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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Repeater Crossbows still bugged.

    Is this ever going to be fixed?

    When I first started my mechanic rogue the bugged multiple shot issues were fairly rare and would vanish shortly after seeing them. Now they are the norm and the proper operation is the rarity.

    While I do not have hard numbers and this is purely anecdotal I would guess my issues are about this:

    60% of the time: 2 shot, reload, 1 shot, reload, 2 shot... etc
    35% of the time: 3 shot, reload, 1 shot, reload, 3/2 shot... etc
    5% of the time: 3 shot, reload, 3 shot reload, then it typically falls into a 3 shot then 1 shot mode.
    some-margin-of-error%: Actual real 3 shot, 3 shot. This has actually become a rare thing for me other than the first maybe 30 minutes of play.

    You can not only see it visually but the rolls do not happen which makes sense because you are not shooting. I do not know what changed but this is a serious bug that has totally destroyed my dps. I would swear it gets progressively worse the longer I play. Is this perhaps some strange interaction between the server and client and lag could be causing it?

    At first I thought maybe it was some undocumented "your weapon is damaged" deal but my xbow has 158 durability, 12 hardness and is a-tuned.

    I would really like to see this get some attention as it seems (based off much older posts I have replied to as well) it is getting none.

  2. #2
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    Last I recall reading is that it is a known quirk and is on their list of things to work on but would logistically have to wait until after the "Spell Pass" and new content roll out. I havn't had the opportunity to try this but I'm curious if its based on your attack rate which is made up of BaB, Rapid Shot & Rapid Reload. Does the repeater work perfectly when you just have the exotic weapon feat? Does it work flawlessly as a level 20 Fighter with full BaB? Do Rapid Shot and Rapid Reload factor into this? What about the sturdy bolts... is there something that causes a misfire when the bolt fails to 'return' or is it when it does return?

    Personally I think it'll end up being changed into a Manyshot clone with a 3shot animation. That mechanic works and would be a matter of copying it for use as a repeating crossbow shot.

    BTW: Necroing 1 thread and then starting your own identical thread is bad form.

    I do find manual firing *click*, *click*, *click* can help when you're doing 1-2-1 or 1-3-1
    Last edited by Doganpc; 06-12-2011 at 03:04 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Symar-FangofLloth's Avatar
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    Repeater fixes/changes (and presumably a ranged pass) are in store for U11, I believe.
    Former Xoriat-er. Embrace the Madness.

  4. #4
    Community Member Dawnsfire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zyyx777 View Post
    Is this ever going to be fixed?

    When I first started my mechanic rogue the bugged multiple shot issues were fairly rare and would vanish shortly after seeing them. Now they are the norm and the proper operation is the rarity.

    While I do not have hard numbers and this is purely anecdotal I would guess my issues are about this:

    60% of the time: 2 shot, reload, 1 shot, reload, 2 shot... etc
    35% of the time: 3 shot, reload, 1 shot, reload, 3/2 shot... etc
    5% of the time: 3 shot, reload, 3 shot reload, then it typically falls into a 3 shot then 1 shot mode.
    some-margin-of-error%: Actual real 3 shot, 3 shot. This has actually become a rare thing for me other than the first maybe 30 minutes of play.

    You can not only see it visually but the rolls do not happen which makes sense because you are not shooting. I do not know what changed but this is a serious bug that has totally destroyed my dps. I would swear it gets progressively worse the longer I play. Is this perhaps some strange interaction between the server and client and lag could be causing it?

    At first I thought maybe it was some undocumented "your weapon is damaged" deal but my xbow has 158 durability, 12 hardness and is a-tuned.

    I would really like to see this get some attention as it seems (based off much older posts I have replied to as well) it is getting none.
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    I can talk a little about that...

    I've completely rescripted crossbows and repeating crossbows for Update 11. The desynchronization issues that have plagued repeaters should be a thing of the past.

    We've changed their use behavior a bit though - crossbow use will been broken apart into two actions: Fire, and Reload. This lets you load a crossbow, run around with it, fire off a quick opening shot when you see a monster, and then immediately start casting spells (if applicable) or switch to a different weapon, instead of having to wait for the reload animation to complete. The "attack" button handles both of these. (Click to attack, then click to reload. If you hold the mouse button down or use autoattack, it should smoothly go from one to the other.)

    Repeating Crossbows will always fire their three round burst with a single "attack" action. Click! Thunk-thunk-thunk. Click! Reload. As before, repeating crossbows function as regular crossbows in the hands of a non-proficient user.

    Rapid Reload is now also significantly more noticeable.

    Great Crossbows (in the hands of a proficient user) now knock most opponents over on a confirmed natural 20, no save.

    Quote Originally Posted by Torc View Post
    I’m only nerfing you now so I can buff you later.

  5. #5
    Community Member kmau's Avatar
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    It's true, it actually got worse.
    Feel free to contradict yourself!

  6. #6
    The Mad Multiclasser Failedlegend's Avatar
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    Here's a relevant post by eladrin

    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    I can talk a little about that...

    I've completely rescripted crossbows and repeating crossbows for Update 11. The desynchronization issues that have plagued repeaters should be a thing of the past.

    We've changed their use behavior a bit though - crossbow use will been broken apart into two actions: Fire, and Reload. This lets you load a crossbow, run around with it, fire off a quick opening shot when you see a monster, and then immediately start casting spells (if applicable) or switch to a different weapon, instead of having to wait for the reload animation to complete. The "attack" button handles both of these. (Click to attack, then click to reload. If you hold the mouse button down or use autoattack, it should smoothly go from one to the other.)

    Repeating Crossbows will always fire their three round burst with a single "attack" action. Click! Thunk-thunk-thunk. Click! Reload. As before, repeating crossbows function as regular crossbows in the hands of a non-proficient user.

    Rapid Reload is now also significantly more noticeable.

    Great Crossbows (in the hands of a proficient user) now knock most opponents over on a confirmed natural 20, no save.
    Also Deepwood Sniper 2 is "supposedly" coming as well as Divine Avenger & Ranged Pass
    Last edited by Failedlegend; 06-12-2011 at 08:08 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    There is little value in getting into an edition debate; as with anything, we create what we believe works best for DDO.

  7. #7
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    As a Mechanic II, I primarily use heavy repeaters. I have noticed that I very rarely get 3 shots. However, rather than fireing 3 times per time I click, i can fire 1-3 times individually per reload. It doesnt seem to matter how long I'm playing, I always get the same type of results, usually 2 ACTUAL shots per reload but still losing 3 bolts. It doesnt seem to matter what kind of bolts I'm firing. I've known for a while that this was a known bug and not some obscure combination of gear/ammo. I already enjoy rogue as a mechanic, but I'm finding my DPS to be lacking and my expenses to be about 40-50% higher than they should be. I would rather this issue be fixed properly with us being left with the option of firing one shot at a time instead of having to fire 3 bolts each time, but if thats how they decide is the best way to fix it, so be it as long as it is fixed.

    For those wondering if bab has something to do with it, I'm currently a level 12 rogue

  8. #8
    Community Member PestWulf's Avatar
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    I actually fear the ranged pass. Not that I wish to cry doooom, even though it is very cheap right now...There are some incredible things about ranged that I love, like extreme range for starters. it would be easy for them to see that as too much of a good thing and nerf it. If they feel ranged is merely a perk for melee and not to be a viable attack style...*poof*.

    I'm hopeful of course...but really dreading it. The fact that the xbow changes aren't coming as a patch since Eladrin already scripted them....just gives me a really... ominous..... feeling.

    *runs off into the woods screaming*

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