancement: Way of the Patient Tortoise I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
    Enhancement: Improved Intimidate III
    Enhancement: Fighter Strength III
    Enhancement: Fighter Toughness II

    Monk Level 1: Toughness, Least Dragonmark of Sentinel, Power Attack
    Fighter Level 2: Two Handed Fighting
    Fighter Level 3: Lesser Dragonmark of Sentinel, Weapon Focus Slashing
    Fighter Level 5: Weapon Specialization Slashing
    Fighter Level 6: Past Life Berserker's Fury
    Fighter Level 7: Improved Two Handed Fighting
    Monk Level 8: Dodge
    Fighter Level 9: Improved Critical Slashing
    Fighter Level 10: Shield Mastery
    Fighter Level 12: Past Life Student of the Sword, Greater Two Handed Fighting
    Fighter Level 14: Greater Weapon Specialization Slashing
    Fighter Level 15: Combat Expertise
    Fighter Level 16: Improved Shield Bash
    Fighter Level 18: Improved Shield Mastery, Toughness
    Fighter Level 20: Toughness

    This build gets more feats than anyone. I took the monk level at 1st for the skill points. I then took 6 levels of fighter to get kensai I, then took the 2nd level of monk for evasion before finishing out fighter. This also gave me enough time to spread out the skill points to raise my balance.

    I've also considered alternatives to the additional toughnesses. I've considered Quick Draw as I've heard it significantly reduces your time to start swinging again after an intimidate or a haste boost. It would also pair well with Cleave or Great Cleave for a DPS boost depending on how quickly it reactivates.

    I probably won't take the Greater Dragonmark at first, though Genasi has stated he intends to change the Epic Chimera's Fang so that the 3rd dragonmark increases its enhancement bonus to +10 and adds a disintegration proc (but removing its lightning strike altogether). I'll take another Toughness in the meantime. I'm also not sure about Improved Shield Bash's small bonus to DPS. Again, Genasi intends to let the Epic Chimera's Fang give its +10 enh and disintegration proc to the shield as well which would be a nice boon for taking all 3 feats dedicated to an item.

    AC and Items

    Armor Class
    AC against Beholder 64= 10 base + 9 armor + 4 dodge + 11 Dexterity + 9 Levik + 1 alchemical armor + 1 alchemical shield + 4 Superior Parrying + 1 dodge + 4 Stalwart + 2 ToD set + 3 abishai + 5 Combat Expertise

    Buffed S&B 84 AC = 64+ 5 barkskin + 1 haste + 4 inspire heroics + 2 recitation + 5 shield of faith dragonmark + 2 airship + 1 Yugoloth Dex

    Buffed for Impractical Bragging Rights 111 AC = 84AC + 3 Halfling Companion + 6 Paladin's Aura + 1 Air Guard + 5 Action Boost + 3 Stalwart + 4 Mobility + 5 Shield Blocking

    Buffed 2HF DPS (eSoS someday?) 73 AC = 84 AC - 9 shield - 1 alchemical -5 combat expertise + 4 shield wand

    Tower Shield MDB 11 = 4 base + 1 fighter past life + 3 stalwart defender + 3 enhancement

    Enough intimidate to never fail against any monster anywhere. Enough UMD to use any equipment, fire shield scrolls, shield wands, raise dead and teleport (no fail with skill boost) or heal scrolls with a moderate fail chance. Useful for added utility or picking up a near wipe.

    Shield: Levik's Defender
    +5 Tower Shield (SB:9, MDB:4, DR:15, ACP:-6, SF:40%, Base dmg: 1d12), Levik's Defender, Healers Bounty, Sonic Guard, Mithral [Alchemical Dodge]

    Weapon: Epic Chimera's Fang
    +6 Bastard Sword (Base dmg: 2d10, 19-20/x2), Shocking Burst, Lightning Strike, Maiming, Shatter +10, Destruction, Greater Dragonshard Focus: Sentinel, Empty Red Augment Slot (Slot: DR break)

    Armor: Epic Duelist's Leathers
    +6 Leather Armor (AB:8, MDB:12, ACP:0, SF:10%), Feat: Mobility, Balance +15, Attack Bonus +2, Epic Nimbleness, Upgradeable - Tier 3, Empty Blue Augment Slot (Slot +7), Dodge Bonus +4 [Alchemical Ritual]

    Bracers: Epic Bracers of the Claw
    Greater Vulkoor's Might, Exceptional Constitution +2, Heavy Fortification

    Goggles: Greensteel Goggles
    Air Guard, +6 Cha skills, Haste (3 charges) [Resistance ritual]

    Helm: Epic Epic Helm of Frost
    Polar Ray (CL:20, 3/3 rest), Greater Cold Resistance, Greater Might of the Abishai, Charisma +7, Empty Yellow Augment Slot (slot dex+6)

    Necklace: Stalwart Necklace
    Constitution +6, Lesser Action Boost Enhancement, Stalwart Defender Set Bonus [set bonus +2 AC / 20% threat]

    Trinket: Litany of the Dead
    Turn the Page (CL:12, 3/3 rest), Litany of the Dead - Ability Bonus, Taint of Evil, Litany of the Dead - Combat Bonus (1 hit/dam), +1 profane to all stats)

