Seriously, no support on the weekends....

Your system has the ability to suspend my account on the weekend for a billing error but not the ability to reinstate it on the weekend. If this is the case I would suggest that rather than booting loyal paying customers you send a logon message that it is about to happen if it is outside of noon -8:45 Eastern M-F. What would you be losing? A free day or two if we don't ante up? Cost = zero.

I went to a Gamestop, bought my Ultimate Game Card, redeemed it at their website and now still have to wait until either A) 3-5 business days per Account (non) Support email, B) Noon on monday assuming phone support can help.

I know this is not the first time Turbine has heard this but this is frustrating and ridiculous. DO NOT boot players the second there is a billing error if you do not allow for equally instantaneous reinstatements.

Truly happy with the game and all that it offers. Not going to threaten to rage quit because I won't and you know it, but please find better solutions than autobooting during times with ZERO support.

Thank you for letting me vent. /rantoff