Such as how I heard the next major patch will focus more on ranged combat. >_>;;
Such as how I heard the next major patch will focus more on ranged combat. >_>;;
Only place I ever hear anything even remotely like that is in my dreams.
Spellpass balancing still needs to be dealt with.
Holy Avengers are still missing.
Major bugs in crafting are still being found and worked on, and it's still in Beta and only half-complete.
FvS secondary PrE is still missing.
New class will be coming out this year at some point (maybe U11, maybe U13?) and will need major work no matter what it is (PrE lines, enhancement lines, balancing, who know what else).
GS decon is still completely missing.
There's no druids in game yet (maybe in 2012 if you believe Fernando).
Ranged combat fixes probably aren't even on the to-do list right now.
Only thing I remember about ranged was there was meant to be a change to repeaters coming very soon, making them fire all 3 shots at once, and splitting the firing and reloading animations or something.
Actually the next mechanics change is suppossed to go to ranged , i was listening to one of the podcasts leading up to the release of update 9 , where they stated that they weren't doing nothing to ranged in the comming update since it was the spell pass . And then they stated that a ranged pass was coming next . Wasn't sure at the time if they meant next update or not but i assumed that the next would be a content release which it is ... update 10 . Which leads me to believe that update 11 is what they meant .
I'm expecting the DwS PrC in U11.
The Nak Abides - Argo - Ascent
Ganak Goblinjuicer ~ Xanak the Irregular
Since they are delaying the release of update 10 to fill the gap to update 11 ,
does this mean we could get extras originally planned for update 11 in 10 ?
Current developments and guess-timates
Developer quote tracking on DDOWiki Classes: Psion Profile Races:Kalashtar Profile, Shifter Profile, Kobold Profile