    Cloak: Epic Envenomed Cloak
    Resistance +5, Greater Poison Guard, Greater Might of the Abishai, Constitution +7, Empty Green Augment Slot (slot Toughness)

    Belt: Greensteel Belt
    +45HP, Corrosive Salt Guard, +6 Str skills, Horrid Wilting (2 charges)

    Gloves: Epic Gloves of the Claw
    Greater Vulkoor's Might, Strength +6, Intimidate +5 (enhancement bonus), Healing Amplification - 30%

    Boots: Epic Boots of Corrosion
    Superior Corrosion VI, Superior Nullification VI, Greater Might of the Abishai, Greater Acid Resistance, Disintegration Guard, Empty Green Augment Slot, Empty Colorless Augment Slot (slot except str+1, except dex+1)

    Ring: Circle of Hatred
    Harm (CL:11, 5/5 rest), Intimidate +15, Resistance +5

    Ring: Cinder's Band
    Strength +6, Exceptional Constitution +1 Exception Dex +2, Stalwart Defender Set Bonus, [set bonus +2 AC / 20% threat]

    This set of equipment includes a lot of epics but does not include items from the Vault of Night or from Demon Sands as I find them frustrating to obtain. A lot of this is based on what I have or am near to obtaining. Green Steel items are both surprisingly cheap on Devil Scales and Stones, but there are two so you will have to cleanse 1. Make the goggles first and wear a Con6 GFL Amrath belt in the meantime while you're making epics and farming shroud.

    Possible Future Equipment:

    Epic Ring of Baphomet Bestow Curse (CL:5, 3/3 rest), Wisdom -1, Charisma -1, Intimidate +15, Exceptional Constitution +2, Exceptional Strength +2, Empty Colorless Augment Slot (Didn't include originally because I didn't want to use any epic VoN or Sands items. Slot with +1 exceptional charisma to offset the negative. Adds +2 Str over the Circle of Hatred)

    Epic Brawn's Spirits CL 15 Rage +20 Intimidate

    If/when Genasi changes the Brawn's Spirits, would change the Circle of Hatred ring probably to
    Epic Ring of the Buccaneer Swim +15, Underwater Action, Dexterity +7, Upgradeable - Tier 3, Empty Green Augment Slot, Good Luck +2, Protection +5 before i obtained the Epic Ring of Baphomet. This also depends on your availability of Litany which is probably the most difficult item in the set. (In my limited experience, but may be my own bad luck)

    Epic Chimera's Fang +10, 3d10, silver, good (slotted), keen, shocking burst, disintegration, insight +4, incite 20% EWP:Bastards, destruction, shatter+10

    Epic Chimera's Crown, +30HP, 30SR, 5 natural

    These are huge changes. The Chimera's Fang is a large part of this build and while it works well right now using the red augment crystals from Devil Assault, this would let us just slot Good damage and be done with it. I'm not sure I'd swap in the Epic Chimera's Crown as it breaks the abishai set. If I did, I'd consider replacing the Envenomed Cloak with the Cloak of Night and finding some spot for the Con and Heavy Fort to go or I'd replace the Epic Bracers of the Claw with Scorched Bracers and put the Epic Gem of Many Facets into the trinket slot.

    While gathering gear, or doing a 1st life going through 20 raids before TR'ing into a barb life to run up the levels til you TR into this tank... here is a VERY basic gear out:

    Beginning Gear

    Shield: Madstone Shield (SB 9)
    Weapon: Epic Chimera's Fang (Sentinels pack is an easy farm)
    Armor: Parasitic Breastplate (Reflex +10)
    Bracers: Non-epic Regular Bracers of the Claw (2 dmg, +10% incite set)
    Goggles: Green Steel (Air, +6 cha skills)
    Helm: Minos Legens (Toughness, Heavy Fort)
    Necklace: Stalwart Necklace (Con 6) (2 ac, 15% incite set)
    Trinket: Greater Bold Trinket
    Cloak: Charisma +6
    Belt: Amrath GFL Belt
    Gloves: Non-epic Regular Gloves of the Claw (2 dmg, +10% incite set)
    Boots: Dexterity +6 / Madstone Boots clicky just to build aggro
    Ring: Intim +15
    Ring: Get a +6 Str ring, then replace ASAP with Cinder's Band +6 Str, +1 Exc Con (2 ac, 15% incite set)

    I suggest leveling up as a Kensai using 2H slashers like falchions. It will make the lower levels go by faster as the higher AC and stalwart dedication isn't as useful til raids. No reason to take kensai III as you'll be level 20 and it is time to respec to SD. If you want to sit at 20 for a little bit, you'll need to take Superior Weapon Focus instead of Combat Expertise and use your Free Feat Respec to go Stalwart. Here are the kensai enhancements:

    [color]Kensai Level-Up Mode[/color]
    Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost II
    Enhancement: Fighter Extra Action Boost I
    Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost IV
    Enhancement: Kensei Falchion Mastery I
    Enhancement: Kensei Falchion Mastery II
    Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy III
    Enhancement: Fighter Kensei II
    Enhancement: Fighter Falchion Specialization I
    Enhancement: Human Adaptability Strength I
    Enhancement: Human Greater Adaptability Dexterity I
    Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery III
    Enhancement: Human Versatility IV
    Enhancement: Way of the Patient Tortoise I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
    Enhancement: Fighter Strength III
    Enhancement: Fighter Toughness III

    I made a lot of random changes as I wrote this, so I'm sure I changed something in one place and left it elsewhere. If I made any basic mistakes like this in the math, let me know. I know this is a build that has been attempted many times before, but the devil is in the details and when you're talking about tanking those small things make the difference.

