[Reuters] THF bard with jaw-dropping AC of 27 -including epic duelist leathers and chaosgarde, for a whopping +5 dodge bonus to AC- rolls on chattering ring, and loots it.
This is what Jarvis, the red abishai, had to say about the incident:
- And I will form the head!
(Note from the editor: +3 dodge from epic duelist leathers and chattering ring don't stack.)
Corrigenda: It has been brought to our attention by some insightful readers that Dodge boni from Duelist Leathers and Chattering Ring do stack when they are different, which is the case for a fully upgraded Duelist leathers +4 dodge bonus (though my.ddo always shows the basic +3 dodge tier of the armor, which doesn't stack). Sarlona Confidential regrets the error.