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  1. #21
    Community Member vVAnjilaVv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrinityTurtle View Post
    Here's the part you're not getting. IT has nothing to DO with me being ignorant, it has to do with the way the game processes sound. In one party, with five people, 1 says I"m blasting his ears, 2 can hear me, and 2 I'm inaudible too. We tried testing this with a lan at my house so we could see everyone' settings and put them all the same incoming and outgoing settings, and the same results. The same speaker was super loud on some, super soft on others, and fine on others with the same settings. So you feeling the need to callpeople ignorant over something this trivial really...exposes your own here.
    Actually I was speaking of people whom pretty much everyone in the party/raid is complaining is too loud.

    Assuming is quite ignorant as well.

  2. #22
    Community Member Dispel's Avatar
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  3. #23
    Founder KuRRuPT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KillEveryone View Post
    This has everything to do with software, not personal settings.

    Grouped last night and there was someone with their volume loud enough to hurt my ears and another player that I had to turn my volume all the way up to hear.

    The other players were somewhere in the middle.

    They system doesn't get adjusted correctly by players. Nothing forces them to set things correctly.

    They don't have to set their PC up correctly either which can also be a factor. stated in this thread...

    This is the exact problem that I have.

    It isn't just me.

    Again there is a lot of peps that have no idea how to change their sound around in game but again it is a in game setting that you can change nothing to do with you pc just that in game settings, you can change all your sounds if you wanted to and set them how you want them, but what u are missing some peps have theirs to loud there is nothing you can do about that but tell them to turn their mic it down... but they way have mine set I don't have to worry about that, I been around to long but still hear seen so much change in my time tell it is not even funny no more, the killing part is they did do some changes to it from the way it use to be in beta and when the game first came out they gave you more setting in the panel for you to change your a lot of the sounds way more then the one button we use to have lol, don't get me wrong it is nothing that is going to be ez you have to keep playing with it until u get it just right like i sound in coming is low just for that reason loud mouth peps and some time I get tired of hearing peps talk unless it is dealing with what we are doing on a quest....if you want I can meet in game with you to help you with the settings to help you out if you would like me to do that...

    If you are tired of the big mouth let me help ya we can test it back and forth until we get it the way you want it...
    § Diligence §

  4. #24
    Community Member KillEveryone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KuRRuPT View Post
    Again there is a lot of peps that have no idea how to change their sound around in game but again it is a in game setting that you can change nothing to do with you pc just that in game settings, you can change all your sounds if you wanted to and set them how you want them, but what u are missing some peps have theirs to loud there is nothing you can do about that but tell them to turn their mic it down... but they way have mine set I don't have to worry about that, I been around to long but still hear seen so much change in my time tell it is not even funny no more, the killing part is they did do some changes to it from the way it use to be in beta and when the game first came out they gave you more setting in the panel for you to change your a lot of the sounds way more then the one button we use to have lol, don't get me wrong it is nothing that is going to be ez you have to keep playing with it until u get it just right like i sound in coming is low just for that reason loud mouth peps and some time I get tired of hearing peps talk unless it is dealing with what we are doing on a quest....if you want I can meet in game with you to help you with the settings to help you out if you would like me to do that...

    If you are tired of the big mouth let me help ya we can test it back and forth until we get it the way you want it...
    Here is the thing.

    My settings are set correctly. I took the time to check MY computer settings to get the mic right. I took the time to check MY game settings to get it right.

    YOU don't seem to understand the problem.

    Player 1 can be heard just fine by player 2 and 3, is booming to ear drum pain to player 4, and hardly heard at all by me player 5. I can hear player 2 and 3 just fine, player 4 is booming to me. Player 2 barely hears player 4 and player 3 is booming to player 2 but hears me just fine. Players 3 hears player 1 just fine and player 2 and I are booming to them.

    Do you get it now? I can't put it out there any better than that. We can all have our system set correctly and our game set correctly and there will still be a problem.

    I would like to have an ability to adjust the players incomming sound to each individual player so that I don't go deaf while trying to hear another player and not adjust those that are just right.
    Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.

  5. #25
    Community Member altrocks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KillEveryone View Post
    Here is the thing.

    My settings are set correctly. I took the time to check MY computer settings to get the mic right. I took the time to check MY game settings to get it right.

    YOU don't seem to understand the problem.

    Player 1 can be heard just fine by player 2 and 3, is booming to ear drum pain to player 4, and hardly heard at all by me player 5. I can hear player 2 and 3 just fine, player 4 is booming to me. Player 2 barely hears player 4 and player 3 is booming to player 2 but hears me just fine. Players 3 hears player 1 just fine and player 2 and I are booming to them.

    Do you get it now? I can't put it out there any better than that. We can all have our system set correctly and our game set correctly and there will still be a problem.