    I preserved the original post here for the straight Fighter 20 version:
    My purpose here was to make high level raids less stressful and care free particularly for my healer friends. While I know the barbarian hate tank is sufficient many times, this build is one I have fun with and is a different path to obtaining that goal with rarer use of resources (albeit, a more difficult path to build.) I wouldn't advise this as a first toon, but it can be a second. It doesn't require all or nothing to come online though. It requires a fair amount of high level gear. The spirit of this build can be obtained with a 32 point build with basic raid gear in which case it can handle normal and hard raids without much issue. It  will throttle up to full power with a TR and some epics. It featuers a leveling up mode as a kensai to keep things moving and then a respec over to stalwart defender. Build does not neglect DPS but also favors damage mitigation. Teamwork to manage hate is always useful but requirement is minimal. The build offers a large amount of hate generation. It does DPS using 2HF and tanks S&B using the bastard sword. Epic Chimera's Fang holds up well against a lot of 2Handers, and only lacks the full strength bonus. Genasi has several upgrades in the works which will only improve with time. No VoN or Sands epic items are in the build due to the time required to obtain, even though tons of other epic items are included. Those quests can be repeated more often making them more farmable even if several of them are still difficult to obtain. This build is also capable of later incorporating an eSoS but does not require up front. It features high AC as well as high HP and a no fail intimidate anywhere. These kind of stats give us room for error and pulls raids through that were previously wipe situations. UMD adds a lot of flexibility.
    The Citadel
    HP, Healing Amp, Saves, Hate, Skills
    Level 20 True Neutral Human Male (20 Fighter)
    Hit Points: 667 HP = 200 Fighter lvls + 260 Con + 10 Argonessen + 62 Toughness + 30 PL: Barb + 20 Toughness item + 45 Shroud HP + 40 Superior False Life
    Healing Amp = 20% Improved Recovery + 30% Gloves + 10% Airship
    Hate = 50% Stalwart Defender + 100% intimidate + 15% ToD + 20% Claw + possible 20% Fang (Don't think item and Claw set bonus stack)
    Guards:  Air Guard, Sonic Guard, Demonic Shield, Greater Poison Guard, Disintegration Guard, Corrosive Salt Guard
    Fortitude: 38= 12 base + 13con + 5 resist + 4 Superior Parrying + 4 GH
    Reflex:     28 = 6 base + 9 dex + 5 resist + 4 Superior Parrying + 4 GH
    Will:         20 = 6 base + 1 wis + 5 resist + 4 Superior Parrying +  4 GH
    Intimidate    81 = 23 ranks + 6 GS + 6 Stalwart + 7 Cha + 15 item + 2 past life fighter + 2 past life barbarian + 5 gloves + 2 Coin Lords + 4 GH + 2 skill song + 6 enh + 1 airship
    Jump          27 = 1 ranks + 15 Str + 4 GH + 6 GS + 1 airship
    Balance       25 = 11 ranks + 9 Dex + 4 GH + 1 airship
    Tumble       15 = 1 rank + 9 Dex + 4 GH + 1 airship
    Haggle        44 = 6 ranks + 7 Cha + 6 GS + 15 item + 4 GH + 6 airship
    UMD           32  = 11 ranks + 6 GS + 7 Cha + 3 item + 4 GH + 1 airship
    36 point Build (2nd TR from Fighter and Barbarian)
    Strength           41 = 17 base + 5 levels + 2 tome + 6 item + 1 exceptional + 1 enh+ 4 stalwart + 3 abishai + 2 airship
    Dexterity          28 = 14 base + 2 tome + 6 item + 3 exceptional + 1 1itany + 2 airship
    Constitution      36 =  16 base + 2 tome + 7 item + 3 exceptional + 1 enh+ 4 stalwart  + 1 litany + 2 airship
    Intelligence       16 = 11 base + 2 tome + 1 litany + 2 airship   
    Wisdom            13=   8 base + 2 tome + 1 litany   + 2 airship         
    Charisma          24 = 12 base + 2 tome + 7 item + 1 litany + 2 airship
    If I was a 34 point build, I'd drop to 10 Cha. If I was a 32 point build, I'd drop to 16 Str and 11 Cha.
    Level 1 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Selected) Least Dragonmark of Sentinel
    Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Barbarian
    Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Fighter
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Power Attack
    Feat: (Human Bonus) Toughness
     Level 2 (Fighter) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Two Handed Fighting
     Level 3 (Fighter) Feat: (Selected) Past Life: Berserker's Fury
     Level 4 (Fighter) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
     Level 6 (Fighter) Feat: (Selected) Lesser Dragonmark of Sentinel Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons
     Level 8 (Fighter) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
     Level 9 (Fighter) Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Handed Fighting
     Level 10 (Fighter) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Dodge
     Level 12 (Fighter) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Greater Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons
    Feat: (Selected) Past Life: Student of the Sword
     Level 14 (Fighter) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Greater Two Handed Fighting
     Level 15 (Fighter) Feat: (Selected) Improved Shield Bash
