Welcome to the wonderful world of Monks
**Disclaimer, please see the forums about the wrap issues upon switching... make sure you're up to speed on what is occuring and what you'll need to do to work around it until the devs fix it**
Here's some quick tips, hopefully they help:
- You'll be pulling active feats and enhancements down into your hotbars for clicking, set your main ones up to your hotkeys. I use Stun Fist/Fist o Light/Void IV/Quivering Palm/Finishing Move as my main 5... at level 1 you'll be looking for your Disciple of 'element' ki strikes to place. You should have all 4 main elements. Anytime you use a Ki strike you attack with the bonus elemental damage.
- Depending on your build, as you take the adept/master/grandmaster of your stance lines you'll need to swap out the better damaging ki strikes. These are also your 'Air/Fire/Earth/Water' strikes for purpose of finishers...
- Your path dictates whether you'll have light or dark finishing moves, and which prestige class is open to you. I highly recommend Shintao I-III. This enhancement line will open up to you other 'light' moves which will act as your 'light' ki-strike for purposes of a finisher.
- In your Feats, pull down your 'finishing moves' square and put it on a hotbar/key (whatever is easy for you to hit)... its the red square... as you hit ki-strike combos you'll open up various finishing moves... your red box will become whatever icon of the move that is available. Keep your eye on it when it changes and if you have enough ki you'll be able to trigger your finishing move by hitting your hotbar/key. Example: Fists of Light is a 5 ki light monk ki strike... if I hit that, or any other light ki strike, 3 times in a row without disrupting the path (normal attacks are fine, so is stun) then your healing burst finishing move becomes available and can heal you and those around you for a bit of hp.
- So a fire/light/fire finisher would require : fire strike, then light fist strike, then fire strike again after its off cool-down (six seconds)... then you have the Walk of the Sun finisher open, which I believe gives a short boost to skill checks and saves for all in the area.
- It is NOT making 3 strikes in a row while in a stance... each stance grants you a boost to a various stat, as well as detracting from an opposing stat. They can be used situationally. Wind gives you more attacks and higher double strike percentage, fire gives you more str and more ki on each strike, water ups your wisdom and overall saves, and earth gives more con and at tier 3 & 4 can up your critical multiplier (me likee this one right now!)
- Concentration is crucial to keep your ki... fire stance is best for quickly accumulating ki
- Get used to hitting lots of buttons to be the best monk you can be... light monks are great for party support.
- Pay close attention to your enhancements and what you're taking. A lot of times you'll have new stuff to swap out into your hot bars... same for feats!
- If you don't have enough ki for a particular ki-strike it will grey out until it is available. Good to know when you're looking at your rise of the pheonix after the party cleric just went down.
- You can hold the finishing move until you have the ki to employ it... just don't open any chests/doors or take any pots, or swap items. Those actions will throw off any finishing path you've started, or move you're holding and you'll need to start the process over.
I'm sure there is stuff I missed, and others will fill in the blanks!
Cheers and have fun
Should have mentioned too, I still place my full finishing move icons on side bars so I can reference to see what patterns I need to hit for each finisher, and to reference what each finisher does. Most useful for Light Monks are the fnishing moves of Align Heavens, and Grasp the Earth (I think thats the one)... the former reduces sp cost by 25% for 1 minute (great before buffs), and the latter makes all in the area immune to stun and other affects for 1 minute (great for some specific end game quests).