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  1. #1
    Community Member Staffman's Avatar
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    Default What ALL affects radiant servant healing aura?

    As best I can tell, potency/devotion 4, emp healing feat. Am I correct? What else works? Does empower, maximize, other feats?

    Also, is is potency 4? or a different level?

    It also seems to be affected by healing lore items...can anyone confirm?


  2. #2
    Community Member Inferno346's Avatar
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    All forms of healing amp. (Greensteel stick, finger necklace, jidz, monk, human, etc.)

    Superior ardor IV or higher for +75%

    or Eardweller for +100%

    Empower Healing feat

    Life Magic IV enhancement

    It can crit, so healing lore items and enhancements affect it.
    Thelanis: Takhysys, Tenauch, Vitriolus, Kalav, Leprous

  3. #3
    Community Member iconiclastic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inferno346 View Post
    All forms of healing amp. (Greensteel stick, finger necklace, jidz, monk, human, etc.)

    Superior ardor IV or higher for +75%

    or Eardweller for +100%

    Empower Healing feat

    Life Magic IV enhancement

    It can crit, so healing lore items and enhancements affect it.
    The eardweller is actually a psionic bonus so it adds 100% to whatever else you got going on.

  4. #4
    Community Member iconiclastic's Avatar
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    As far as I can determine maximize and empower work on healing spells,superior potency VI works on healing,the only difference is the sp cost for the former and the minimum level of the item on the latter.A superior potency VI item is min level 12 I believe where as a superiror devotion VI item is lvl 10.Life magic prayer of life/incredible life,if your gonna heal I'd get them all.I would make a concordant opposition item(greensteel/accessory)with major healing lore in it because you can(and u can put 2 out of the 4 immunities in it as well)to boost the crit chance on healz.Also a concordant opposition weapon with superior devotion VI on it(tier 1 neg/tier 2 pos)when u can manage to round up the ingredients,it tops off any healer type with a bit of extra sp here and there.The eardweller will stack with everything else because it is a psionic bonus so that like 200%+.That is very effective healing and you can see the difference between a non heal specked toon and a heal specked when doing raids.I tried to roll a combat casting cleric with no heal specks and then respecked him and I saw a major difference in sp consumption and healing effectiveness.

  5. #5
    Community Member krackythehoodedone's Avatar
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    Default Interesting

    Mmmmm I hadnt thought about the Eardweller.

    Your Devotion/Potency works, but better still the two 3 min Superior ardour clickies you can get from Amrath belts are V useful.

    I dont think Maximise works but maybe i should ask for some comparisons.

    My heal specced toon has all the healing amps/items/enhancements and my radiance is hitting Atm for a minimum of 25 per tick with crits ranging up to 160 odd depending i presume on healing amp.

    So with Eardweller would that double up? if so that is some serious healing

    Is anyone else getting significantly more than this ? if so how?
    Last edited by krackythehoodedone; 06-11-2011 at 08:19 AM.

  6. #6
    The Hatchery Habreno's Avatar
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    The Eardweller's description is broken. It doesn't stack with Potency, Devotion, Ardor clickies, or anything of the like.

    Believe the aura is affected by Empower Healing, your enhancements for healing, and Eardweller or anything under it.

    Believe the burst is affected by Empower and Maximize as well as what the aura is affected by.

    As both can crit, Healing Lore items or Arcane Lore items will improve crit chances and possibly crit multipliers, as well.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheLegendOfAra View Post
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  7. #7
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by krackythehoodedone View Post
    I dont think Maximise works but maybe i should ask for some comparisons.

    My heal specced toon has all the healing amps/items/enhancements and my radiance is hitting Atm for a minimum of 25 per tick with crits ranging up to 160 odd depending i presume on healing amp.

    So with Eardweller would that double up? if so that is some serious healing

    Is anyone else getting significantly more than this ? if so how?
    Maximize does NOT affect the aura. It does affect the burst.

    Here's the breakdown:

    Base Aura = Effective Level / 3
    Enhancement Factor = 1 + character enhancement + item enhancement
    Metamagic Factor = 1 + metamagic bonuses
    Total = Base * Enhancement * Metamagic

    For a Cleric 20, with Life Magic 4 and a Superior Ardor Clicky, that becomes:

    Base 22/3 = 7 (rounded down) (22 because effective level is class level + 2 bonus from Radiant Servant)
    Enhancement = 1 + 40% + 75% = 2.15
    Metamagic = 1 + 75% = 1.75
    Total = 7 * 2.15 * 1.75 = 26 (and change, rounded down)

    With the Eardweller active instead, the 75% becomes 100%, making the 2.15 be 2.4, and the total be 29.

    29 instead of 26 is noticably, but not huge. Aura alone is not enough reason to turn on the Eardweller, but the better aura is a nice bonus when you need to do some heavy-duty BB-kiting.

    Note there may be some rounding weirdness. I TRed recently, so I can't check, but I thought my Superior Ardor auras were ticking for 25, not 26. Anyone got a Clr19 or Clr20 that can double-check this?

    All this, of course, is not including Healing Amp. Any Healing Amp on the target simply multiplies the effect accordingly.

  8. #8
    Founder Gazkhul's Avatar
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    So does the Bard song that heightens spell level by one add to aura as well? It would make you 21 effectively when maxed if you dont have the radiant set....just curious
    Last edited by Gazkhul; 07-08-2011 at 01:32 AM.

  9. #9
    Community Member Antheal's Avatar
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    Can anyone confirm if the Staff of Fleshshaping effects the power of the Burst or Aura? I know it *says* Superior Devotion VI in the item description, but it doesn't appear to be increasing the amount healed by 50%...

  10. #10
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gazkhul View Post
    So does the Bard song that heightens spell level by one add to aura as well? It would make you 21 effectively when maxed if you dont have the radiant set....just curious
    Radiant Servant itself gives you +2 caster level, but, yes, the Spellsinger bard song add to it as well. For a Cleric 19 or 20, this would have no effect, bringing their effective level from 21/22 up to 22/23. However, a Cleric 18 would benefit by getting their effective level up to 21 with the bard song.

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