/p ship invit plz
Feminine(TR 20 Barb) | Trueist(TR 18/2 Clonk) | Eninimef(TRing 18/1/1 Ranger/Barb/Ftr) | Jerzey(20 Monk) | Posterior(20 Wizard) |
Femjam(11/1/1 Bard/Barb/Ftr) | Truelife(11/1/1 Rogue/Barb/Ftr) | Colnbluth(TR 10 Sorc)
Server: Khyber - Guild: Ransack
you changed, bro...
Your thread is rather inflammatory. I think if it was worded differently it would be a lot more palatable.
What does it matter what people do on their way to the quest entrance if it doesnt waste any of your time ?
I would be willing to bet that on at least one occasion you would have been in a party wipe situation if it wasnt for some of the bonusses Ship buffs give. A few extra Hit Points, Spell points, the odd +1 on saves can all mean the difference between success and failure.
I can see you may get a little frustrated in a quest you can blow away on elite on your own twiddling your thumbs whilst people insist on running up to a ship.
Is it really a big issue ? not to me anyway.
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Was running the new harbinger of madness pack last night and was the last to join. Ran straight to the quest entrance to find the group waiting for me. The leader noticed I had not one ship buff and politely asked if I'd like to run and grab them. I declined because I did not want to hold the party up, but I thought it was a nice gesture. To each their own.
Party on.
Remember...it's better to regret something you have done, than to regret something you haven't done.
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So tell me OP, when you're waiting at least ten minutes, with 10 anxious PUGers, for that must have toon and one finally join and says "buffing and omw", you gonna kick em right? Go for it, but you're not gonna have just one ticked off indidivual, you're going to have 11. Good luck with that. There is a reason they say patience is a virtue, it keeps from ****ing people off.
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Khyber: Daedri - 20th lvl Elf Fighter (Yay, first lvl 20 7/2/11)
Art misunderstanding by calm, poise and balance.
Meh, I know it's irritating to wait but really, getting like 20 HP, 4 AC, 2 dmg, is good, why bother?![]()
"When a mind does not know itself, it is flawed. When a mind is flawed, the man is flawed. When a man is flawed, that which he touches is flawed. It is said that what a flawed man sees, his hands make broken."
All of these posts about blacklisting and OP is nuts, no one will join them, etc etc. just proves one thing: We all don't think alike. Very interesting... LOL
My feelings on the matter:
1. Why do people feel the need to tell the group they are getting ship buffs? As stated in other posts it takes what 30 seconds to hit up shrines. We don't need to be like those addicted to twitter and facebook and update our status to the world over every little thing we are doing.
2. Whats with the "Can I get an invite to a ship with X?". Just out of curiousity how many of us are willing to walk up to a stranger in a nice house and ask if we can come in and look around and use the amenities? On the flip side how many of us are willing to let a stranger into our own homes to use the amenities?
3. When invited don't dautle. Get what you came for and move on.
This is just a game, we can all play together and have fun. My feeling is that we should all have manners and see all sides of the issue before we rush headlong into believing we are right and others are wrong...
These are raids on normal. They aren't that hard to do and we were doing them long before there were ship buffs that existed. They are nice to have but not a necessity. Why hold up 11 people for a quest on norm.
Rarely is human behavior without any justification whatsoever. If you have simply chosen to take the action to remove people who mention ship buffs because they mention ship buff, while irrational in my own opinion, that's your choice.
The reason I'm asking is that you have felt the need to post about it on the forums, and by the tone of your post you have mentioned it before. This implies either you feel negatively about some aspect of ship buffs (either directly or indirectly), or have latched onto it as a means of attention.
If it is the former, I'd enjoy a nice discussion. But as it seems it's either the latter, or as you state, without reason, then there's no discussion to be had. Enjoy the game!
Khyber: Daedri - 20th lvl Elf Fighter (Yay, first lvl 20 7/2/11)
Art misunderstanding by calm, poise and balance.
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The reason he probably hates people getting ship buffs is that he either doesn't have access to them, or high enough level ones to be useful. It's most likely just jealousy.