/humour on
Have these people no training in the high art of piking?
Don't they realise that if you blur/stoneskin/haste/rage the melee in party/raid with you, that they become so mesmorized by their awesomeness at full buff they no longer notice the fact that you are doing very little otherwise?
I weep for those that want to work hard instead of work smart :P
/humour off
But seriously, haste is always a bonus when i get it from someone else, otherwise i'm hitting clickies and dropping pots, same as rage and other melee boosters, though in a raid situation a little group co-operation in buffing goes a long way towards building a 'team' mentality which equals faster smoother completions at higher difficulties (imo).
ps. my bards buff parties like there's no tomorrow, my old wizard used to buff till it hurt (and have an evil old time with his maxed dc's muahahha), my fvs guys carry haste clickies and umd haste scrolls left right and centre to keep everyone pumping max speed dps, and the sorcs i have in the pipeline will also be hasting everything with a weapon in it's hand, it's just good PR, and gets results too (and lets me pike more xD)
Coitfluff Coitrippr Luciforge Coitburner Coithealz: Ghallanda
So your objective is to force people to play your way or to ruin their experience.. nice to know. Also nice to know that you expect more of other people than yourself. Its okay for you to not use your haste clickies on the party.. but if a sorc doesn't have haste its a travesty. Way to go teamwork... lol
So wait.. you just have haste clickies and pots for show.. not to actually help your party.. lol.
And you people think sorcs without haste are a problem and this mentality is acceptable. Just Squelch my chars now..not because I don't haste (I do) but because your the type of people that inevitably ruin MMOs for people.
Last edited by caberonia; 06-15-2011 at 09:37 AM.
(Fell - "l" add "e") LOL FROM AN ACTUAL SORCEROR...
How many melees out there DONT actually WANT a DR breaking weapon? How many clerics DONT WANT radiant servant glow? How many rogues DONT put a single point into Disable Device.
Have any idea how many arcane casters I see who don't use stoneskin? blur? haste? resists? displace? I see alot, and when they don't listen, don't answer or argue I die a little bit inside.
Arguably you can survive without these CORE spells for any caster but why the hell would a caster want to? Unless they are trying to gimp themselves on purpose cause they are geared to the teeth and bored of the game ... I scroll cast teleport to open a spot for Cloudkill which is requested and usefull in shroud, ToD Vod etc, I painfully gave up protection from elements in favor of the Cold DOT on my capped Sorceror, I have stacks of GH scrolls and Reconstruct Scrolls and switch Recon and GH out at the Sorc trainer depending on if I have to recon some WF... MY SORC IS DROW
Play a caster the way you want...and if that way is halfa$$ed so be it. I will laugh behind your back when you are get your butt handed to you because you felt having a more variety of pew pew is better than staying alive with Stoneskin, Blur, Displace, Resists.... I GUARRANTY the "dps" "benefit" you get from the one 3rd level spell is NOT ANYWHERE CLOSE TO the ACTUALLY REAL DPS increase that HASTE gives a party of melee. Its even worth taking EXTEND on my FEAT STARVED sorceror JUST TO HASTE THE MELEES AND DISPLACEMENT on EVERYONE.
/Deep Breath
...because I hate to walk slowly.
I do solo a lot on my sorcerer and I use haste mainly to get from point A to B as fast as possible. Especially for quests in wilderness areas (e.g.: gianthold, vale, orchard): invis + haste & here we go. I'm not using it as much in quests when soloing but I do provide it when grouping, since I have it memorized anyway. I can afford those few sp for an extended haste. But I usually only do group hastes - stick together and that haste might hit you - run ahead when the haste is casted and wait for the next haste round. Sometimes I forget to haste but usually I get reminded by a friendly "haste?".
So for me, haste is a must because I like it too much myself
Axebiter, Cujo, Runeforge, Runefury, Runegoth, Runehealer, Runehamer, Runehorde, Runenight, Runesongs, RunezephyrAnd the forgotten: Runeaura, Runedevourer, Herstinkie, Runewolf,Caught somewhere between casual player and power gamer.
