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  1. #1
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    Default WF Sorc - Help required is the conundrum.

    Myself and 2 buddies are playing a small caster group a couple days a week. They have 2 Palemasters, so to spice it up I went Sorcerer and WF for the self healing on the way to 20. I am struggling with a feats and 'achievable' gear layout (ie not epic)


    - Am a 32 Point build;

    - I have 18 Con and 16 Cha;

    - Have Maximise and Empower;

    - Am spending points in Concentration, UMD and a left over in Balance (in case I dont spec Air at 20);

    - am leveling quite well and see no problems hitting 20; and

    - am aiming for 20lvls of Sorc.

    In this group, I expect that once insta kill spells hit, the PM's will be clearing trash and I will be responisble for primary dps on anything that can't be killed outright (boss mobs).

    What I would like to do:

    - perma wield the 'light and darkness' for superior stability at 20. With the intention of dotting and shield blocking, while I heal myself and the other 2 wizzies help out. Yes I'm true neutral. No i am not leveling intimidate, but I expect the 2x threat agrro while wielding a shield and taunting may help keep things off the wizzies;

    - be either Air Savant with cold Minor, or Earth Savant with something else; and

    - still be able end game viable. Not completely gimp my DC's.

    So to recap, I want to make a shield sorc, that can still perform its primary function (DPS). I need ideas for:


    Obtainable gear at 20 (not bleeding edge);

    Air or Earth Savant; and

    finally...20 Lvls of Sorc? or something funky like 2 monk for Evasion? I'm guessing stick all the way with Sorc

    Any assistance would be appreciated.
    Last edited by Mezbit; 06-14-2011 at 02:18 AM.

  2. #2
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    Giant Brains are circling.....I can tell.

  3. #3
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    how do u reduce your arcane spell failure by wielding a large shield?

  4. #4
    Hero Gkar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mezbit View Post
    So to recap, I want to make a shield sorc, that can still perform its primary function ].


    Put the shield down or you will find your spells fail a lot.

    Every sorc/wiz should have one for temporary turtle up but that really shouldn't be the primary plan.

    What you need to do is max chr, 16 or 18 con, anything left into str.

    Fire sav at low level, switch to air or water at mid to high level.

  5. #5
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    I was of the understanding that it would only take 1 item slot with the appropriate asf reduction to allow me to wield 'light and darkness' (which is mithril as well).

    As I read in this post.

    And yes I get the leveling process. Fire is a blast so far.
    Last edited by Mezbit; 06-14-2011 at 10:24 PM.

  6. #6
    Hero Gkar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mezbit View Post
    I was of the understanding that it would only take 1 item slot with the appropriate asf reduction to allow me to wield 'light and darkness' (which is mithril as well).

    And yes I get the leveling process. Fire is a blast so far.
    Nope, that only reduces armor ASF. Nothing can help with shields.

  7. #7
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    Lesser Arcane Casting Dexterity shards are easy to craft, and one of those will take care of the 5% ASF from a Heavy Mithral Shield. If you feel like farming Litany instead, Fanged Gloves will work, or if you're super lucky in the Titan Raid, the Seven-fingered gloves work too.

    I ran with Fanged Gloves + Light and Darkness some of the time at cap (before I TR'd), and I never had a spell fail. Having a shield, especially a really good one like L&D, can be very useful in certain situations, just consider what you're giving up in that offhand weapon slot, and look for a way to make it up.

    I would recommend Air Savant. If you're going to be killing orange names and bosses, you want to maximize the damage you get from Niac's Biting Cold and Eladar's Electric Surge. That means you must be either Air or Ice, and you should avoid Acid or Fire. Those two spells are absolutely critical, and there's no excuse for having a -9 CL to either.

    Good feats to take are Max, Empower, Heighten, SF: evo/conj (for Savant, take Evo unless you're Acid, for Acid take Conj). You'll almost certainly want Toughness unless you have a ton of hp boosting gear, and beyond that you might want more Spell Focus or Spell Penetration feats. I personally went with spell penetration and a lot of no-save CC like Irresistible Dance, Power Word Stun, etc. Even with two PMs around, the best CC and instakill spells are so good, you might as well take them.

    Definitely stick with Sorc 20. Multiclassed builds are possible, but they tend to want more gear to emphasize/compensate (eg, more reflex save boosts if you're gaining Evasion).

    Speaking of gear, there's plenty of nice raid loot, but that can be hard to get unless you're willing to try more than a couple times. You may want to plan for more basic gear, and then adjust to upgrades as you acquire them. Also, do you have any characters working on a high Crafting level?

  8. #8
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    Thanks. All good points and exactly what I was looking for.

    Nice to hear that the shield works. My idea is to go Air and 20 sorc, based on the advice in thread.

    I think I'll also take spell pen, as a non TR I expect the odd problem with SR.

    I'm quite happy to raid at 20.

    No crafting as yet, however friends have been hammering it. I was just going to wait and evaluate the unbound stuff available.

  9. #9
    The Mad Multiclasser Failedlegend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gkar View Post
    Nope, that only reduces armor ASF. Nothing can help with shields.
    Please don't give out false information.

    @OP A Shield Wizard can be quite potent especially a PM Wiz...Sorc on the other hand is much more difficult due to their lack of feats

    Here's a decent Shield wiz (although its a TR1 build its easily modified) oh and Here's a good thread discussing making Shield Wizards

    True Neutral Half Elf Wizard18/Rogue2 "Palemaster" (Rogue Taken at 1 & 11) Stats (34pt) Str 10 Dex 8 Con 16 Int 18 Wis 8 Cha 14 Feats (In a rough order) Regular 1 Shield Prof:General 3 Shield Mastery 6 Toughness 9 Insightful Reflexes 12 Heighten 15 GSF: Necro 18 Quicken Wiz 2 Extend 6 SF:Necro 12 Mental Toughness 17 Maximize Half-Elf 1 Pally Dilly Skills Max: Concentration/UMD/Intimidate/Balance (Half-Ranks in Balance until +2 int tome) Rogue Levels add: OL and w/e
    Last edited by Failedlegend; 06-15-2011 at 12:12 AM.
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