Hi everyone, long time forum lurker, just created an account because I had a couple ideas to throw at people, and wanted the great builders here to give some feedback, all welcome.

First I hadda bunch of nice Bastard Swords saved up for a possible future character (bit of an altaholic... ;P), and was thinking about making a WF Kensai II/DoS I/(Rog or Mnk) 2. Would use THF with a greatsword (or some two hander, doesn't matter much) most of the time, and have Bsword and shield for tanking. Should have quite decent saves+evasion, and I *think* with a gear-grind could have AC possibilities (but what AC toon doesn't have a bit of a grind right?). Questions here: A) would it have enough threat gen? I'm thinking with Divine Righteousness, WF hate amp enh, and some Dragontouched incite it could be enough, that is why i am asking. B) Would the THFing dps be worthwhile?

Anyway thanks for looking, curious to see what people think, if the general consensus is it could be worthwhile overall then I will see about making an actual build, a favorite pastime of mine. Also, if you think of any other builds that would have similar playstyles with different splits/races I would LOVE to hear em!
