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  1. #1
    Community Member Saravis's Avatar
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    Default Please remove PC spells disrupting PC spells

    Ice storm destroying a firewall. Cyclonic blast destroying just about any persistent AoEs. Is there any use to this?

    In my opinion, no.

    It is a griefing function that severely inhibits one caster's contribution to a party because of another's desired tactics. Furthermore it creates rifts between Savants because of the conflict in spell use. I, as an Air Savant, regularly use cyclonic blast against enemies that are immune to lightning, well if there's another Savant that likes to use persistent AoEs, I can't use this tactic now. Sure I can do other things, but why inhibit my abilities?

    I'm fine with being able to use this against enemy spells and enemies being able to do the same, but there is no need for players using this against other players.

    There is break enchantment if you want to intentionally remove spells, such as an overabundance of Dancing Balls or some such.

  2. #2
    Community Member jwdaniels's Avatar
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    Just be glad that standing in a party member's wall of fire doesn't cook you...


    Proud officer of Crate and Barrel Smashing, LLC

  3. #3
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Nah.. I like the ability to get rid of my own, and friendly party members', spells.

    Not for griefing - actually, there are many reasons.

    Lag - some people get lag. If I drop a dancing ball, ice storm, symbol of death, web, cloudkill, like I tend to do, because I find overkill hilarious? It's fun for me. But then someone complains about the lag.

    I can hit up a Cyclonic Blast, and wipe all that junk away. I'll often do this in Part 4 of the Shroud, after the Dancing Ball has outlived its usefulness.

    Also, perhaps that firewall is healing a mob? Oh no, I don't like healing enemies, I better hit Ice Storm and deal double damage + bludgeoning, instead.

    There are many more occasions - I just tossed a few out there to show that these have positive usages.

  4. #4
    Community Member Saravis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jwdaniels View Post
    Just be glad that standing in a party member's wall of fire doesn't cook you...

    This isn't PnP, you can't compare a turn-based tactical positioning game to a real-time game. Are you going to inform the party every time you throw a firewall? Players can't be as tactically reactive in a real time game as in a turn based game. When a player does something in a turn based game its move is isolated, no one else is doing anything and other players have the time to appropriately react.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saravis View Post
    This isn't PnP, you can't compare a turn-based tactical positioning game to a real-time game. Are you going to inform the party every time you throw a firewall? Players can't be as tactically reactive in a real time game as in a turn based game. When a player does something in a turn based game its move is isolated, no one else is doing anything and other players have the time to appropriately react.
    For a time we used writting down our actions so people might go into the area affect of a spell they only time our gm allowed us to talk about things is if our characters actually could

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  6. #6
    Community Member Saravis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDearLeader View Post
    Nah.. I like the ability to get rid of my own, and friendly party members', spells.

    Not for griefing - actually, there are many reasons.

    Lag - some people get lag. If I drop a dancing ball, ice storm, symbol of death, web, cloudkill, like I tend to do, because I find overkill hilarious? It's fun for me. But then someone complains about the lag.

    I can hit up a Cyclonic Blast, and wipe all that junk away. I'll often do this in Part 4 of the Shroud, after the Dancing Ball has outlived its usefulness.

    Also, perhaps that firewall is healing a mob? Oh no, I don't like healing enemies, I better hit Ice Storm and deal double damage + bludgeoning, instead.

    There are many more occasions - I just tossed a few out there to show that these have positive usages.
    I can understand, I just dislike cyclonic blast being able to affect other players spells. I love using cyclonic blast, its a really fun spell to use, but the major issue is that persistent AoEs are very commonly used, severely inhibiting my ability to use this spell. I also have the same issue with using ice storm, its far too common that I'm unable to throw an ice storm because there's a firewall or two around.

    Would it then be possible for the removal of player spells only disrupting other player spells? Maybe my request is getting too complicated. I'm just getting irritated with the conflict between Savants.

  7. #7
    The Hatchery danotmano1998's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saravis View Post
    Cyclonic blast destroying just about any persistent AoEs. Is there any use to this?
    Good to know, ty.

