Ok....here is the conundrum.
Myself and 2 buddies are playing a small caster group a couple days a week. They have 2 Palemasters, so to spice it up I went Sorcerer and WF for the self healing on the way to 20. I am struggling with a feats and 'achievable' gear layout (ie not epic)
- Am a 32 Point build;
- I have 18 Con and 16 Cha;
- Have Maximise and Empower;
- Am spending points in Concentration, UMD and a left over in Balance (in case I dont spec Air at 20);
- am leveling quite well and see no problems hitting 20; and
- am aiming for 20lvls of Sorc.
In this group, I expect that once insta kill spells hit, the PM's will be clearing trash and I will be responisble for primary dps on anything that can't be killed outright (boss mobs).
What I would like to do:
- perma wield the 'light and darkness' for superior stability at 20. With the intention of dotting and shield blocking, while I heal myself and the other 2 wizzies help out. Yes I'm true neutral. No i am not leveling intimidate, but I expect the 2x threat agrro while wielding a shield and taunting may help keep things off the wizzies;
- be either Air Savant with cold Minor, or Earth Savant with something else; and
- still be able end game viable. Not completely gimp my DC's.
So to recap, I want to make a shield sorc, that can still perform its primary function (DPS). I need ideas for:
Obtainable gear at 20 (not bleeding edge);
Air or Earth Savant; and
finally...20 Lvls of Sorc? or something funky like 2 monk for Evasion? I'm guessing stick all the way with Sorc
Any assistance would be appreciated.