    I would like to have an ability to adjust the players incomming sound to each individual player so that I don't go deaf while trying to hear another player and not adjust those that are just right.
    Some people will just never get it, I think. It's a good idea, been suggested for as long as the game has existed and has been ignored for just as long. My solution is to play with guildies and use TeamSpeak for voice chat and use /p when pugging. I only use in-game voice when it's absolutely needed because I've had too many problems with people being /squelch'ed and people /squelch'ing me because of voice volume issues.

    One time someone did that in a pug HoX. I was grabbing the 4th stone and bringing it to the bard. But the bard had me squelched because, to him, my voice chat was too loud. Maybe he hadn't even done it during that quest, because he didn't remember doing it, but it was still there. So he starts yelling about not getting the 4th stone in party and voice. I try replying that the trade is auto-declined and he needs to change that. He's flipping out that I seem to be AFK/ignoring him while right next to him and finally someone else in the party realizes what's going on. They tell the bard to remove the squelch on me and he's super embarrassed about it. We finish HoX and he spends 5 minutes apologizing to me about it. It wasn't a huge deal, overall, but things like that have the potential to wipe a raid and it's not even an actual game mechanic.

    Maybe people will get it once it starts effecting them like that. Imagine if a cleric/fvs/sorc/wiz has a tank they're responsible for healing on /squelch in a ToD or VoD (or vice versa). Miscommunicating can kill.
    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    as for voice actors I wanted Betty White for Lolth but I got voted down.
    Khyber: Alelric - Wiz 5 (Hero), Arayaleth - Ranger 20 AA (Champion), Altrocks - Cleric 20 Radiant Servant (Champion), Zinnix - Rogue 20 Assassin (Champion)

  6. #26
    Community Member uthanak69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forzah View Post
    This is not a code related issue; but really something the players involved should solve themselves. I.e. go to mic settings in windows and turn it louder or softer where needed.
    Exactly. I bought a new mic and no one could hear me very well anymore. Went into my windows settings and raised my DDO volume, and it fixed it.

  7. #27
    Founder KuRRuPT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KillEveryone View Post
    Here is the thing.

    My settings are set correctly. I took the time to check MY computer settings to get the mic right. I took the time to check MY game settings to get it right.

    YOU don't seem to understand the problem.

    Player 1 can be heard just fine by player 2 and 3, is booming to ear drum pain to player 4, and hardly heard at all by me player 5. I can hear player 2 and 3 just fine, player 4 is booming to me. Player 2 barely hears player 4 and player 3 is booming to player 2 but hears me just fine. Players 3 hears player 1 just fine and player 2 and I are booming to them.

    Do you get it now? I can't put it out there any better than that. We can all have our system set correctly and our game set correctly and there will still be a problem.

    I would like to have an ability to adjust the players incomming sound to each individual player so that I don't go deaf while trying to hear another player and not adjust those that are just right.

    Ok np I don't have this issue any more so oh well I found a way to fix mine so that is good enough for me....good luck to you getting yours fixed...
    § Diligence §

  8. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by Nerate_Mireth View Post
    I've been in a group where EVERYONE'S levels (ingame and in Windows itself) were 100% identical and still having the player who is quiet as a mouse to one person and louder than a rock concert to the rest. The ONLY difference was in the type of mic/headset people were using. So, until you can get EVERYONE to use the same hardware, this needs to be treated like a code issue and new code put in.
    Explain THIS! If everyone's settings in the group are set EXACTLY the same and the same issues happen, how is that an issue on OUR end? Two of us (my wife and I, sitting in the SAME room, with the SAME headsets and 100% identical settings) come across at different levels (hers is extremely loud to me and mine very quiet to her).

    Just kill Gamespy's crappy VC, rip the code out, put in Ventrillo's VC coding, test inhouse until it's "working" then drop onto the Beta servers. Let people play with it. I'm sure a HUGE majority of the players will appreciate it. the Update: Voices of Stormreach.
    The Misfit Toys
    Nerate, Tarene, Lupina, Satina, Throckmorton, Dramain, Yarka, Unka, Cryptstalker, Scurd, Steadyhanded, Zonaari

    Armor Dye Kits?

  9. #29
    Founder Riggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vVAnjilaVv View Post
    Uhmm yeah...if they are ignorant enough to have their sound set at a level that is going to give me hearing damage......I'm not gonna sit there and not be able to hear 6 people in a raid because one person is overbearing...unless they are the vocal leader........then I will turn everyone else down and just pay more attention visually to what is happening.

    Some people are just moronic, and do nothing after being told by several people they are making people's ears bleed - and often they are people that talk far more than they should.

    Squelch is the only option, and it shouldnt be.

    I am perfectly happy saying "You have to type if you want to communicate, because you apparently dont have the ability to adjust your mike level and are causing pain"

    I dont need to hear some idiot chatter on forever - but in a raid "West lever pulled" or some such sometimes matters - and typing is perfectly fine most of the time.

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