Soulless or Die.
Vairs - clc 20 , Aairs - wiz 20, Xairs - Brb 20, Zairs - FvS20, Sairs - Pal18/Mk2, Jairs - Brd 20
small problem - soulless - 20 mins... probably possible to do this one in at least half this time
Great to have another server in on the action and major congratz to AFK and G R I N D E R S that's going to be a time never to be beaten.
As for the difficulty of the quest v the Highest level in group with the fastest time that has full XP is the one that stands. For e.g. The Twilight Forge Elite is level 13 so a group with the max level of 14 with a time of 10 mins would still beat a group with max level 15 of 9 mins.
Granted we can make note of the fastest times for any level but there aren't many quests where this really would be applicable and a chronoscope elite max level 20 of 7 mins is not any major achievement.
aLiclan - Thelanis - Crony - Gimptalot - Shaista - Sonofhunta
New shroud record set today, thought i'd get in first before the others.
It has been brought to my attention that one of the members of this Shroud 10 minute run were one shotting portals, any chance this is related to todays hotfix? Can you honestly be proud of this time? Take it down and save being disgraced.
This type of behavior is not in the spirit of fair play or good competition and makes a mockery of everyone who genuinely wants to have fun and participate.
Last edited by Hunta-EU; 06-15-2011 at 09:38 AM.
aLiclan - Thelanis - Crony - Gimptalot - Shaista - Sonofhunta
blah blah blah, were you there? No
do i know you ? No
does my time count? i don't care
speculate what you want, i had fun, the people who's names aren't blacked out had fun, and people who know me know how i reached that time.
to me that's all that matters having fun.
oh btw i promise cross my heart, hope to die, that i wasn't 1 shotting portals.
Where theres smoke theres fire... congrats on an excellent time
aLiclan - Thelanis - Crony - Gimptalot - Shaista - Sonofhunta
was not there.. but when a tell is sent to someone in game saying we are going to destroy the shroud record using monks... just saying.... not a big secret what the bug was to allow things to drop quickly using monks. So I would * that time if it were to be posted..
not going to mention the persons name that the tell was sent to, but will say he was a member of Souless, so try to refute this, I'm sure that individual will speak up and post the screen shot of the tell, that he said he took
So like I said, wasn't there. so cant confirm that you did it legit or not, just speculation, and for what its worth, it was a nice time posted. Proof doesnt always lie in a screenshot. Just shows a time and not how the raid was done... If it were frapsed, then I would believe that it was legit.
Cash out.
Roving Guns - Sarlona
i'll be short and blunt.
you weren't there. the tell was sent cause i'm not trying to hide how time was achieved. I get on well with the guys from soulless and since their members maintain this thread i did them the courtesy of making sure there was no doubt. I've also sent Hunta-EU a pm.
thanks for the compliment re. the time, it was definately fun and i did learn a couple of tactics i'll use to shave of some time on my next serious speed run attempt.
I was told taht this time was achieved by... usin broken game mechanics.
ill leave it up to everyone though: should the "dodgy"record be posted or a legit no bug use completion time be posted?
Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
Main: Sharess
Alts: Avaril/Cyr/Cyrillia/Garagos/Inim/Lamasa/Ravella
Broke our own record, and also broke the world record. Without caster dots
Soulless or Die.
You guys make me want to come back and it's barely been a week, I was hoping to atleast take a month long break![]()
The Coolest Person On Orien, I’m a Melee DPS User, Find me On Thorrygg, Thorrwyn, Gorrwyk, Harlophas and Lowharm! I love running all the Content of this Game and Look Forward to being friends with you all, I do not tolerate people badmouthing others or hindering the experience of any new Players in this Game, I will help where I can and When I can. ????