Hope you forumers don't mind me borrowing your expertise ^^
Decided to level up a rogue (my first since EU servers ages ago) so I have more that one capped character as my mains are taking turns tring. Not worried about tome and loot requirements, besides seven fingered gloves not a huge issue.
Just want to know if this Character is viable as a first life.
Halfling isn't up for debate (I only play halflings, wierd I know)
Svaler Operne
Halfling 20 rogue
True Neutral
(32 Points)
Str 14(Base)+6(Item)+2(tome)=22
Dex 18(Base)+5(level)+5(Enhancements)+6(Item)+2(tome)= 36
Con 14(Base)+6(Item)+2(tome)=22
Int 14(Base)+6(Item)+2(tome)+2(Capstone)=24
Wis 8
Cha 8
Yes it is finesse but 22 unbuffed strength is reasonable right?
Wondering if ints too high to start, but I love having plenty of skills (and assassinate works in epic now I hear)
full ranks in Balance, Bluff, Disasble Device, Listen, Move Silently, Open Locks, Search, Spot, Use Magic Device
2 ranks into tumble and hide at level 1 (Hallfings get +2 hide a level 1, want to keep them even) then raising hide 1 per level.
After +2 int tome nommed at 7 taking 1 rank per level into tumble too.
Feat Order also was annoying
Level 1: Toughness
Level 3: Weapon Finesse
Level 6: Two weapon Fighting
Level 9: Improved Two Weapon Fighting
Level 10: Improved Evasion
Level 12: Improved Critical Piercing
Level 13: Opportunist (Not too sure about this but heard good things about it)
Level 15: Power Attack (So late! D= Gonna miss this at low levels anyway to place it earlier?)
Level 16: Crippling Strike
Level 18: Greater Two Weapon Fighting
Level 19: Skill Mastery
Is this ok?
Damage Boost 2 (3)
Haste boost 3 (6)
Skill boost 2 (3)
Deadly Shadows Capstone (2)
Halfling Dexterity 2 (6)
Halfling Cunning 2 (3)
Halfling Guile 2 (3)
Halfling Luck Reflex 2 (3)
Rogue Item Defense 1 (1)
Rogue Subtle Backstabbing 2 (3)
Racial Toughness 2 (3)
Rogue Assassin 3 (8)
Rogue Sneak Attack Accuracy 4 (10)
Rogue Sneak Attack Accuracy 4 (10)
Improved Hide 2 (3)
Improved Move Silently 2 (3)
Rogue Dexterity 3 (12)
Haven't got time for HP breakdown, late for College now I've done that enhancement breakdown D=
will do when I get back.
So yeah critgue! (And I'm sorry for the wall of text!)