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  1. #1
    Community Member bokaboka's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Thumbs down Let's Talk LAAAGGGGGG....

    Alright so like everyone else, I've been dealing with annoying lag in the last few months, but it's been nothing more than that.

    Tonight I hit my first patch of "OMG I can't move!, OMG I'm dying!, OMG where am I??, OMG I'm logging" type lag.

    So lets talk variables. What was different about this instance??

    1) Was it the quest? (Sykros' Jewel, Ataraxia's Haven)
    Dunno, haven't heard anything about that quest being unusual.

    2) Was it the time of day? (Sunday night)
    I wouldn't be surprised if Sunday was the busiest day of the week for DDO, but don't know for sure.

    3) Was it the spells? (Heal, Melf's maybe, Greater Command, some others prob)
    Spells have been changed recently, and those **** dwarves cast a lot of them at the end.

    4) Was it Game Booster?
    I just saw this mentioned this morning in a different thread. It supposedly speeds things up by shutting down background programs. I know I have a lot of minor things running, so I thought I'd give it a try. I'm normally pretty skeptical about that kind of thing, so this is a prime candidate in my case.

    5) Was it something to do with Monks?
    For whatever reason, I don't run into many monks on Cannith. Maybe they are soloing everything hehe. But anyway, I read that other monk-lag thread this morning with the exploit that we shall not mention. Well, this guy sure wasn't lighting anything up like the people described there, so is it possible that normal, routine use of items could cause major lag?

    Back at University of Wisconsin we had this phrase about "sifting and winnowing" to find the truth. What do you guys think? Why did I have such a crappy night for the first time ever?
    Rogue-fail, the gift that keeps on giving.
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  2. #2
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    There's talk about having more lag this u9, when all other causes are checked.
    But since there's a bunch of lag causes to look at you may want to rule out the common stuff.
    Such as having your system tuned, recent windows updates, sudden ram damage, unusual overheat, and ISP troubles.

    Since you mention the 'last few months' also check that your install isn't too old.
    If it has gone through 4-6 updates, say, since update 5, then consider a full reinstall.
    This is for the particular case of 'dat file fragmenting' which some people get, some don't.

  3. #3
    Community Member Cam_Neely's Avatar
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    Apr 2010


    you can farm this thread for many of those details FYI
    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    Hate me if you want, as of right now I'm not letting anyone crack open the build for this. Nope no way. Nada. I need developers working on the expansion pack, and that only. Again, hate me all you want, but creating a whole new realm takes priority over a broken bag. This is pretty much true of a few of the other issues that crept in today also.

  4. #4
    Community Member Claymorep's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Lag? What are You talking about?
    Lag don't exist od DDO!
    It's a fact that all developers aren't talking about of it, simple because it's only your perpection that is a bit too slow, nothing more.

    I putted the game in pause while my pally was jumping, so I was able to answer You... The only thing that I continue to don't understand is which is the right key on the keyboard that I continue to press to put the game in pause...

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