If I misquoted anybody I apologize.
The title of the OP is "Sorcerer: PSA Haste does not waste a valuable spell slot"
Some seemed to be disagreeing with that assertion but in the end seem to agree with the statement after all and seem to instead be arguing that "Melee's sometimes are too demanding towards other players they deem as support and lack self-sufficiency." to which I must agree.
I hide behind that as a reason for my confusion and misquoting.
BONGO FURY - Ghallanda - Thingfish - Wizard, Diuni - Ninja, Gheale - Angel, Dullknife - Tank, Noodlefish - Gimp, Jaquaby - Treacherous and other gimps.
Anyone that can have Haste, should have Haste and extend as well. Going slow sucks in this game. Hell, even though I have the House P trinket running all the time in town, I still cast Haste and drink Haste pots on my toons because it makes me feel like I'm going faster even if I'm really not.
Characters - Brion, Damerchant, Deathbot, Goode-, Minusten, Sepiriz, Spiritstrike, Stee, Steilh, Vorpaal, Wyllye, Yaga, Yagalicious, Yga. RIP - Catpizzle and Qazpe
Beware My Gifts!!!
Axebiter, Cujo, Runeforge, Runefury, Runegoth, Runehealer, Runehamer, Runehorde, Runenight, Runesongs, RunezephyrAnd the forgotten: Runeaura, Runedevourer, Herstinkie, Runewolf,Caught somewhere between casual player and power gamer.
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Nah, if I was a caster I'd keep the party hasted, it's a no brainer for me.
It's less efficient for me to use clickies that it is for a caster to drop a haste. Why should I attempt to make up for their failings as a team player with bandaid solutions?
I'll only use resources when I think everyone is contributing towards success.
If you were on my server, I would.
Characters - Brion, Damerchant, Deathbot, Goode-, Minusten, Sepiriz, Spiritstrike, Stee, Steilh, Vorpaal, Wyllye, Yaga, Yagalicious, Yga. RIP - Catpizzle and Qazpe
Beware My Gifts!!!
I don't get it, what else would you carry except haste,displacement,rage, and Acid Blast for earth savant/Frost Lance for water savant/Lightning Bolt for air savant/Fireball for fire savant. I know someone who won't even carry displacement and start soloing quests like sins. You can throw rage away for another spell, but haste? NO.
If those casters ever had a melee life, they would never throw haste away.
Last edited by Milfeulle; 06-15-2011 at 09:50 AM.
Khyber - Pilchards: Milfeulle (Completionist Sorc), Milreaf/Millefeuille/Mireiyu(20 drone Wiz), Eweca (20 Wiz at life 5)
Sarlona - Black hands & Black feet: Misakamikoto (18/1/1 Ranger at life 3)
Axebiter, Cujo, Runeforge, Runefury, Runegoth, Runehealer, Runehamer, Runehorde, Runenight, Runesongs, RunezephyrAnd the forgotten: Runeaura, Runedevourer, Herstinkie, Runewolf,Caught somewhere between casual player and power gamer.
My Sorc carries haste, even when I solo.
I have several conc op items, one of them being in the boots slot. I like to move fast from place to place. I like to melee faster, just because I can.
Why would I NOT want the party I'm in to move faster and attack more efficiently?
I play during fairly fixed, rigid times. I want to get the most accomplished I can during my playtime. I am a prototypical Type A personality.
I want my Haste and I want it now!!!
Yes, all of my melees carry haste pots/clickies. My FvS carries haste pots/clickies. Hell, my Sorc carries haste pots/clickies, just because....ya know?
Ya, I think it's hilarious that this has become a caster vs. melee argument. Post U9, if you even have melee in your party you have already decided to sniff flowers for that quest.
No, haste is even more essential for casters that know what they are doing. There is simply no other way to achieve 40% striding while in active combat. A simple demonstration of the gameplay benefits of haste is available in the fire wing of Stealer of Souls: try making all the jumps across the lava with just 30% striders and featherfall.