    I found out the hard way about the ice storm/firewall issue. Took me a couple of casts to figure out that you can't throw a firewall in an ice storm. Duh!!

    Now that I know.. It does make sense.

    This idea was borrowed from Dragon Age, I believe. Spell interactions..
    The only difference is that in DA, there were POSITIVE interactions, not negative ones.

    /not signed.
    It creates a dynamic interactive environment. I like that.
    <-Curelite Bottling Company->

    Quote Originally Posted by Chilldude
    Dude, did you see they way that guy just pressed button 1? It was amazing! A display of skill unseen since the 1984 World Games where in the men's room, between events, a man washed his hands with such unbridled majesty that people were claiming the faucet he used was OP.

  8. #8
    Magically Malicious
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    I've considered CBlast mostly as a utility spell. I use it A LOT for anti-caster effects. Clouds, FWalls, ect...

  9. #9
    Community Member jwdaniels's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saravis View Post
    This isn't PnP, you can't compare a turn-based tactical positioning game to a real-time game. Are you going to inform the party every time you throw a firewall? Players can't be as tactically reactive in a real time game as in a turn based game. When a player does something in a turn based game its move is isolated, no one else is doing anything and other players have the time to appropriately react.
    1: If all you do is spam firewalls, especially now, you're doing something wrong.

    2: It sounds like your DM in PnP games was way too generous with decision-making time.

    3: It's not going to overcome fire resistance anyway.

    Proud officer of Crate and Barrel Smashing, LLC

  10. #10
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jwdaniels View Post
    Just be glad that standing in a party member's wall of fire doesn't cook you...
    Are there any MMO's where "friendly fire" occures, and one needs to pay attention where one throws those fireballs?

    Or where enemy mobs can be tricked into "friendly fire"?
    "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

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  11. #11
    Community Member xSeverinax's Avatar
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    The game has enough easy buttons as it is. If you actually took the time to think about what you are doing, what spells you are casting and when, this stops being an issue. You don't need to tell everyone what spell you are casting - it should be pretty obvious that when great big lumps of ice fall from the sky that it is an ice storm. When a huge wall of fire springs up out of nowhere - guess what? It is a wall of fire spell. Common sense and basic phisics tells us that ice (being frozen water) will put out a fire, fire will melt ice.... not really that difficult a concept really. A big strong gust of wind will blow stuff over, and disperse clouds, fog, mist etc.

    oh and in my pnp games, time and player actions are dynamic. A melee does not know what spell a caster will use unless he is either a multiclass caster/melee, or has seen the caster do it many, many times before. If that melee charges into the line of fire of a fire ball, the caster gets a choice throw it anyway or waste the spell. Real life combat is messy, with lots of events going off simultaneously in a firefight, it's not a case of "had my turn now, its your turn"

    Perhaps less time playing computer games and more time living in real life and learning real life stuff might help you?
    Last edited by xSeverinax; 06-14-2011 at 04:46 PM.

  12. #12
    Community Member JohnWarlock's Avatar
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    In that case, shouldn't gust of wind increase the damage wall of fire does? and for that matter if you are using cyclonic blast, shouldn't it propel ice nuggets from ice storm faster, thus increasing the bludgeon damage?

    and if you hit a stone column with acid fog, shouldn't it start eating away at the column, and going on those assumptions, shouldn't disintegrate blast holes in walls when it is cast against a wall, or a ceiling or floor?

  13. #13
    The Hatchery danotmano1998's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xSeverinax View Post
    Perhaps less time playing computer games and more time living in real life and learning real life stuff might help you?
    Bit uncalled for, no?
    <-Curelite Bottling Company->

    Quote Originally Posted by Chilldude
    Dude, did you see they way that guy just pressed button 1? It was amazing! A display of skill unseen since the 1984 World Games where in the men's room, between events, a man washed his hands with such unbridled majesty that people were claiming the faucet he used was OP.

