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While generally I agree wholeheartedly with others that multiclassing wizard on a fvs is a bad idea, there are a few advantages.
I used lesser reincarnation to try out a 16 fvs/2 wiz/2 monk after u9. Again, I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS for new players that are not very familiar with the tradeoffs.
2 wizard - ignore the spells completely. I didn't even have the int to cast any of my wizard spells, and I didn't care. What I got out of two wizard was 1) a free casting feat, 2) +20% damage to the fire damage in my few fire spells, 3) +20% damage to my untyped spells that stacked with the 30% of the pre (+50% bb damage). The first level of wizard gives you +20% to your fire damage (and all other elemental damage, if, like me, you had past life:sorc). The second level of wizard gives you that super juicy +20% to all untyped damage (its the new force/untyped enhancement)... which is most of what you have that isn't alignment damage.
Yeah, you lose mass heal. And if you want to play a healbot, its a no-go. Its also a very poor choice if you are looking for instakilling, you lose spell pen and don't even get access to implosion. BUT if your build relys on pure dps, mostly from bbs and weapons (as mine did) the extra +20% damage to the bb is noticeable and nice. I also had past life wizard and past life sorc, so all of my free spelllikes were boosted by the wizard enhancements. When you are fitting in multiple past lives, sometimes 3 extra feats is worth losing level 20 abilities, especially if you are planning on tring again, and so your goal is level 19 builds.
So there aren't no advantages. But the advantages are limited to certain specific playstyles, and only with a ton, ton, ton of experience should you even try it. NOT on your first capped toon. NOT even on your first fvs.
Hope that helps.
Just to be more clear. I think that the entire level 8 divine spell list is basically garbage. You get fantastic spells at level 7 and level 9 divine, and level 8, well they mostly just take up space on a hotbar. If you tr as soon as you hit 20, you are debating between a 15/2/2 fvs/mnk/wiz and a 17/2 fvs/mnk. The first gets a 20% boost to the most common damaging spells. The second gets wings (fun!). Both will be basically equal healers when called upon in that role. Neither is designed to remotely be a healbot... these are mostly solo dps toons.
Double Edit:
ALSO, if you are thinking about a 15/2/2, both 15 fvs/2 mnk/2 pal and 15 fvs/2 mnk/2 ftr are probably better. The 2 wiz combo is really just to max blade barrier damage.