I need some advice.

I play MMOs to have fun and not stress over what's "best" or "optimal". So I guess it would be fair to say that I often play "flavor" characters in most MMOs. I've looked through a lot of builds on these forums, many of which sound a little like what I'm looking for, but often times it sounds like they're built around the idea of only caring about level 20 and assuming a person has bajillions in platinum and thousands of clickies and such.

First off, I rarely solo. I don't need to be able to solo the epic content. I have a good group of friends I game with almost exclusively. I'm not worried about end game. I'm not concerned on whether or not I'll be invited to a group obviously. I don't need to do maximum DPS to not feel like a complete failure. I most likely won't have access to the best equipment. I don't have a ton of money saved up. Oh, and I don't know where to get clickies nor do I want to rely on them if I can avoid it.

I'll be starting at level 4 and taking my time to enjoy all the content. Maybe some day I'll get to 20, but that's not really my goal besides being a consequence of me going through content having fun.

Now, saying all that here is my latest "flavor" idea of what I want to play. Again, let me state that I have read many of the build threads and that I'm trying to narrow it down with your help.

I'm completely infatuated with the idea of a Warforged character swinging a giant weapon while using magic to protect himself. That just screams "awesome!!" in my head. In my mind I see this character as melee focused. He's not throwing balls of flame and lightning. He's a lumbering hulk with blades and magic alike bouncing off him, his magical aura, or missing him entirely. As he laughs maniacally as things fail to destroy him he continues to swing that giant weapon around with utter glee.

That's the flavor approach.

The game mechanics approach?

The various common builds I see people mention talk about 18 wiz/2 rog, 12 wiz (or sorc)/6 fig/2 rog, 18 fig/2 rog, etc. Most of the builds talk about two weapon fighting, epic gear, and a bunch of clickies. But I want a big two handed weapon, I'll have a lack of epic gear, and I'll have no clickies unless they're real easy to come by.

I like the idea of my character casting the spells required more than the idea of him using a bunch of wands and scrolls. For some reason wands and scrolls seem "cheap" to me somehow. Must be my history of old school pen and paper where those were rare things. In reading the forums it sounds like many characters count on a high UMD and simply use wands and scrolls to replace what you would normally need a whole class for. Almost makes me wonder why there are even classes in DDO. Anyhow, that's just my preference.

If I'm swinging a big sword around it doesn't do me much good unless I can actually hit with it. That tells me I need a high BAB I suppose. Now that comes with either a lot of levels in a melee class or evidently by using a Divine Power clicky. Well if I don't want to use clickies that means I either need enough levels in Cleric/FvS to cast it myself, or I need enough levels in a melee class for a high enough BAB.

Either of those non-clicky scenarios most likely leaves me without enough levels in wiz/sorc to have blur, displacement and stone skin.

So that makes me then wonder about Clerics, Favored Souls and Paladins. In my mind if I pretend it's magic instead of holy power, are there divine spells that can offer me similar benefits as if I were using blur, displacement and stone skin?

A benefit of going that route would be that I'd have access to Divine Power so I could actually melee decently, right? But then what about the lack of Reconstruction? Would having divine healing spells be effective enough for me to self-heal my warforged by taking those enhancements?

The next thing that I wonder is about the Warforged damage resistance. How useful is it? Does anyone stack as much of it as possible? I know Adamantine armor gives 2 DR, warforged enhancements give another 3, and through feats you can grab a few more. Keeping in mind that I'll actually be playing this guy through the levels and I'm not just looking at lvl 20, is it worthwhile to pick up Adamantine Armor and/or a bunch of the DR additions?

So to simplify all this:

"Flavor" desired:
1. Warforged - Mandatory
2. Uses 2 handed weapons - Mandatory
3. Melee as primary combat - Mandatory (melee character, not a "caster" besides buffs and heals/repairs to aid in being melee)
4. Some sort of "magic" (wiz, sorc, cleric, fvs, etc) used to enhance his melee combat, protect him from harm, and heal himself. Preferably through classes own magic/abilities.

Things to keep in mind:
1. Will almost always be in a group of 4-6 friends
2. Doesn't need to be able to solo epic content, but might have to solo normal and occasional hard stuff here and there when friends are offline
3. Needs to be playable from lvl 4-20 (not necessarily uber, but still playable)
4. Would prefer not to rely on wands, scrolls and clickies unless they are really easy to come by and don't totally ruin the immersion or "flavor" of the character concept.

As long as the "flavor" and "keep in mind" things are met I'm comletely open to any class combination. Thinking outside the box is great fun. Cookie cutter builds aren't required unless they really fit what's been stated. I have access to everything, plus 32 point builds, plus starting at level 4 veteran status which means lvls 1-3 can be gimpy as long as lvl 4 brings enough together to be playable.

Oh, and finally "Well what role do you want to provide to the group?" is a non-issue. Whatever role he's capable of filling is the role he'll provide. We're a group of friends who like to have fun playing these games. We don't obssess over having every specific detail, role, etc. covered as long as we all have fun.

So what do you all think?