I've tried everything Google has to offer.
I've got AllowFakeFullscreen and ForceFakeFullscreen both set to True, and ConfineFullscreenMouseCursor set to False, and all that does is let me minimize the program without hitting Alt-Tab.
I've tried using ShiftWindow on windowed mode to fill the screen, which will get the screen to the size I want, but it screws up mouse control of the game because the game thinks the window is a different size.
I can't simply make the window bigger and then move it, because DDO in its arrogance always automatically shrinks it back to the size of my monitor. To "help" me.
This is ****ing me off. I hate using Alt-Enter every time I want to do something on my other screen, particularly because it enables the chat box. The general chat gets somebody saying "wwwwwwwww" every couple of minutes on my server, because they have switched to/from windowed, and tried to walk forward, but it went into the chat box instead. It's OBNOXIOUS.
Why can't this game do this? WoW does it, LoL does it, Just Cause 2 does it, every blasted game on the market does it, but not this one. Why. WHY.