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  1. #1
    Community Member nerdychaz's Avatar
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    Nov 2009

    Default Assassins! Begin Breaking the Rules! THF! FTW!

    This post serves as a prequel to my upcoming assassin guide. 40 pages of instant death!

    What has the standard been? Strength based, two weapon fighting rogues all swinging khopeshes. Those who go dex based are seen as outsiders from the "L337."

    The creativity has been sucked out of the rogue.

    What needs to change? Your idea of what a rogue should do.

    As of now, rogues MUST have TWF, Power Attack, Improved Crit, Khopeshes, Strength, Dex, Int, Con, Lots of Con! That means everything else suffers. You can't forget about your charisma or wisdom, or those skills suffer! We don't have dump stats, we have burdens!

    We end up with high DPS, but can't hit much on epic content. Sure, fully bard buffed, double madstoned, with divine favor clickies etc. etc. etc. we can hit it. But, that is a lot of work for little reward.

    We get tons of skill points, but more would be cool, except we cant, we dump statted int for everything else we need!

    We need at a minimum, 12 for strength (add tomes), 15 for dex (add tomes), 13 for int (yeah, you could go lower, but it's embarassing), and 14 for con (ADD TOMES!!! MOAR TOMES)!!!!


    Okay, then you are left to go on to feats. Everyone must have Toughness, TWF, ITWF, GTWF, IC Slash, WPN Proficiency Khopesh, maybe power attack and once you step foot in an epic dungeon, you can't hit anything! You can't even assassinate because you miss!

    So, you can do one of these things well, and the rest you just suck at. You can either assassinate and do traps well, DPS well, or maybe have some skills, or perhaps you die well because you forgot about CON.

    Okay, I exaggerate, but I propose a solution.

    Well now my friends, it is time to break free from dexterity all together! DEX CAN BE A DUMP STAT!!!

    You need to give up having pairs of weapons. Open up your inventory to PHAT LEWT!! MAX INT, STR, and maybe a bit of CON, Nah, MOAR CON!!!

    How could you possibly benefit? Well, first off, you take a negative to your BAB due to TWF. Didn't know that? They did it one of the last updates. You see, TWF feats only grant a percentage chance the second strike will hit at all, for that to succeed, the first must hit. Instead you always take a negative to your BAB, unless you take OTWF.

    Cite your source NOOB!

    So, what do you do for weapons? Well, you could be a quarterstassassin! Now make that name work with a halfling and I will LOL. Of course, if you were to do HELF, you could take the fighter dilly for proficiency to everything!

    And for god's sake DO NOT multiclass assassin! You fool!

    What are the benefits of this? High int = high assassinate, trap skill, more skills, etc.

    Feats? What about feats? What, you don't know what to take? DO NOT TAKE the THF line! It is unnecessary and draws aggro! Do you want aggro? Not in my DMZ soldier!

    What about Cleave? Cleave rocks! Ever proc an a sneak attack vorpal on a cleave? Me either! I'm at level 13 with this one, 5 to go! Then I can do it!

    Maybe you don't want cleave? What do you want? I don't care!

    Hahaha, silly noob, your evasion will suck. Haha! Ignorant elitist! I have the feat insightful reflexes! I really am smart! So says my 32 INT!

    I will edit this post later with some more coherent information you can make use of. In the mean time, I think I need to let the caffeine wear off.......

    UPDATE: response build
    Last edited by nerdychaz; 06-12-2011 at 06:42 AM.
    Member of The Guild of Calamitous Intent
    Cannith Server
    Main Toons: Skarro and Usko
    I maximize my strengths and buy bane weapons for my weaknesses.

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