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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Normal, hard or elite?

    I see discussions from time to time asking "what drops on elite in such-and-such quest".

    If there are quests where specific items drop on elite that dron't drop on hard, or that drop on hard but don't drop on normal, where can I find a list of such so I can decide which difficulty I want to run a particular quest?

    I understand some things are more likely to drop on higher difficulty, but I'd hate to run a quest on normal JUST because I didn't know running it on hard or elite gave me a chance at specific items I might want. (Assuming of course hard or elite for that quest didn't chew me into 10,000 little DDO pieces...)

  2. #2
    Community Member fluffybunnywilson's Avatar
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    The Eardweller only drops in its quests on Hard and Elite - not on normal at all.

    Better tomes drop in HoX and VoD and ToD on Hard/Elite.

    I don't know of any other loot that drops on Hard/Elite that doesn't drop on normal.

  3. #3
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    Default Asdf

    Pretty much any named item will drop on any difficulty, at the same drop rate, in said quest. An example is Carnifex will drop in Delaras on any level and will have the same drop ratio on any difficulty. Non named items tomes etc. work off of a loot table and the value of the loot won't exceed the level of the quest. The best example I can give you is a +2 tome will not drop in vale quests on normal as the loot value is more than what is available for the quest difficulty on normal. If you bump up to hard than you go up a level on the loot table and you can pull a +2 tome. Going to elite doesn't give you more of a chance to pull a +2 tome but it will raise the loot table level 1 more bar.

    I hope this helps. There are others who can do a much better job of explaining this but hopefully I provided some help.

  4. #4
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    Carnifex drops as end reward, not in chest from deleras - and as such is not effected by difficulty level.

    Else what disavowed said with one exception - devil assault.
    The loot table for devil assault changes quite a bit depending on difficulty (for example shroud power shards can drop on elite and epic difficulty (hard maybe too?) but not on normal).

    Also named loot in weapon shipment definitely has higher chances on hard and elite than on normal to drop, but not all quests seem to share this mechanic (most do not).

  5. #5
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    I understand completely. (Except for eardweller, unfamiliar with that, 1 more item on my todo list.)

    Now if only the bump in loot table for elite matched the bump in actual difficulty...

  6. #6
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    Default Yes My Mistake

    Quote Originally Posted by boomeranky View Post
    Carnifex drops as end reward, not in chest from deleras - and as such is not effected by difficulty level.

    Else what disavowed said with one exception - devil assault.
    The loot table for devil assault changes quite a bit depending on difficulty (for example shroud power shards can drop on elite and epic difficulty (hard maybe too?) but not on normal).

    Also named loot in weapon shipment definitely has higher chances on hard and elite than on normal to drop, but not all quests seem to share this mechanic (most do not).
    It does drop as an end reward. My mistake I'm a little tired almost no sleep in the last 48 hours. TY for pointing that out and correcting me.

  7. #7
    Community Member Baahb3's Avatar
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    Mindsunder items that can have different combinations tend to have the better setups on hard or elite drops.

    If I remember correctly a dev even posted that some of the better properties are only availble on the items from hard or elite chests.
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  8. #8
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    eardweller is one noteworthy that cannot drop from either dreaming dark or eye of the titan on normal, but can on hard/elite. its cousin the bloodrage symbiont in haywire foundry is supposed to work the same way, as will the new symbiote that currently isn't dropping at all due to a bug in the harbinger of madness chain.

    so symbiotes are one item class working this mechanic.

    there are certain variants of rahls might, and the like that only drop on norm/hard or hard/elite from the mindsunder special chest. also worth noting that each difficulties mindsunder special chest is a separate ransack(or at least was until u9, haven't had reason to test since O.o ).

    functions of general loot based on chest level, based on quest level aside, most of the rest is possible on all difficulties, although odds aren't even. better odds on shields vs tharnes goggles depending on difficulty on a certain raid for example.

    until they broke it with u9 and the essences, casual was supposed to be a 50% chance of shavarath stones, with norm and above guaranteed for vale quests, might be relevant point.

    also going back to the chest level based on quest level point, it's possible to find quests where chests cannot drop specific random items like certain ioun stones on one difficulty, but can on another (not that it's likely, but unlikely but possible beats impossible any day eh?).

    oh yeah epic demon queen raid can drop sands rare chest base items in addition to raid items, something that doesn't occur on normal/hard/elite. of course epic also has the chance at shards/seals/scrolls/tokens as per epics generally.


  9. #9
    Community Member Nathlin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fluffybunnywilson View Post
    The Eardweller only drops in its quests on Hard and Elite - not on normal at all.
    Quote Originally Posted by steelblueskies View Post
    eardweller is one noteworthy that cannot drop from either dreaming dark or eye of the titan on normal, but can on hard/elite.
    Yet i've seen it drop personally on normal I Dream of Jeets twice before U9.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nathlin View Post
    Yet i've seen it drop personally on normal I Dream of Jeets twice before U9.
    This will have been some kind of bug. The Dev's have always said the Eardweller thing will only drop on hard/elite difficulties.

    Also, as said before, +3 tomes drop only on hard or elite in Revers Fate, HoX and VoD. I have also seen one in the Shroud (P3 underwater chests) but that was a one time only thing that no one else has ever seen except my group then (from those I have spoke to atleast) so I assume it was a bug.

    +4 tomes drop in ToD on any difficulty (even Normal!) and epic raids (ADQ and VON 6).

    Other than these items hard and elite only increase the drop chance of named loot (and even that is debatable for some!).

  11. #11
    Community Member Morosy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NinjaNeed View Post

    Also, as said before, +3 tomes drop only on hard or elite in Revers Fate, HoX and VoD.
    Don't know about the other ones, but in VoD I only run normal(being gimp and all) and I've seen +3 tomes drop. It should be that they are part of the actual raid loot table, and thus drop on any difficulty, with higher chances on hard/elite. Can't say with Reaver as the only tomes I've gotten were elite, and I've never seen a +3 from Hound.

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