  14. #14
    Community Member Saravis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xSeverinax View Post
    /not signed

    The game has enough easy buttons as it is. If you actually took the time to think about what you are doing, what spells you are casting and when, this stops being an issue. You don't need to tell everyone what spell you are casting - it should be pretty obvious that when great big lumps of ice fall from the sky that it is an ice storm. When a huge wall of fire springs up out of nowhere - guess what? It is a wall of fire spell. Common sense and basic phisics tells us that ice (being frozen water) will put out a fire, fire will melt ice.... not really that difficult a concept really. A big strong gust of wind will blow stuff over, and disperse clouds, fog, mist etc.

    oh and in my pnp games, time and player actions are dynamic. A melee does not know what spell a caster will use unless he is either a multiclass caster/melee, or has seen the caster do it many, many times before. If that melee charges into the line of fire of a fire ball, the caster gets a choice throw it anyway or waste the spell. Real life combat is messy, with lots of events going off simultaneously in a firefight, it's not a case of "had my turn now, its your turn"

    Perhaps less time playing computer games and more time living in real life and learning real life stuff might help you?
    Lol, the issue is it isn't an issue of knowing what to do, its an issue of not knowing what another player is going to do. Unless you plan on announcing your every action, which no one does, you're going to very commonly run into conflicts.

    Just because something is real doesn't mean that its fun.

    Last I checked, I can't summon a hail storm with a wave of my hand, you need to learn to differentiate between what is pretend and what is real.

    Anyway, I thought there might be others who feel my irritations, but guess not. I'll continue to throw my cyclonic blasts and ice storms, guilt free of the results. After all, it isn't my fault if I have no idea what another player is going to do.

    Carry on.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by jwdaniels View Post
    Just be glad that standing in a party member's wall of fire doesn't cook you...

    QFT - Friendly fire would be an interesting dynamic to the game.

    I recall one of my favorite PnP table-top RP moments, when the mage cast a fireball on top of a rogue surrounded by goblins....

    "you threw a fireball at me!"
    "yeah, but you evaded it..."
    "But... you..."

  16. #16
    Magically Malicious
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ithaquah View Post
    QFT - Friendly fire would be an interesting dynamic to the game.

    I recall one of my favorite PnP table-top RP moments, when the mage cast a fireball on top of a rogue surrounded by goblins....

    "you threw a fireball at me!"
    "yeah, but you evaded it..."
    "But... you..."
    It was YOU, wasn't it!?!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnWarlock View Post
    In that case, shouldn't gust of wind increase the damage wall of fire does? and for that matter if you are using cyclonic blast, shouldn't it propel ice nuggets from ice storm faster, thus increasing the bludgeon damage?

    and if you hit a stone column with acid fog, shouldn't it start eating away at the column, and going on those assumptions, shouldn't disintegrate blast holes in walls when it is cast against a wall, or a ceiling or floor?
    This is what we need more of in terms of spell interaction. Igniting Grease is the only combo that (exists?). I would like to see cyclonic blast push a fire wall, propel meteor storms, cause a fire storm (flamestrike + cyclonic).

    Would be nifty if more spells interacted positively
    Last edited by Doganpc; 06-14-2011 at 05:50 PM.

  18. #18
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    Hmm, I remember before savants, me and another caster had to agree/coordinate on general tactics. He was going to be using firewall, so wanted me not to use ice storm or something like that. A few words on coordination in an actual team game and all is fine.



    THough synergestic effects that would let you boost the CL/effect of other magical effects would be cool, Nova fire wall!.

  19. #19
    Community Member Rumbaar's Avatar
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    We already have grease to grief our parties, no need for more.

    It's also magical fire, so it should be able to burn through a snow storm or gust of wind.
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  20. #20
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    Just because this is a fantasy game does not mean that you trash all of the laws of physics. Yes, you can summon fire and ice with a wave of your hand, but you do that because fire is really hot and ice is really cold. If you dump fire on ice it will put the fire out.

    All it takes is a little coordination in the party. Have you considered talking to the other caster? Or typing even? If you see a firewall up, try putting your ice storm in a different part of the room? And vice versa? Or even use another spell?

    This isn't difficult to figure out and the spells are wai. Your minor annoyance does not rate changing the game.
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