     Level 16 (Fighter) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Combat Expertise
      Level 18 (Fighter) Feat: (Selected) Greater Dragonmark of Sentinel Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Shield Mastery
     Level 20 (Fighter) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Shield Mastery
    I probably won't take the Greater Dragonmark at first, though Genasi has stated he intends to change the Epic Chimera's Fang so that the 3rd dragonmark increases its enhancement bonus to +10 and adds a disintegration proc (but removing its lightning strike altogether). Maybe Stunning Blow or Skill Focus: UMD in the meantime? I'm also not sure about Improved Shield Bash's small bonus to DPS. Again, Genasi intends to let the Epic Chimera's Fang give its +10 enh and disintegration proc to the shield as well which would be a nice boon for taking all 3 feats dedicated to an item. Improved Shield Mastery adds another 5% damage mitigation which may not be worth it. It is before DR is added and this build will have 6 DR.
    AC and Items
    Armor Class
    AC against Beholder 65= 10 base + 16 Cavalry + 9 Dexterity + 9 Levik + 1 alchemical armor + 1 alchemical shield +  4 Superior Parrying  + 1 dodge + 4 Stalwart + 2 ToD set + 3 abishai + 5 Combat Expertise
    Buffed S&B 84 AC = 65+ 5 barkskin + 1 haste + 4 inspire heroics + 2 recitation + 5 shield of faith dragonmark + 2 airship
    Buffed to Screenshot and Show off 102 AC (+5 Shield Blocking) = 84 AC + 3 Halfling Companion + 6 Paladin's Aura + 1 Air Guard  + 5 Action Boost + 3 Stalwart
    Buffed 2HF DPS (eSoS someday?) 73 AC = 84 AC - 9 shield - 1 alchemical -5 combat expertise + 4 shield wand 
    Build obtains a 10 dex mod, but has a 9 MDB from the full plate and tower shield. 10 MDB would cost an extra 10 AP, but could be purchased at the loss of Human Versatility. 
    Armor MDB 9 = 3 base + 1 fighter past life + 1 stalwart defender + 2 enhancements +2 blue slot 
    Shield MDB 9 = 4 base + 1 fighter past life + 3 stalwart defender + 1 enhancement
    Enough intimidate to never fail against any monster anywhere. Enough UMD to use any equipment, fire shield scrolls, shield wands, raise dead and teleport (no fail with skill boost) or heal scrolls with a moderate fail chance. Useful for added utility or picking up a near wipe. 
        Shield: Levik's Defender 
    +5 Tower Shield (SB:9, MDB:4, DR:15, ACP:-6, SF:40%, Base dmg: 1d12), Levik's Defender, Healers Bounty, Sonic Guard, Mithral [Alchemical Dodge]
        Weapon: Epic Chimera's Fang 
    +6 Bastard Sword (Base dmg: 2d10, 19-20/x2), Shocking Burst, Lightning Strike, Maiming, Shatter +10, Destruction, Greater Dragonshard Focus: Sentinel, Empty Red Augment Slot (Slot: DR break)
        Armor: Epic Cavalry Plate 
    +6 Full Plate (AB:16, MDB:3, ACP:-2, SF:25%), Demonic Shield, Resistance +5, Mithral, Superior False Life, Upgradeable - Tier 3, Empty Blue Augment Slot (slot MDB), DR 5/Chaotic [Alchemical Dodge]
        Bracers: Epic Bracers of the Claw 
    Greater Vulkoor's Might, Exceptional Constitution +2, Heavy Fortification
        Goggles: Greensteel Goggles 
    Air Guard, +6 Cha skills, Haste (3 charges) [Resistance ritual]
        Helm: Epic Epic Helm of Frost 
    Polar Ray (CL:20, 3/3 rest), Greater Cold Resistance, Greater Might of the Abishai, Charisma +7, Empty Yellow Augment Slot (slot dex+6)
        Necklace: Stalwart Necklace
     Constitution +6, Lesser Action Boost Enhancement, Stalwart Defender Set Bonus [set bonus +2 AC / 20% threat]
        Trinket: Litany of the Dead
     Turn the Page (CL:12, 3/3 rest), Litany of the Dead - Ability Bonus, Taint of Evil, Litany of the Dead - Combat Bonus (1 hit/dam), +1 profane to all stats)
        Cloak: Epic Envenomed Cloak 
    Resistance +5, Greater Poison Guard, Greater Might of the Abishai, Constitution +7, Empty Green Augment Slot (slot Toughness)
        Belt: Greensteel Belt 
    +45HP, Corrosive Salt Guard, +6 Str skills, Horrid Wilting (2 charges)
        Gloves: Epic Gloves of the Claw 
    Greater Vulkoor's Might, Strength +6, Intimidate +5 (enhancement bonus), Healing Amplification - 30%
        Boots: Epic Boots of Corrosion 
    Superior Corrosion VI, Superior Nullification VI, Greater Might of the Abishai, Greater Acid Resistance, Disintegration Guard, Empty Green Augment Slot, Empty Colorless Augment Slot (slot except str+1, except dex+1)
        Ring: Circle of Hatred Harm 
    (CL:11, 5/5 rest), Intimidate +15, Resistance +5
        Ring: Cinder's Band 
    Strength +6, Exceptional Constitution +1 Exception Dex +2, Stalwart Defender Set Bonus, [set bonus +2 AC / 20% threat]
    This set of equipment includes a lot of epics but does not include items from the Vault of Night or from Demon Sands as I find them frustrating to obtain. A lot of this is based on what I have or am near to obtaining. Green Steel items are both surprisingly cheap on Devil Scales and Stones, but there are two so you will have to cleanse 1. Make the goggles first and wear a Con6 GFL Amrath belt in the meantime while you're making epics and farming shroud.
    Possible Future Equipment:
