I really enjoy the All-Hjealer raids-- it's great to be able to do something off the beaten path, and to be able to see some of you on the forums that I don't get to play with as often as I'd like.
I've been seeing a lot of people on other servers hosting Hjealer Shrouds, but I want to try something a little more challenging. Eventually I'll work up the nerve for an EV6, but I'm thinking that an Epic Demon Queen would be awesomely fun.
So..... EDQ, and then maybe a EV6 a week or two later?
Sign-up StuffI don't want to screw this up- I left one person out of the Elite Shroud by accident, so I'm going to post the rules right in the first post so there's no confusion.
- Must have a Cleric/FvS icon next to your name- other than that, any class split is ok.
- Must be Level 20 (Capped). This is an Epic run.
- Must be able to carry your own weight. I'm not going to MyDDO people for HP or any of that ****, however you can stay alive and contribute is fine with me. You know what your toon can do, just don't be deadweight.
- Taking sign-ups FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. If you cannot make it, pleeeeeeeease let me know in advance. Pretty please?
- If you can flag ADQ1 ahead of time, that'd be great... means that all you have to do is show up. If you won't be able to pre-flag, we will run a flagging group prior to the raid. Please look for the flagging LFM 1/2 hour before the start time.... we'll have 1-2 groups running simultaneously if need be.
- I'm offering Nothing Personal's ship for anyone who wishes to buff prior to the raid. We've got +2 stat shrines, Resists, yada, yada, yada. Just send me a tell.
The scheduled time we had for Elite Shroud seemed to work out good for everyone, so I'll stick to that. Raid will be on Saturday, June 25th at 8:00pm. All times are Eastern Standard.
Flagging will be in the LFM panel at approximately 7:30pm. NP's ship will be available between 7:30pm and 8:00pm--- send a tell to Saraphima for an invite. Yes, I'll have the list in front of me-- this is not an open invitation for all of Argo to cram onto NP's ship. If you're not on the raid, getcher own **** buffs, please.
Raid will start at 8:00pm sharp.
(If you see your name on the list, but you didn't sign up and have no idea what's going on, it's because I'm reserving you a spot and I'll catch up with you to confirm.)
Cleric/FvS All Star Team!
- Saraphima (Pallai, Chennai), Nothing Personal and Ascent
- Kannyaheals (Kanbeats, Kanya), NP
- Boxylady (ORIGINALBAGS00, Bagsmkii), NP
- Pepe, CK
- Ironheals (Ironlion, Haack), NP
- Shinigamii (Toastee, Theifing), NP
- Yaga (Yaga_Nub), Care Bears
- Khalines, Stranger Than Fiction
- Deathpatch (Maarl, Teh_Meh, Maple Sucker), Aces over Kings
- Incapped (Arko), NP
- Angainor (Cully, Mellkor), Ascent
(Need to confirm those listed below)
- Drenas (waiting to confirm now that the date is changed)
- Stanley, Ascent
(But if we fill, I'll still take reserves and contact you when the inevitable 1-2 people don't show up.)ONLY ONE SPOT LEFT!!!