The new easy button for dealing with pugs.
Ship Invite
Party: Joebob the Korthos Noob joins your party.
Joebob the Korthos Noob : Ship Invite please.
Me: Press alt+f4, it will teleport you to my location on the boat.
Party: Joebob the Korthos Noob has disconnected.
Party: Joebob the Korthos Noob has been dismissed from your party
Share Please
Party: Joebob the Korthos Noob joins your party.
Joebob the Korthos Noob: shr plz
Me: Press alt+f4, it will teleport you to me, I am at the quest giver so you can see where it is.
Party: Joebob the Korthos Noob has disconnected.
Party: Joebob the Korthos Noob has been dismissed from your party.
Lost in explorer/dungeon
Party: Joebob the Korthos Noob joins your party.
Joebob the Korthos Noob: omw
Joebob the Korthos Noob: which quest?
Me: ghost of a chance in 3bc
...2 completions later
Joebob the Korthos Noob: where is it again?
Me: Press alt+f4 to teleport to my location.
Party: Joebob the Korthos Noob has disconnected.
Party: Joebob the Korthos Noob has been dismissed from your party.