    Epic Ring of Baphomet Bestow Curse (CL:5, 3/3 rest), Wisdom -1, Charisma -1, Intimidate +15, Exceptional Constitution +2, Exceptional Strength +2, Empty Colorless Augment Slot (Didn't include originally because I didn't want to use any epic VoN or Sands items. Slot with +1 exceptional charisma to offset the negative. Adds +2 Str over the Circle of Hatred)
    Epic Brawn's Spirits CL 15 Rage +20 Intimidate
    If/when Genasi changes the Brawn's Spirits, would change the Circle of Hatred ring probably to
    Epic Ring of the Buccaneer Swim +15, Underwater Action, Dexterity +7, Upgradeable - Tier 3, Empty Green Augment Slot, Good Luck +2, Protection +5 before i obtained the Epic Ring of Baphomet. This also depends on your availability of Litany which is probably the most difficult item in the set. (In my limited experience, but may be my own bad luck)
    Epic Chimera's Fang +10, 3d10, silver, good (slotted), keen, shocking burst, disintegration, insight +4, incite 20% EWP:Bastards, destruction, shatter+10
    Epic Chimera's Crown, +30HP, 30SR, 5 natural
    These are huge changes. The Chimera's Fang is a large part of this build and while it works well right now using the red augment crystals from Devil Assault, this would let us just slot Good damage and be done with it. I'm not sure I'd swap in the Epic Chimera's Crown as it breaks the abishai set. If I did, I'd consider replacing the Envenomed Cloak with the Cloak of Night and finding some spot for the Con and Heavy Fort to go.
    While gathering gear, or doing a 1st life going through 20 raids before TR'ing into a barb life to run up the levels til you TR into this tank... here is a VERY basic gear out:
    Shield: Madstone Shield (SB 9)
    Weapon: Epic Chimera's Fang (Sentinels pack is an easy farm) 
    Armor: Parasitic Breastplate (with Madness: Obsession)
    Bracers: Non-epic Regular Bracers of the Claw (2 dmg, +10% incite set)
    Goggles: Green Steel (Air, +6 cha skills)
    Helm: Minos Legens (Toughness, Heavy Fort)
    Necklace: Stalwart Necklace (Con 6) (2 ac, 20% incite set)
    Trinket: Greater Bold Trinket
    Cloak: Charisma +6
    Belt: Amrath GFL Belt
    Gloves: Non-epic Regular Gloves of the Claw (2 dmg, +10% incite set)
    Boots: Dexterity +6 / Madstone Boots clicky just to build aggro
    Ring: Intim +15
    Ring: Get a +6 Str ring, then replace ASAP with Cinder's Band +6 Str, +1 Exc Con (2 ac, 20% incite set)
    I suggest leveling up as a Kensai using 2H slashers like falchions. It will make the lower levels go by faster as the higher AC and stalwart dedication isn't as useful til raids. Here are the kensai enhancements: 
    Enhancement: Fighter Armor Class Boost III
    Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost IV
    Enhancement: Fighter Weapon Alacrity
    Enhancement: Fighter Armor Mastery II
    Enhancement: Fighter Stalwart Defender III
    Enhancement: Fighter Tower Shield Mastery I
    Enhancement: Fighter Bastard Sword Specialization I
    Enhancement: Human Adaptability Strength I
    Enhancement: Human Greater Adaptability Constitution I
    Ennhancement: Human Improved Recovery I
    Enhancement: Deneith Intimidation IV
    Enhancement: Improved Intimidate II
    Enhancement: Human Versatility IV
    Enhancement: Fighter Item Defense II
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
    Enhancement: Fighter Strength III
    Enhancement: Fighter Toughness II
    Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost II
    Enhancement: Fighter Extra Action Boost I
    Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost IV
    Enhancement: Fighter Weapon Alacrity
    Enhancement: Extra Dragonmark Use I
    Enhancement: Kensei Falchion Mastery II
    Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy II
    Enhancement: Fighter Kensei II
    Enhancement: Fighter Falchion Specialization I
    Enhancement: Human Adaptability Strength I
    Enhancement: Human Greater Adaptability Constitution I
    Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery II
    Enhancement: Human Versatility IV
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness III
    Enhancement: Fighter Strength III
    Enhancement: Fighter Toughness IV
    I made a lot of random changes as I wrote this, so I'm sure I changed something in one place and left it elsewhere. If I made any basic mistakes like this in the math, let me know. I know this is a build that has been attempted many times before, but the devil is in the details and when you're talking about tanking those small things make the difference. 
    Any feedback is appreciated!
    Last edited by Da3vid; 07-04-2011 at 01:31 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    very similar to mine. Ive run him for a long time and he works well. I will prolly go with the claw set over the abashi set. works out better for the rest of my gear.
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  3. #3
    Community Member DragonTroy's Avatar
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    considering you already easily meet the dex requirements, i see no reason not to go twf, unless you already have certain thf weapons you would like to use instead. more dps when you want it, and 2 of the new epic chimera's fangs would certainly hurt.

