Because of the human tendency to jump to conclusions and make assumptions based on limited understanding, and the knowledge that this tendency is magnified and multiplied greatly when less than the necessary amount of information is given, I ask for 2 things up front:
1. Please bear with me for a few minutes while I explain a few things that I feel need to be explained...
2. Please read everything before you start tossing the fireballs...
First off, I completely understand the fact that there are so many who are totally against the idea of a usurp function being implemented at all. I totally accept that someone had to use their hard earned cash to buy turbine points, or run their fair share of quests to earn enough favor to earn enough turbine points in order to purchase the guild charter and start their own guild.
I also understand the idea that, if a guild leader doesn't log in for a while and didn't tell the guild what was going on, there may be any number of unknown circumstances that could have prevented him/her from being in the game and letting their guild know (such as military deployment, hospitalization, family or work related emergency, natural disaster, alien abduction...) and it is not always feasible to log in one last time to say something. It would be a bit harsh to come back in the game after months of defending your country (or being probed) only to find that you're no longer the leader of your own guild, or worse, you're no longer IN the guild.
At the same time, I understand the position of the guild members that are still there, logging in and playing the game and having zero control over the situation. They get to spend their hard farmed plat or hard earned cash to buy turbine points, or run their fair share of quests to earn enough favor to earn enough turbine points in order to purchase the guild ship and amenities, organize guild runs, help everyone out, try to maintain the peace, recruit new members etc, only to be told that, in the face of an absentee leader, they have no options because, no matter how much of their money, their plat or themselves they have put into the guild, the guild still is not considered to be theirs, so they just have to watch everything fall apart or start over.
People join different guilds for many reasons. There are personal connections, the "ideology" of a particular guild appeals to them, the guild in question runs a lot of raids or epics together, or perhaps they just want to belong somewhere... The possible reasons are far too many to attempt to list here but the point is, for the same reason/s we may join a guild in the first place, we may also quit a guild and join another, regardless of our "rank".
Our guild is falling apart. Our guild leader has been gone for nearly 4 months, we have lost the majority of our officers and we are losing lots of members because of the lack of a leader and the lack of ability to advance (yes, surprisingly the ability to become an officer does appear to be important to some people) and various other reasons.
I was in our guild for just about a year when my guild leader stopped logging in. It was long enough for us to become very good friends. I happen to know enough about him to know that he is not in the military, that he has never been gone for more than a week (and never without letting us know what was going on) that he 'is' completely obsessed with DDO and his greatest desire (in the game) is to achieve Completionist. I joined the guild when his first toon was a lvl 18 AA, and I've watched him grind out 3 lives after that (Cleric, Rogue and Fighter). I know how much he loves this game. I also know that he would not disappear like this unless there was something huge going on.
For over 3 months I have been unsuccessful at contacting him via email, Skype or text. I have no clue where he is or what's going on with him. Our guild leader is not some random person that just wanted a sense of power and control and chose to have that via guild leadership, either. He's a great human being with a big heart that loves to help people in any way he can.
This whole situation and the troubles with the usurp function have put me in a tricky spot... Not only am I my guild leader's friend, and not only is he someone I trust and respect and whose trust and respect I have earned... I am also his successor.
Here's my suggestion: Forget the usurp function. Get rid of it altogether. If someone wants to be a guild leader, as in, they feel the desire to have that title, let them start a guild. Instead, just allow the "powers" of leadership to pass to the successor so that we can promote new officers and have the "authority" of the title without the title. Make the leader an "unexpellable" position so that he/she will always remain the leader of their guild and can slide right back into place when/if they return... The guild can deal with the politics when the time comes.
To be perfectly honest, I am of the opinion that the renown system did more harm to the game than good. There are more elitists, more control freaks, more politics and less fun than I have seen in my time playing DDO, and it annoys me to no end... Now there's this situation which, if we didn't have the renown system and all that goes with it, an absent leader wouldn't be this big of an issue... But, as this is the system we have, this is the system we have to work with.
We have put too much time, effort and money (both real and programmed) into our guild to be told that it's not ours, particularly when our leader NEVER thought of it as his exclusively. We have lost far too many officers to make it without new ones, and we have lost massive amounts of renown, and the situation is only made worse by the new crafting system causing people to take gear or essences rather than renown rewards whenever they can.
Look... My guild leader did not start our guild because he wanted to be in position of power or authority, but because he wanted to be in a position of responsibility. He worked hard to make a positive name for our guild and wanted people to know that our guild was always up for some fun, and always helpful. These are the ideals that attracted me to this guild and these are the ideals that have kept me there for so long. I do not want to see it fall apart.
By now, our guild has lost about 2/3 of its officers and we're about to lose a few more if we don't get solution.
Just as a side note, I also feel it should be a little less easy for a guild leader to disband an active guild in situations like this. If I started a guild and ended up with some of my officers and members putting more into the guild than I did, in terms of money, time or whatever else, how is it fair for me to get ticked off and blow all their time and money?