Posted by Turbine
/not signed
although i apreciate where you are coming from i feel the devs got this one right - they let you make 4 mistakes. thats prety reasonable when i look back and consider the old coyle, and of curse the mumies that must be kept alive.
those quests have since been changed and i have to say my desire to run either of these quests is not what it was, despite screaming blue murder at the time i realise now i actualy enjoyed the challenge.
My suggestion is make quests like these where u have to babysit npcs way more tolerant on casual/normal, as they are on hard, and much more stringent on elite.
elite should mean no mistakes, bring the right team, prepare thy self.
Ex Euro player from devourer: Charaters on orien(Officer of Under Estimated & Nightfox): Wrothgar, Cobolt, Shadeweaver, TheMetal, Metaphysical, Allfred, Razortusk and many more.
stuff by me:
You can't have the same kind of challenges everytime. You need different challenges so you don't get bored with the game.
"When a mind does not know itself, it is flawed. When a mind is flawed, the man is flawed. When a man is flawed, that which he touches is flawed. It is said that what a flawed man sees, his hands make broken."
Use acid based weapons or paralyzers for melee. Spiders are immune to acid.
You're missing the point, the challenge of the quest is that you have to think and can't blindly kill every single mob you run across like all other quests in the game (but 1). Obviously if you're failing, this quest is challenging.
Last edited by LordPiglet; 06-11-2011 at 05:02 PM.
its not that difficult, if you have party members that cannot read that spiders should not be killed then you should reform with people who can.
This basic principle applies to many other things too.
This is true. I was pointing out that the no killing of spiders only starts by picking up a book....not as soon as you enter the quest. So if you are in a pug and unsure of your pug-mates clear out all the lower tunnels first before picking up the book. This will leave only the upper tunnels and can maximize the potential for no spider kills. Before picking up the first book the THF barbs can kill everything and will not trigger the failure of losing the extra chest.
Thelanis - Green Mtn Boys - Level 200
Always willing to admit that I might be wrong..... but....
I have never seen all three chests in a group that enters the quest, and thinks it is ok to kill spiders before picking up the first book.
And I have seen all three chests in groups that did not kill any spiders from the moment they entered the quest.
Plus I've been told that that is how it works, by some people I trust, here on the forums.
Things change of course. And the Devs never tell us when they change. Or how they are suppose to work anyway.... So the exact details are of how something works are sometimes hard to pin down.
But currently, that is how I think it works.
Sry if I'm wrong.
I might try to experiment a little next time I do it, if I can find a willing party to help me. (or try to solo on my caster)
Only ever failed this quest once, and that was when my buddy hit wail instead of FoD. Kinda humorous in retrospect.
"You failed!"
I just throw my stun hammer on and a shield when I run it on my fighter. Equip spectacles of spirit sight with my cleric. I've passed before even running the cove cutlasses and never popped a spider till the last room.
Aeolwind (5/12) - 18 Sorc/1 Art | Melisandria - 20 Fighter SD | Anlona - 20 cleric RS
Much as I understand the OP's frustration, I have to agree with this. It's challenging in a way that most other quests aren't - you don't have to be an expert puzzle solver, you don't have to have a rogue with some ridiculously high trap DC, you don't need a dedicated tank, you don't even have to keep a mentally deficient NPC alive; you simply have to be able to understand your gear, your spells, and your weapons so that you minimize the "collateral damage" you and your party do. Seems simple enough, until you realize your Mabar cloak just killed one of the spiders(happened to me
To get the spider chest - you have to kill zero spiders, from start to finish. Even before picking up the book.
You can get one other additional chest for killing all the Ogre Magi.
If I've killed a spider before picking up the book, I've never gotten the extra chest - even with killing none of the five after picking it up.
My comment was based on having not failed this quest in forever and usually getting all three chest even in pug groups, but since you seemed insistant you were correct I felt it helpful to prove one of us right. I ran sleeping dust multiple times tonight on my sorc to test out the chest mechanics.
You are in fact completely right and I was wrong.
If you kill even one spider the right of the 3 chests will disappear. If you kill no spiders the right chest will be there with a spider standing next to it.
The center chest is for completing the quest and has the pie piece and material.
The left chest you get for killing all of the ogre magi.
Thelanis - Green Mtn Boys - Level 200
not signed.
power is nothing without control.
learn self control.
Zanuzi-Ardazell-Ardazphyk-and a load of Jarl's
Was once known on Keeper as Sekata, Dukkebox, Zanusi
/not signed
although close to coal this is one of my most disliked quests but offers a challenge of understanding.
an understanding NOT to summon a pet at the end fight.
I never had a problem with it myself at least.
No. NO. NO.
NO Escort Missions
Mijuu Llanes (Human Sorcerer 20)-Argonessan/Nevantide Wineblack (Drow Rogue13)
On one hand, during leveling my TR I ran the quest at least 5 times, all pugs, no fail.
On the other hand, on one of the runs I killed a spider that appeared to be behind me. Not kidding, I swing, spider behind me pops floaties and dies. Lag can be a cruel mistress.
All in all, I don't think the quest needs changing, but maybe I just have really good luck with pugs.