    otherwise, this is a very nice layout, and well geared aswell

    one more thing, you have 3 barb past lives to account for that 30 hp, right? making sure i understand
    Quote Originally Posted by DragonTroy View Post

    at one point during the aggro issues i pulled horoth on my monk, which i admit i kind of enjoyed for about half a second. but then he hit me.

  4. #4
    Pirate Cursed
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    @Quikster. (Claw set vs Abishai set) Another Sarlona player There is no reason not to take the Claw set and the Abishai set (albeit the 3 part set and not the 5 part set)

    @DragonTroy (THF vs TWF) The purpose in taking THF over TWF is getting the glancing blows when going S&B. Otherwise, it is true in DPS mode the TWF will grant more DPS but I've not found it to be critical. Switching to an Epic Antique Greataxe has been more than sufficient. The most critical times benefit more from the THF. The other benefit is that THF opens up more feats to play with as well.

    The 30 HP from the barbarian past life is 10 from the passive feat and 20 from the active feat. The active feat does double duty for this build as it also incorporates +2 Intimidate and a single 30 second rage per rest which conveniently gives us some buffer room while we solidify our aggro.

    The gear was very tricky to get into the right spots and cover all the little details. I also made a specific emphasis to go for the easier to acquire high end equipment. The hardest to acquire pieces are conveniently the least critical. Here would be my 1st life "lite" gear out:

    Shield: Madstone Shield (SB 9)
    Weapon: Epic Chimera's Fang (Sentinels pack is an easy farm)
    Armor: Parasitic Breastplate / Breastplate of Destruction / Full Plate of the Defender / Crimson Chain
    Bracers: Non-epic Regular Bracers of the Claw (2 dmg, +10% incite set)
    Goggles: Green Steel (Air, +6 cha skills)
    Helm: Minos Legens (Toughness, Heavy Fort)
    Necklace: Stalwart Necklace (Con 6) (2 ac, 20% incite set)
    Trinket: Greater Bold Trinket
    Cloak: Charisma +6
    Belt: Amrath GFL Belt
    Gloves: Non-epic Regular Gloves of the Claw (2 dmg, +10% incite set)
    Boots: Dexterity +6 / Madstone Boots clicky just to build aggro
    Ring: Intim +15
    Ring: Get a +6 Str ring, then replace ASAP with Cinder's Band +6 Str, +1 Exc Con (2 ac, 20% incite set)

    Should make easy work of normal VoDs and Hounds and whatnot. Same for ToD once you have the experience and the HP. Added lite gear to first post.

  5. #5
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DragonTroy View Post
    considering you already easily meet the dex requirements, i see no reason not to go twf, unless you already have certain thf weapons you would like to use instead. more dps when you want it, and 2 of the new epic chimera's fangs would certainly hurt.

    otherwise, this is a very nice layout, and well geared aswell

    one more thing, you have 3 barb past lives to account for that 30 hp, right? making sure i understand
    Yeah I didnt notice that, I was busy piking a shroud at the time. Mine is twf. You can view it here
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
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  6. #6
    Community Member ProdigalGuru's Avatar
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    Why not Dwarf?

    You lose a feat to start, but gain it back by going with DAxe over BSword.

    You also get MDB cheaper, and more HP.
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  7. #7
    Pirate Cursed
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProdigalGuru View Post
    Why not Dwarf?

    You lose a feat to start, but gain it back by going with DAxe over BSword.

    You also get MDB cheaper, and more HP.
    There are no dwarven axes that get anywhere near Chimera's Fang. We need to be human to access the Sentinel Dragonmarks to unlock the upgrades to Chimera's Fang. We also never actually take bastard sword proficiency as the Fang is the only BSword we use, otherwise we use greataxe and falchion leveling as a Kensai or random DPS'ing. You would save the feats in not taking the dragonmarks, but you'll need to find a way to make up that extra damage. The only viable dwarven axe would be a GS min2, though.

  8. #8
    Community Member Lighti's Avatar
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    Entering Stance automatically Turns of Rage so theres -2 str and con, so -20 hp, you only have 1 barb PL so theres another -20 hp. What will happen when you die in a quest? another -20 hp and -2 str from loss of ship buffs aswell as drop of saves and skills. Litany doesn't stack with abashi set -1 str there. For the Big screen shot it does not count blocking AC it says it under neath so -5 AC there. And with that much dex you better of going full TWF line and dual wielding Chimera's Fang.

    Other than that a solid build

    p.s Oh and for big screen shot the chance of getting the haste guard 1 AC to proc before buffs time out is about 100000000000:1 (ok didnt do the maths there i admit)
    Last edited by Lighti; 06-17-2011 at 05:35 AM.

