Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic
Very nice. I'm a young drinker, so I'm just stuck on what i did in college. Tequila and I were BFFs.
hrm... next night hubby is at work and i'm off in the morning... lol. I shall have to test this game being better. lol
I think automatically assuming the person is lazy is a bit over the top.
There are lots of other reasons why someone might ask for a share:
1- the player is new
2- the player knows the quest, but hasn't memorized the quest giver location and might be embarrassed to admit it
3- the player forgot to pick up the quest and doesn't want to make the group wait for him to do so
4- the player is simply mimicking what he's seen many other players do and then assumes 'share plz' is accepted DDO jargon
1) I have no problem with new players, but with new players that don't want to learn.
2) We all had to learn, it takes a while, this is nothing to be embarrassed about.
3) I would rather wait, yes this is a personal opinion.
4) Unfortunately it is more and more accepted, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
Capslock is my modifier key, because it is right next to the shift and ctrl keys, and I can easily hit them all with my pinky. This gives me access to 9 full bars of spells, clickys, and equipment using only my left hand, allowing me to use my right hand to improve my maneuvering. As a side effect, I click capslock on and off constantly. I recommend to my teammates to ignore it. You shouldn't need to do so as I play on Orien, but in case you'd like to squelch me in advance, the names are Drauqa, Tsuarok, Presha, and Ardour.
Community Member
you need to come to khyber :P, for all our drama, based on what forumites say, we have basically the best newbies/ pugging.
people usually ask for a share precisely because they want to find the quest entrance, and then pull their weight fairly decently. (this coming from pugging across only 2 lives, so maybe just lucky?), i havent noticed any over-entitlement, whining, zerging, or unwillingness to learn from any noticeable percentage of these newbs.
I guess I have a different feel for this because if I am part of a group and someone new is added I automatically hit the share quest button. I just try to show a little consideration for my fellow gamers. You' d be suprised if you try it out how many thank you's you hear or ty's you see typed on the group window. A little kindness can go a long way in DDO. We are all just trying to have fun playing the same game.
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Community Member
I ask for shares somewhat often simply due to the fact that I'm running around doing things while clicking whatever LFM it is. Half the time, in that few seconds that i'm waiting to be accepted, i'm already heading to the quest itself. I would much rather share the quest with a person than have to wait for them to grab it themselves. Hell, when i'm running chains then im usually sharing all of them at the start with everyone, or im sharing the next one in line as soon as we recall out of the current one. Generally when im playing, I have things I want to accomplish and waiting on people generally isn't one of them. If you prefer waiting for someone to go grab the quest rather than sharing it,then you my friend, probably have more spare time than I do.
Epiitaph - Antivyrus - Mkael - Raolin
I will ask for share on my healer. Usually i am the last person in the group so its to speed things up. Now doing that if the quest giver is right by the entrance that is just lazy.
I'm confused on this one...there are numerous times when all that is needed to be is 1-2 words....or are you talking about someone who uses an actual period after a statement like.....
"Does anyone want this shard?"
"yes plz.".........instead of just "yes plz"
"Which way to the next shrine?"
"north.".....instead of just "north"
I don't see why 1-2 words are bad, but CAPS LOCK is really irritating. I don't like to use them as well.
"When a mind does not know itself, it is flawed. When a mind is flawed, the man is flawed. When a man is flawed, that which he touches is flawed. It is said that what a flawed man sees, his hands make broken."
Gladly share quests unless the quest giver is right outside but when I put a lfm up it usually has in progress and they need to hurry if they want xp and loot :-p
Community Member
Then in that case I hope u squelch me cos I dont like people like you.
What is so wrong with asking for a share. Is he or she asking you for money or your soul or your pubic hair?
Though I used to ask for a share back when I was a newbie I no longer need it now. But wow people like you are whats really wrong in these types of SOCIAL!!! games. Just know that many people play this game and that they aren't so quick to learn or smart or gangster superstar as you. Some people have mental disablities or are kids or just need help cos they are new. There is such a thing as karma and may she have at you.