Seriosly! I start to wonder why I even pay for the VIP in this game! Well it aint the game...
Its the servers this game is running on! It's getting worse every day, after specific times its UNPLAYABLE due the ammount of lag.
Last quest I had to abandon and after a long pause of swearing I realized I pulled off 500 mana on spells...that didnt even land or anything! Why?
Since the lag ate em up!
Right, other toon, ranger...arrows deals no dmg no hits or misses due lag!
Fighter, no hits lands due lag...
What is my bandwich? Well atm sitting on 99% speed on a 100mbit fiber connection UP and DOWN!
Same issues happens to several players I know and they experience the same issue, also sitting on fiber connections.
My location? Sweden!
Talked to friend of mine who lives in the USA, same issues.
This problem NEED to be looked into asap! Unless you want to have the issue and loose players, since that is just a matter of time.
Shape up and fix it!