  9. #9
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lighti View Post
    Entering Stance automatically Turns of Rage so theres -2 str and con, so -20 hp, you only have 1 barb PL so theres another -20 hp. What will happen when you die in a quest? another -20 hp and -2 str from loss of ship buffs aswell as drop of saves and skills. Litany doesn't stack with abashi set -1 str there. For the Big screen shot it does not count blocking AC it says it under neath so -5 AC there. And with that much dex you better of going full TWF line and dual wielding Chimera's Fang.

    Other than that a solid build

    p.s Oh and for big screen shot the chance of getting the haste guard 1 AC to proc before buffs time out is about 100000000000:1 (ok didnt do the maths there i admit)

    Air guard procs quite a bit actually since it goes off on grazing hits.

    Usually when I plan a build I dont include ship buffs in ac numbers and I usually give a standing, selfbuffed, raidbuffed, and crazy stars aligned buffed breakdown.

    I have had people tell me they carry around cookies in case they lose their ship buffs, but thats too much work for me
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
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  10. #10
    Pirate Cursed
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lighti View Post
    Entering Stance automatically Turns of Rage so theres -2 str and con, so -20 hp, you only have 1 barb PL so theres another -20 hp. What will happen when you die in a quest? another -20 hp and -2 str from loss of ship buffs aswell as drop of saves and skills. Litany doesn't stack with abashi set -1 str there. For the Big screen shot it does not count blocking AC it says it under neath so -5 AC there. And with that much dex you better of going full TWF line and dual wielding Chimera's Fang.

    Other than that a solid build

    p.s Oh and for big screen shot the chance of getting the haste guard 1 AC to proc before buffs time out is about 100000000000:1 (ok didnt do the maths there i admit)
    Thank you for reading so closely! I did take off the Rage buff as you are quite right about that. I do get 30 hp from the barbarian past life because I get 10 hp from the automatic feat but I also take Berserker's Fury the active barbarian past life feat which adds another 20 hp. Good call on the profane bonus as well. I had been thinking about the stats and decided to drop the dex down to add some more to Str and Int and get rid of all the +3 tomes. I should note for anyone interested in this build that I do actually play it. I played it slightly differently as a 32 point version my 1st life as a fighter, and I TR'd into a barbarian to get that past life. I'm at level 20 barbarian about to re-TR back into this build as a 36 point. You might be surprised how frequently the Air Guard procs, by the way.

    You bring up a great point about losing buffs. I was careful in the build to ensure that no airship buffs are critical. Even in my beholder AC I didn't include ship buffs, even though the beholder doesn't take them away. The airship gives the build more but it doesn't rely on them. For instance, I have an 81 intimidate even though 80 no fails on everything. If I die and lose the +2 to intimidate I got from the ship, I fall to 79. If I happen to need 80, I drink a Yugoloth potion. 79 is enough to no fail on Xy'zzy, but not on Epic Lailat (though I'd only intim Lailat in a near wipe.)

    I think a TWF version of this build is definitely viable. My 1st life was TWF. You'd swap out the shield feats for the extra TWF feats. The boost in DPS from TWF may not be that high as you lose the shield bashes and the glancing blows. Not that they account for much, but they do narrow the gap somewhat. More importantly, you lose your -25% damage reduction and 6 DR drops to 5 DR.
    Last edited by Da3vid; 06-17-2011 at 03:02 PM.

  11. #11
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Liliat used to be 80 no fail (79 +1 ) has that changed? Been a long time since I used an intimitank in there.
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
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  12. #12
    Pirate Cursed
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quikster View Post
    Liliat used to be 80 no fail (79 +1 ) has that changed? Been a long time since I used an intimitank in there.
    Ah, I looked it up. Lailat is 79, Xy'zzy is 80. I had them backwards. Either way, I don't foresee myself drinking many Yugoloth potions.

  13. #13
    Founder Balkas's Avatar
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    I could be wrong, but I believe you're missing Protection +5 on an item.

    Maybe make a Min 2 HP item instead of Disintegration Guard?

    You're a little lighter on hit points than I'd like; I'd definitely drop at least Improved Shield Mastery and the Fighter Past Life Feat for more toughnesses.
    Last edited by Balkas; 06-19-2011 at 05:34 AM.

  14. #14
    Community Member spyderwolf's Avatar
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    skimming your gear. you say your using cavalry plate( which is medium armor) yet your saying your getting 3 extra max dex from stalwart. stalwart only gives med armor 1 extra max dex at SD 3. sd1 is tower shield sd 2 is tower and heavy sd 3 is tower heavy and med. if im recalling right.

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  15. #15
    Pirate Cursed
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balkas View Post
    I could be wrong, but I believe you're missing Protection +5 on an item.

    Maybe make a Min 2 HP item instead of Disintegration Guard?

    You're a little lighter on hit points than I'd like; I'd definitely drop at least Improved Shield Mastery and the Fighter Past Life Feat for more toughnesses.
    You're right that I did not include Protection +5 on an item. The build chooses to maximize its slot by receiving the +5 deflection bonus from the spell Shield of Faith which it can cast on itself using dragonmarks if the healer isn't carrying the spell (though most will). Alternately, a couple potions could be carried for emergencies. However, if you made a Min2 HP item you could slot something different in the Heavy Fortification epic slot. Perhaps Good Luck +2?

