Actually it DOES matter, since the point of the OP was that there are no DPS spells in lvl 3 that dont have better versions in higher lvl, therefor haste does not take up a slot that is better as a DPS. Fact. The same is true of any of the CC spells in lvl 3 -- with the only real possible exception being halt undead. On a sorc, not likely to be used, and likely to fail if it is.
The other part of the thread is WHY do you think your choice of spells is somehow better than haste. The answer here directly matters based on the question.
Rage has been added, for the same basic reasons as haste.
If the only reasons you can come up with are "my spell, my choice", thats not a reason -- thats a temper tantrum. "Comes in pots" is a fail excuse, as has already been explained.
Here is the crux of it:
I say those who refuse to carry rage and haste (at higher lvls) are being selfish and putting their own wants ahead of the group. regardless of whatever else you may be doing, in THIS case you are being selfish. So either admit that your personal choices for those LVL 3 slots are selfish, or explain how YOUR choices are NOT selfish and benefit the party more, when you have higher lvl spell choices that are better in every respect, and would allow you to slot rage and haste in lvl 3.
"My toon, my spells, my choice, if you dont like it, suck a pot' is a selfish attitude.