Ok, I'm in a strange mood and just had a strange conversation. So let me share.......
Player x "You have any funk ? I have 3"
Me "Link to 5 Chipmunk Funk"
Player x "WootCan I has 3?"
Me (starting off a negotiation...I get these occationally siting on a pack of ****.) "for 2 large scales or a red or 675k plat"
Player x ">.> I am a friend man" (on and alt I did not recognise but confirmed that he is a cool cat. run in past with him.......again I'm not in guild, not tied to hip of anyone on server.......just frendlish.)
Me "lol! are you a wealthy frirend?"
Player x "I wish.........(then names alt that I know)"
Me "kk well those are the things I think they are worth. what are you offering me mate? Ill give ya a friends discount........."
Player x "I am out of large scales and need 10 more for GS khopheshes :/"
Player x "But I can snag some from other friends np"
Me (starting to finally realize he wants me to give him 3 funks and not even present a request to borrow them till he can farm them) "'kk. I have a pair of kamas i was giong to build this life. have a bit more vale farming to do, but not hemeraging funk"
Player x "Yea I just need 3"
Pause here for a bit..........+
Player x "But I can farm quests no big deal"
So.............That is a long story with no real point, but in a sharing mood and it caught me off guard. To player x, you are a gaming friend, fortunaly for me on Cannith I feel like I have many........and not a one of them woudl I give 3 funk to. So dont feel like I slighted you, while I enjoy giving stuff away on a whim, there is enough hunter in me that when asked for something, I find a passion to negotiate.
Oh and lastly, yes a whole blank is likely barely worth a Red.........and the AH prices of 225K plat per funk was a modelstly high starting point.....for what was a random tell from an alt I didnt know........but frist pass of negotiation and all.