Are there any groups/guilds on Cannith that farm Shroud parts 1-4 on a regular basis?
It's been hit or miss lately with guild runs for Shroud. :/
I don't see too many people farm 1-4 but there are always shrouds up you could join and just not complete.
Snuffles - lvl 20 fighter - Platinum Knights on Cannith
In our guild we don't farm parts 1-4 however if we do a shroud you always have the /death or recall option before we complete
Cannith - ReizalRocks - Reizal - Reizals Cannonfodder - Reizala - Fortitude
In general every shroud run has many that don't complete (But STAY until Harry is dead, leaving beforehand will get you blacklisted [unless the whole group is leaving]). Other than that, you can also get GS ingredients in Amrath (Devils of Shavrath).
EDIT: and if you ask around in the group, you can usually get all the farmers to join your group for 'round two' (or more).
Gordy - A Tribe Called Zerg - Cannith
Agordmil - Agordmils - Byoh - Crocodylia - Schrödingers - MooseAlert - Zufallig - Mooselicker
Solo ToD (Arcane) no pots preMotu
Farming parts 1-4 is not a great use of your time... If you are looking for small/medium ingrediants, just complete, and then sell or trade the large you get for a bunch of small/medium ingrediants.
The other option is to just join a normal Shroud run, and drop out when Harry is at 5% health in Part 5
Silver Legion does two or three runs every Saturday. When we can't fill with guild we open to others. (The second and third runs often have slots open for non-guild.) We always offer the option to DD or recall after Harry falls. We post an LFM, so if you see one up, contact Kassie to let him know you'd like in if there are slots open.
What do you mean a -6 armor class is no good any more?
Proud handler of Baldric, Melkazar, Clant, Mulray, Tirimon, Mallon.
Remember, if one of them falls off a cliff, it's actually my fault.
Can I suggest that you just complete? you said that you have several lvl 20s, and that your goals are tier 2 items. You can get those ingredients very quickly. In fact, send me a tell in game, I would trade enough smalls and mediums to make 2 tier 2 items for 2 larges, I would take anything but bones. So two completions can get you your tier 2 items.
Zaxza Sorc, Xexa FvS, Zaxa12/6/2 Fight/Rog, Xexasaurus Monk
A Tribe Called Zerg