    I think you make a good argument for another Toughness. I think Improved Shield Mastery will serve you better than 22 hp will as 5% of damage will add up to more than this quickly. Now, the Fighter Past Life gives us +2 intimidate AND more Max Dex Bonus which we need. However, you may have an argument for giving up Improved Shield Bash and the Greater Dragonmark at least until Genasi's changes arrive.

  16. #16
    Pirate Cursed
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    Quote Originally Posted by spyderwolf View Post
    skimming your gear. you say your using cavalry plate( which is medium armor) yet your saying your getting 3 extra max dex from stalwart. stalwart only gives med armor 1 extra max dex at SD 3. sd1 is tower shield sd 2 is tower and heavy sd 3 is tower heavy and med. if im recalling right.
    Very astute of you. It appears you are correct. My past life in this build was as a warforged so I only paid attention to the tower shield properties. I'll have to slot my Epic Cavalry Plate with the nimbleness to give +2 MDB instead of the +7. Net loss of 1 AC.

  17. #17
    Pirate Cursed
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    Major changes. I went with 18 fighter / 2 monk instead of straight fighter. This didn't lose any AC and actually gained HP and an extra feat. You lose a little bit of DPS due to loss of fighter capstone, but you gain a lot in flexibility and survivability. Switched the Epic Cavalry Plate for the Epic Duelist's Leathers. This achieves the goals better than the previous build by having more survivability and flexibility. I organized it a bit better and snipped the old post so it is still available. Thoughts?

  18. #18
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    Default Looks like a solid tank

    I really like all the possibilities open to a 18F/2M. I'm starting a Dwarf with that split that's focused on epic tactics with the option to tank non-epics if needed. I was tempted to go THF for the glancing blow, intimming with shield synergy too but I think that better suits a Human as you've shown here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Da3vid View Post
    I went with 18 fighter / 2 monk instead of straight fighter. This didn't lose any AC and actually gained HP and an extra feat. You lose a little bit of DPS due to loss of fighter capstone
    As you said, you'll have to take "Fighter Weapon Alacrity" out of your Kensei enhancement list.

    Quote Originally Posted by Da3vid View Post
    AC against Beholder 65 = 10 base + 9 armor + 4 dodge + 1 centered + 11 Dexterity + 9 Levik + 1 alchemical armor + 1 alchemical shield + 4 Superior Parrying + 1 dodge + 4 Stalwart + 2 ToD set + 3 abishai + 5 Combat Expertise
    I don't think you can count the monk centered 1 AC at the same time as the Levik's and alchemical shield bonus. It's true that the monk WIS and centered bonii apply while unarmored even without using ki weapons, but not with a shield.

    Also, you still get to take a fighter bonus feat at 20. What will it be? Maybe that's Combat Expertise since it's not currently in your feat list but I'd want that earlier since you already have much of the gear needed to tank before capping.
    Last edited by MeToo; 06-21-2011 at 01:26 PM.
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  19. #19
    Pirate Cursed
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    Quote Originally Posted by MeToo View Post
    I really like all the possibilities open to a 18F/2M. I'm starting a Dwarf with that split that's focused on epic tactics with the option to tank non-epics if needed. I was tempted to go THF for the glancing blow, intimming with shield synergy too but I think that better suits a Human as you've shown here.
    The only real argument against dwarf is that there are not any great dwarven axes. You'd have to make a min2 with insight4. The other benefits of human (extra feat, heal amp, human versatility, etc) can be argued against by dwarven benefits (hp, shield/armor, etc)

    As you said, you'll have to take "Fighter Weapon Alacrity" out of your Kensei enhancement list.
    Oops, didn't reset the kensai enhancements. Done so now!

    I don't think you can count the monk centered 1 AC at the same time as the Levik's and alchemical shield bonus. It's true that the monk WIS and centered bonii apply while unarmored even without using ki weapons, but not with a shield.
    The AC bonus used to apply when it shouldn't, although I just logged into my monk and put on a shield... looks like they fixed that! Updated AC -1.

    Also, you still get to take a fighter bonus feat at 20. What will it be? Maybe that's Combat Expertise since it's not currently in your feat list but I'd want that earlier since you already have much of the gear needed to tank before capping.
    Oops, I did put Combat Expertise there. Feel free to switch it in earlier. Maybe at the level 15 Toughness? You're right that the tank has the tools available to it early on to be quite effective. Once you get the Parasitic Breastplate, its hate generation should offset a lesser weapon than the Chimera's Fang. At 18, when you get the Amrath gear, things become better. This build should have no problem beginning to tank normal raids like VoD starting at lvl 16. A good randomly generated bastard sword shouldn't cost more than 100k on the AH because of low demand. (At the time of this writing, on Sarlona there is a +5 metalline of righteousness for 12k, +4 metalline of PG for 25k, and two +5 metalline of PG for 100k)

  20. #20
    Community Member Lighti's Avatar
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    If your couning barb Past life Active then triggering that is another - to AC

    Woops realise what you ment now ignore this post
    Last edited by Lighti; 06-23-2011 at 06:00 AM.

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